This Soundboard will play MP3 or WAV files out of the default sound output device on your PC. Scripts can be added to the timeline of each audio file for automation.
How to add the Soundboard V2 (PC) robot skill
- Load the most recent release of ARC (Get ARC).
- Press the Project tab from the top menu bar in ARC.
- Press Add Robot Skill from the button ribbon bar in ARC.
- Choose the Audio category tab.
- Press the Soundboard V2 (PC) icon to add the robot skill to your project.
Don't have a robot yet?
Follow the Getting Started Guide to build a robot and use the Soundboard V2 (PC) robot skill.
How to use the Soundboard V2 (PC) robot skill
This Soundboard will play MP3 or WAV files out of your PC's default sound output device. Scripts can be added to the timeline of each audio file for automation. You can use the scripts to create dances and movement events that trigger at specific times along the audio file.
This is similar to the soundboard (PC) but adds the ability to apply scripts to the audio file timeline.
Scripts can be added to each audio file triggered during the playback timeline. Right-click in the waveform to add an empty script or select an Auto Position action from the list. The time for the script can be adjusted by selecting the script on the timeline and dragging it along the waveform.