
Vertical Servo

How to add the Vertical Servo robot skill

  1. Load the most recent release of ARC (Get ARC).
  2. Press the Project tab from the top menu bar in ARC.
  3. Press Add Robot Skill from the button ribbon bar in ARC.
  4. Choose the Servo category tab.
  5. Press the Vertical Servo icon to add the robot skill to your project.

Don't have a robot yet?

Follow the Getting Started Guide to build a robot and use the Vertical Servo robot skill.

How to use the Vertical Servo robot skill

This servo skill allows you to drag the mouse vertically (up & down) on display to move the position of a vertical servo. The vertical servo will only move to the minimum and maximum limits you specify in the skill's settings. The limits are both set to 90 by default.

*Note: Like all robot skills, this does not save the last servo position used. To set a servo position when the robot connects, create an initialization script using the Connection Skill.

Main Window

1. Position Adjust/Display
Click and hold the left mouse button on this area to adjust the servo position. If you right-click, you can enter the desired position with the keyboard. It will also display the current servo position between 1 and 180 degrees.

2. Release Button
Pressing the Release button will release the servo from holding its position. If the gearing allows, you should now be able to move the output gear by hand.

3. Center Button
Pressing the Center button will move the servo to the center position between the maximum and minimum servo positions in the settings menu. Ex: Maximum position set to 140 and minimum position set to 10, center position would be 75.


1. Title Field
This field contains the title of the skill. You can change it if you'd like. *Note: Changing the title will also change the title in the controlCommand() associated with this skill.

2. Board Index Drop-down
Select the board number that your servo is connected to.

3. Port Drop-down
Select the digital port that your servo is connected to.

4. Minimum Position Adjust
Click and hold the left mouse button to adjust the minimum servo position value. Right-click to enter it in with the keyboard.

5. Maximum Position Adjust
Click and hold the left mouse button to adjust the maximum servo position value. Right-click to enter it in with the keyboard.

6. Multi Servo Edit Window
This window allows you to select multiple servos that you'd like to mirror the movement of the master servo.

7. Invert Direction Checkbox
When checked this checkbox allows you to invert the direction that the servo moves when a position value is sent to it. Ex: When normally a 180 position value makes the servo move all the way up, with the inverted directed checkbox enabled the servo will move all the way down when 180 is sent to it.

How to Use Vertical Servo

1) Add the Vertical Servo skill to your ARC project (Project -> Add Skill -> Servo -> Vertical Servo).

2) In the skill settings select the digital port that you have a vertical servo plugged into.

3) Adjust the minimum and maximum servo limit values.

4) Back in the main window left click and hold your mouse button on the position display to move the vertical servo.



A 3-wire GVS (Ground-Voltage-Signal) 180° Servo Motor.


Click here for a tutorial on how a servo works.

Click here for a tutorial on using a servo skill.

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