Robot Building Questions

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Remote control robots or add telepresence capabilities with Exosphere
Remote control robots using your phone or PC, or grant access to others for collaborative control.
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Sythiam Swag
Gaming Mouse Pad

Gaming Mouse Pad

While programming your robot, these 9x7 inch personalized mouse pads deliver a smooth experience with a custom flair....
PandoraBot AIML2 by Synthiam
By Synthiam

PandoraBot AIML2

Connect to the PandoraBot AIML2 service using your Pandora developer account

Synthiam Arm by Smarty
By Smarty

Synthiam Arm

hi there, here is one of my robot projects: The EZ-Robot Arm tell him what to do and he does it.


How Do I Assign A List Of Values To An Array Using Script Language

How do I assign a list of values to an array using the script language in Synthiam ARC? For example, I want to create an array like this: $MyArray = [value1, value2, value3].
Rplidar A1 Does Not Return Data

Rplidar A1 Does Not Return Data

Hello! I am using ARC on a Raspberry Pi 4 running Windows 11. The RPLidar A1 function starts automatically as soon as the USB from the Lidar is plugged in....

Using A Variable In Waitforspeech Command

@Athena, How can I use a variable in the WaitForSpeech command? For example, I want to use $Exhibit = WaitForSpeech(30, $ExhibitList), where $ExhibitList contains several options. How can I achieve this?

Whats The Best SBC Under $300 To Build A DIY Two Wheeled Robot With A RP LIDAR

What is the best single-board computer (SBC) under $300 to build a DIY two-wheeled robot equipped with an RP LIDAR? I am considering using a Raspberry Pi 5 with Windows 11. Could you please direct me to any reference wiring diagrams that I can download for a project like this?
Raspberry Pi Digital Ports

Raspberry Pi Digital Ports

hello!  Ive got this msg setup is: RPI 4 + L298 + Dc motor + 6V Batt supply, ARC installed on Win 11 RPI, Dual H-Bridge function used. below the config: L298 left...

Can I Remote Control My JD Humanoid With A Steam Deck Controller ?

I have a JD Humanoid robot, and I would like to control it using a remote control. Is it possible to control my JD Humanoid with a Steam Deck controller?

TTS Not Finishing

Hi everyone, I have just dusted off my ALTAIR robot and loaded the latest version of ARC Pro. I then ran the last ALTAIR code, which used to work perfectly. However, I encountered a major problem: virtually all Text-to-Speech (TTS) commands never complete. For example, the phrase I am ALTAIR robot only outputs I am ALTAIR ro. I am using the...

Best Way To Connect A 12V Servo To The EZ-B V4

@Athena, what is the recommended way to connect a 12-volt servo to the EZ-B v4? The stall current of the servo is 8.0 amps. How much current can the EZ-B v4 safely supply? Additionally, I want to ensure that the connection integrates well with the Movement Panels and other plugins in Synthiam ARC.
Cant Find Ip Adres

Cant Find Ip Adres

Hi, I am having trouble locating the IP address of my new IoTiny. I believe it should be something like 192.168.0.???. It does not connect, whether Norton is enabled or disabled. Can...
Can Not Build Robot

Can Not Build Robot

Hello, I am trying to start building a robot, but the instruction view says Completed in the top left corner, and I am unable to proceed. I have not set up anything yet and am just...

JD Robot Rolling

I am curious if it is possible to modify the JD robot to enable it to roll instead of walking, similar to the functionality of the Roli Rover.

Joystick Xinput Control

Is it possible to implement a Pause and Unpause feature for the Joystick XInput Control in Synthiam ARC? I have noticed that users frequently press additional buttons on the Xbox controller before the robot has finished executing the current script. This results in some chaos, with the robot attempting to catch up with the commands.