
TCP Script Server Raw

by Synthiam

TCP server that listens for script commands.

Requires ARC v8 (Updated 3/23/2021)

How to add the TCP Script Server Raw robot skill

  1. Load the most recent release of ARC (Get ARC).
  2. Press the Project tab from the top menu bar in ARC.
  3. Press Add Robot Skill from the button ribbon bar in ARC.
  4. Choose the Communication category tab.
  5. Press the TCP Script Server Raw icon to add the robot skill to your project.

Don't have a robot yet?

Follow the Getting Started Guide to build a robot and use the TCP Script Server Raw robot skill.

How to use the TCP Script Server Raw robot skill

This TCP server will bind to a port and listen for incoming EZ-Script, JavaScript or Python commands. This is a useful plugin for connecting third part controllers and products to ARC. You may send any command of the specified language, terminated by a new line (\r\n). The response is received which is also terminated by a new line (\r\n).

User-inserted image

Control Command There are also ControlCommand() for starting, stopping and controlling debug settings. This is useful if you wish to control this plugin from another script in the project, or when a connection is established to the EZ-B.

Configure Language The configuration screen of this robot skill allows specifying the language that will be used for incoming connections. You can choose between Python, JavaScript and EZ-Script.

User-inserted image

Be Socket Friendly Although you can establish a new connection for each request, it is recommended that you maintain one connection and reuse it throughout your program. This will use the nature of the TCP (transmission controlled protocol). Every time a TCP connection is established, a bunch of back and forth occurs, which takes time and resources. If you reuse the connection, your program will run much faster. If your program is using multi-threads and therefore executes commands asynchronously, we recommend using a TCP connection per thread.

New Line Terminated Response Every command that you send will return a new line terminated response, even if it is an empty response. Empty new line terminated responses would be for commands that do not return anything, such as SetServo(). This means it is important for your program to read the response of every command to ensure it is always caught up with the input stream.

Python To send and receive from a python program...

import socket

# create an ipv4 (AF_INET) socket object using the tcp protocol (SOCK_STREAM)
client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

# connect the client, in this case localhost
client.connect(('', 8080))

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# send some  EZ-Script (in this case do some simple math)

# receive the response data 
response = client.recv(2048)

print response

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# send some more  EZ-Script (in this case print a string)
client.send('print("Hello World!")\r\n')

# receive the response data 
response = client.recv(2048)

print response

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# send some more  EZ-Script (in this case move a servo)
client.send('Servo(d0, 90)\r\n')

# receive the response data 
response = client.recv(2048)

print response

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# send some more  EZ-Script (in this case get servo position)

# receive the response data 
response = client.recv(2048)

print response

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# close the tcp connection


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Elevate your robot's capabilities to the next level with Synthiam ARC Pro, unlocking a world of possibilities in robot programming.


Does TCP Script Server Raw work with ARC?   When I try and load the plugin it says that it was compiled for ARC and needs to be recompiled for ARC.  Is it an issue on my end or is that plugin no longer being used?    If not used what is the equivalent if you want to have another plugin to send commands to ARC instead of using the built in scripts.   eg: if you want to use python with imported libraries like opencv or others that the built in python does not support.

#2   — Edited

You had neither tagged the skill or replied to the skill as a comment - so i moved it here for you. Looks like that skill needs to be updated!:)


It's been updated:) should work now


Awesome. Thanks for fixing it so fast.


Would it be useful to allow JavaScript commands as well? I can make it configurable in the config menu of shag language it supports.

JavaScript python or ezscript


Okay - the latest version you can select what language to use. By default it is EZ-Script for backwards combability


Thanks that is a nice touch especially since JavaScript is so much faster.   Yes EZ-Script as default is the way to go so existing programs work.