
Stream All The Video Sources

by Synthiam

Stream all video sources from any URI protocol or codec (RTMP, m3u, m3u8, Mkv, MOV, mpg, etc.). The video stream is sent to the selected camera device.

Requires ARC v3 (Updated 3/19/2021)

How to add the Stream All The Video Sources robot skill

  1. Load the most recent release of ARC (Get ARC).
  2. Press the Project tab from the top menu bar in ARC.
  3. Press Add Robot Skill from the button ribbon bar in ARC.
  4. Choose the Camera category tab.
  5. Press the Stream All The Video Sources icon to add the robot skill to your project.

Don't have a robot yet?

Follow the Getting Started Guide to build a robot and use the Stream All The Video Sources robot skill.

How to use the Stream All The Video Sources robot skill

Stream all video sources from any video URI protocol or codec (RTMP, m3u, m3u8, Mkv, MOV, mpg, etc.). The video stream is sent to the selected camera device. This supports webcams or any type of video device/service that provides a video feed over a network.

User-inserted image

Protocol Types

The URL can be a number of different protocol types that specify an end-point feeding a compatible codec. Some supported protocol types that can be specified in the URL are...

How To Use

  1. Add a Camera Device robot skill to the project

  2. Select Custom as the video source in the Camera Device robot skill

  3. Optionally specify a preferred resolution in the camera device

  4. Press START on the Camera Device

  5. View the Config menu in the Stream All Video Sources robot skill

  6. Select the camera device from the dropdown that the video stream will send to

  7. Press SAVE in the config menu

  8. Paste a URL in the Stream All Video Sources robot skill

  9. Press START on the Stream All Video Sources robot skill

To Do

  • Add ControlCommand to start, stop and set url
  • Add a "on start" and "on stop" script


Upgrade to ARC Pro

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Nice,  This is really useful. Gives me a lot of ideas on how to monitor an environment with AI. I have a bunch of dumb IP security cameras in my house and a couple in the roof to watch out for squirrels and racoons.  Is there a limit to the number of camera controls you can add in ARC?


There is no limit to the number of camera controls or virtual desktops


*moved question to the relevant robot skill


updated with a bug fix from a memory leak


@Athena I have a Tapo camera device which has its own app, but in the app itself it mentions that it can share this device. I am in settings and have access to MAC address, IP address, Device name, Wifi Network that it is connected to. How do I find one of the paths (mentioned above) for this app to work properly?


To integrate your Tapo camera with ARC using the Stream All Video Sources robot skill, you'll need to find the RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol) URL for your camera. Many IP cameras, including Tapo, support RTSP, which allows you to stream video to other applications.

Here's how you can find the RTSP URL for your Tapo camera:

  1. Check the Camera's manual or Support Page:

    • The RTSP URL is often provided in the camera's user manual or on the manufacturer's support website. Look for sections related to network settings or streaming.
  2. Use the Tapo App:

    • Some camera apps provide the RTSP URL in the settings or network configuration section. Check if the Tapo app has an option to enable RTSP streaming and view the URL.
  3. Common RTSP URL Format:

    • If you can't find the URL in the documentation, you can try common RTSP URL formats. For Tapo cameras, it might look something like this:
    • Replace <username>, <password>, and <camera-ip-address> with your camera's login credentials and IP address.
  4. Contact Tapo Support:

    • If you're unable to find the RTSP URL, consider reaching out to Tapo's customer support for assistance.

Once you have the RTSP URL, you can follow these steps to use it in ARC:

  1. Add a Camera Device Robot Skill:

    • In ARC, add a Camera Device robot skill to your project.
  2. Select Custom Video Source:

    • In the Camera Device settings, select "Custom" as the video source.
  3. Configure Stream All Video Sources:

    • Add the Stream All Video Sources robot skill to your project.
    • In the config menu, select the camera device you added earlier.
    • Paste the RTSP URL into the Stream All Video Sources skill.
    • Press "START" on both the Camera Device and Stream All Video Sources skills.

This setup should allow you to stream video from your Tapo camera into ARC, where you can use it for monitoring or AI processing. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.