Telepresence Robot

Telepresence Robot by Ohmnilabs

Connection Type
Number of servos
Audio Support
Camera Support

Telepresence made easy. The Ohmni telepresence robot lets you be anywhere in the world in just one click.

The new Ohmni Supercam contains the highest resolution camera in a telepresence robot. A 13MP camera plus the Ohmni low-latency encoding system gives you an immersive, ultra-wide field of view without sacrificing visual detail.

Designed and built with 3D printers in Silicon Valley, CA!

Windows 10

Installing Microsoft Windows 10 on the robot's UpBoard and run ARC directly. There are instructions for setting up Windows 10 on the Ohmnilabs Standalone Skill page.

Robot Skill (Movement Panel)

Use the Ohmnilabs Standalone Skill that connects to the Ohmnilab serial bus for direct control.

Exosphere Telepresence

This robot shines when configured in telepresence mode using Exosphere. There is a great tutorial HERE.

Demo Video

In this demo video, we have the ohmnilab running ARC connected remotely via WiFi to the robot. Enabling the camera, color tracking with movement and the robot will track the ball. A fun but simple exercise to get this robot rock'n.


Upgrade to ARC Pro

With Synthiam ARC Pro, you're not just programming a robot; you're shaping the future of automation, one innovative idea at a time.


Nice demonstration, to bad Ohmni Supercam is roughly $2200.00
