More Publishing Information

Additional Open-Source Code Examples
Some developers can find additional open-source code examples in the Synthiam OpenSource GitHub repository by clicking here.

Adding Custom ARC Icons
Your control will use the default icon if there isn't another specified. To add an icon, include either a transparent PNG in your project output folder named title.png. This file will be used in the Add Control window of ARC as an icon for your plugin.

Changing ARC Category
You may wish to change the category of your plugin from BETA to an appropriate category when publishing to the public. Specify the robot skill's category in the Plugin.xml file. The category is must match one of the categories from the ARC Add Control menu.

Share Unpublished Plugin (User Testing)
It is a good idea to share your newly created plugin with others before publishing it to the public. You can copy the URL of the DOWNLOAD option on your Plugin Definition page and send it to others. The DOWNLOAD option will not display until you have uploaded a valid plugin file.

To share the plugin for testing, copy the URL of the DOWNLOAD option or send the <xxxxx.EZPLUGIN> file to your test group.

User-inserted image