EZB Classes, Methods, & Events

This outlines the EZB API, which has Events, Methods, and Fields. You can search for any of those with the browser using CTRL-F to find all events, for example. Many classes and respective methods may not be documented here because they are less commonly used. These are the most common API calls for robot skills.

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Type: EZ_B.ADC.ADCPortEnum

List of ADC Ports

Method: EZ_B.ADC.GetADCValue( EZ_B.ADC.ADCPortEnum )

Get an integer from 0-255 (8 bits) representing the relative voltage of a specified ADC port (Between 0 and 5 volts)

Method: EZ_B.ADC.GetADCValue12Bit( EZ_B.ADC.ADCPortEnum )

Get an integer from 0-4096 (12 bits) representing the relative voltage of a specified ADC port (Between 0 and 5 volts)

Method: EZ_B.ADC.GetADCVoltageFromValue( System.Int32 )

Returns the voltage relative to the inputted value. If you want to display the Value and Voltage, you can pass the value to this function rather then executing a new command. This saves bandwidth over the line.

Method: EZ_B.ADC.GetADCVoltage( EZ_B.ADC.ADCPortEnum )

Get the voltage from 0-5v of a specified ADC port


Method: EZ_B.AvgHistogramCls.Add( System.Double )

Add a new item to the histogram and return the current average


Method: EZ_B.CameraDetection.CustomYCbCrColorDetection.GetObjectLocationByColor( System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Int32, System.Single, System.Single, System.Single, System.Single, System.Single, System.Single )

Check for an object of the specified color. Returns a class that references its location.
The searchObjecTSizePixels is the number of pixels for the minimum detected object size and is suggested around 25.
hueMin and hueMax is a range of Hue for the color.
SaturatioMin and Saturation Max is the range of Saturation for the color.
LuminanceMin and LuminanceMax is the range of Luminance for the color.

Method: EZ_B.CameraDetection.CustomYCbCrColorDetection.GetObjectLocationByColor( System.Boolean, EZ_B.Classes.CustomYCbCrColorConfig )

Check for an object of the specified color. Returns a class that references its location.

Method: EZ_B.CameraDetection.AVMObjectDetection.LoadObjects( EZ_B.AVM.TrainedObjectsContainer )

Load any trained objects from an XML container of a saved file

Method: EZ_B.CameraDetection.AVMObjectDetection.GetDetectedObjects( System.Boolean, System.Boolean )

Method: EZ_B.CameraDetection.CustomColorDetection.GetObjectLocationByColor( System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Single, System.Single, System.Single, System.Single )

Check for an object of the specified color. Returns a class that references its location.
The searchObjecTSizePixels is the number of pixels for the minimum detected object size and is suggested around 25.
hueMin and hueMax is a range of Hue for the color.
SaturatioMin and Saturation Max is the range of Saturation for the color.
LuminanceMin and LuminanceMax is the range of Luminance for the color.

Method: EZ_B.CameraDetection.CustomColorDetection.GetObjectLocationByColor( System.Boolean, EZ_B.Classes.CustomColorConfig )

Check for an object of the specified color. Returns a class that references its location.

Method: EZ_B.CameraDetection.QRCodeDetection.GetObjectLocationByQRCode

Check for a QRCode. Returns a class that references its location.

Type: EZ_B.CameraDetection.ColorDetection.ColorEnum

A list of colors used for searching for objects.

Method: EZ_B.CameraDetection.ColorDetection.GetObjectLocationByColor( System.Boolean, EZ_B.CameraDetection.ColorDetection.ColorEnum, System.Int32, System.Byte )

Check for an object of the specified color. Returns a class that references its location.
You can use the returned class information to determine what direction to move your robots head.
minBrightness will need to be adjusted for the environment. Higher number is for brighter images. Lower number is for darker environments.
The searchObjecTSizePixels is the number of pixels for the minimum detected object size

Method: EZ_B.CameraDetection.CustomHaarDetection.LoadHaarCascade( System.String )

Load a custom Haar Cascade XML file to be detected

Method: EZ_B.CameraDetection.CustomHaarDetection.GetCustomDetection

Get the location of a detected object

Method: EZ_B.CameraDetection.FaceDetection.GetFaceDetection( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Get the location of a detected face
The smallest size and largest size is a limit in pixels (width or height) of the detected face
The mininumDetectionCount is how many frames to detect before returning a positive detection. This is used to filter false positives

Field: EZ_B.CameraDetection.GlyphDetection.Glyph1Overlay

Glyph Overlay Image for Augmented Reality. Set this image and it will be overlayed on top of the actual glyph.

Field: EZ_B.CameraDetection.GlyphDetection.Glyph2Overlay

Glyph Overlay Image for Augmented Reality. Set this image and it will be overlayed on top of the actual glyph.

Field: EZ_B.CameraDetection.GlyphDetection.Glyph3Overlay

Glyph Overlay Image for Augmented Reality. Set this image and it will be overlayed on top of the actual glyph.

Field: EZ_B.CameraDetection.GlyphDetection.Glyph4Overlay

Glyph Overlay Image for Augmented Reality. Set this image and it will be overlayed on top of the actual glyph.

Method: EZ_B.CameraDetection.GlyphDetection.GetGlyphDetection

Get the location of shapes

Method: EZ_B.CameraDetection.MotionDetection.GetMotionDetection( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Return an object that describes the location of the change in motion.
Suggested values are: ColorFunctions.Difference=30, CountLimit=80
The searchObjecTSizePixels is the number of pixels for the minimum detected object size
skipFrames value determines how many frames to wait before checking the difference. In most cases, this value can be a 0. However, you can use this value to wait until the robot has moved from the last update before checking for motion.


Type: EZ_B.CameraDummyDevice

This is a dummy camera device that is called "Custom" in the camera device list
This is used for when a robot skill wants to push a video stream into the camera device
You can bind to the EZ_B.Camera.OnStart, EZ_B.Camera.OnStop events to start and stop your robot skill
You can also send the image to EZ_B.Camera.SetCaptureImage();


Field: EZ_B.Classes.ServoAccelerationItem.Port

The affected port

Field: EZ_B.Classes.ServoAccelerationItem.Acceleration

The acceleration for the servo. -1 means ignore

Field: EZ_B.Classes.ServoVelocityItem.Port

The affected port

Field: EZ_B.Classes.ServoVelocityItem.Velocity

The velocity of the servo. -1 means ignore

Field: EZ_B.Classes.ServoSpeedItem.Port

The affected port

Field: EZ_B.Classes.ServoSpeedItem.Speed

The speed. -1 means ignore

Field: EZ_B.Classes.ServoPositionItem.Port

The affected port

Field: EZ_B.Classes.ServoPositionItem.Position

The position for the servo

Field: EZ_B.Classes.ServoPositionItem.Speed

The speed for the servo. -1 means ignore.

Field: EZ_B.Classes.ServoPositionItem.Velocity

The velocity for the servo. -1 means ignore.

Field: EZ_B.Classes.ServoPositionItem.Acceleration

The acceleration for the servo. -1 means ignore.

Method: EZ_B.Classes.ServoPositionItem.Clone

Make a clone of this object

Field: EZ_B.Classes.GPSData.IsValid

Is the data valid (i.e. is there a satellite lock)

Field: EZ_B.Classes.GPSData.GPRMCRaw

The RMC Sentence from the gps

Field: EZ_B.Classes.GPSData.GPGSVRaw

The GSV Sentence from the gps

Field: EZ_B.Classes.GPSData.GPGSARaw

The GSA sentence from the gps

Field: EZ_B.Classes.GPSData.GPGGARaw

The GGA sentence from the gps

Field: EZ_B.Classes.GPSData.LastUpdated

The last timestamp of data

Field: EZ_B.Classes.GPSData.EarthLocationNS

Your position location of the earth (north/south)

Field: EZ_B.Classes.GPSData.EarthLocationEW

Your position location of the earth (east/west)

Field: EZ_B.Classes.GPSData.SatellitesUsed

Number of satellites used to obtain the data

Field: EZ_B.Classes.GPSData.SpeedKnots

The speed your robot is moving in knots

Field: EZ_B.Classes.GPSData.Course

Course over ground in degrees

Field: EZ_B.Classes.GPSData.Altitude

Your current altitude in meters


Method: EZ_B.AudioEffects.IEffect.Init

Should be called on effect load, sample rate changes, and start of playback

Method: EZ_B.AudioEffects.IEffect.Slider

will be called when a slider value has been changed

Method: EZ_B.AudioEffects.IEffect.Block( System.Int32 )

called before each block is processed

Method: EZ_B.AudioEffects.IEffect.Sample( System.Single@, System.Single@ )

called for each sample


Method: EZ_B.Extensions.MemoryStreamEx.Clear( System.IO.MemoryStream )

Reset the memory stream to position 0 and clear all of the data in the buffer. This allows reusing a memorystream object


Type: EZ_B.Firmware.BoardImages

A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.

Field: EZ_B.Firmware.FirmwareCls.Capabilities

The list of capabilities supported by this firmware

Field: EZ_B.Firmware.FirmwareCls.FirmwareName

The friendly name of this firmware

Field: EZ_B.Firmware.FirmwareCls.Board

The board that this firmware supports

Field: EZ_B.Firmware.FirmwareCls.FirmwareId

The ID of this firmware (the content ID from synthiam.com)

Field: EZ_B.Firmware.FirmwareCls.Description

A friendly short description of this firmware

Method: EZ_B.Firmware.FirmwareCls.CapabilityRequired( EZ_B.Firmware.CapabilityCls )

Throw an exception if the specified capability is not supported by the loaded firmware

Method: EZ_B.Firmware.FirmwareCls.CapabilityRequired( System.String )

Throw an exception if the specified capability is not supported by the loaded firmware

Method: EZ_B.Firmware.FirmwareCls.IsCapabilitySupported( EZ_B.Firmware.CapabilityCls )

Is the specified capability supported by the loaded firmware?

Method: EZ_B.Firmware.FirmwareCls.IsCapabilitySupported( System.String )

Is the specified capability supported by the loaded firmware?

Method: EZ_B.Firmware.FirmwareCls.GetCapabilityDetails( System.String )

Get the capability details by the capability guid ID

Method: EZ_B.Firmware.FirmwareManager.GetFirmwareById( System.UInt32 )

Retrieve the details of the firmware by the firmware id (content ID from synthiam.com)

Method: EZ_B.Firmware.FirmwareManager.LoadFirmwareLibraryXML( System.String )

Load the firmware XML file

Field: EZ_B.Firmware.XMLFirmwareSimulator.DefaultFirmware

The default firmware, also the first firmware in the Firmwares list


Type: EZ_B.FormConnectionResources

A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.


Type: EZ_B.UARTVideo

This connects to an EZ-B v4 Video Codec Camera over UART.
If you wish to connect to the camera over TCP, there is the EZBv4Video class that can be used instead.

Event: EZ_B.UARTVideo.OnImageIRReady

Event raised when an infrared image is ready. This image must be disposed after use.

Event: EZ_B.UARTVideo.OnImageReady

Event raised when the image is ready. This image must be disposed after use.

Event: EZ_B.UARTVideo.OnImageIRDataReady

Event raised when an infrared image is ready.

Event: EZ_B.UARTVideo.OnImageDataReady

Event raised when the image is ready.

Event: EZ_B.UARTVideo.OnStart

Event raised when the JPEGStream has started

Event: EZ_B.UARTVideo.OnStop

Event raised when the JPEGStream has stopped

Method: EZ_B.UARTVideo.Start( EZ_B.EZB, System.String, System.Int32 )

** This method is deprecated and not maintained. Use the other Start()
Connect and begin receiving the camera stream

Method: EZ_B.UARTVideo.Start( System.String, System.Int32 )

Connect and begin receiving the camera stream

Method: EZ_B.UARTVideo.Stop

Stop the camera from streaming and receiving frames


Type: EZ_B.EZTaskScheduler

This scheduler ensures tasks are executed on a background threads with queuing. Tasks are added to the queue and when completed, the next task runs.

Event: EZ_B.EZTaskScheduler.OnEventError

Raised if the event throws an exeception on the same thread as the event was executed.
*Note: If an error is raised in the task, the OnEventCompleted will not be raised so you'll need to check this event for an error of why it wasn't completed.

Event: EZ_B.EZTaskScheduler.OnEventCompleted

Raised when the event has completed on the same thread as the event executed.
*Note: If an error is thrown while the task is running, this won't be called because the OnEventError will be called instead.

Event: EZ_B.EZTaskScheduler.OnEventStart

Raised before the work event is started on the same thread as the work event will execute.

Event: EZ_B.EZTaskScheduler.OnEventToRun

The work event/task that will run for every instance.

Event: EZ_B.EZTaskScheduler.OnQueueCompleted

Raised when all events/tasks in the queue have completed executing. Executes on the same thread that the last task ran on.

Method: EZ_B.EZTaskScheduler.IsCancelRequested( System.Int32 )

Has the specified taskid been cancelled or requested to cancel?

Method: EZ_B.EZTaskScheduler.ResetCancellation

If cancel was called, you can reset it here. It's not necessary but there may be specific circumstances where you need to

Method: EZ_B.EZTaskScheduler.CancelCurrentTask

Cancel the current running task and keeps processing any queued tasks

Method: EZ_B.EZTaskScheduler.StopAllTasks

Clear the task queue and stop current task

Method: EZ_B.EZTaskScheduler.ClearAllQeuedTasks

Clear all tasks in the queue, but do not stop the current running task.

Method: EZ_B.EZTaskScheduler.AddToQueue( System.Object )

Add item to the queue
This does not start the task scheduler. You will have to run Start() after adding items to the queue.
Ideally you should be using StartNew() unless you have a bunch of items to load into the queue before starting.

Method: EZ_B.EZTaskScheduler.StartNew

Add items to the queue and start the scheduler to begin processing them
*Note: This is the method that you should always be using unless you wish to prep items ahead of time, then use AddtoQueue() and Start(), respectively.

Method: EZ_B.EZTaskScheduler.StartNew( System.Object )

Add items to the queue and start the scheduler to begin processing them
*Note: This is the method that you should always be using unless you wish to prep items ahead of time, then use AddtoQueue() and Start(), respectively.

Method: EZ_B.EZTaskScheduler.Start

Start processing the tasks in the queue

Method: EZ_B.EZTaskScheduler.Abort

Aborts the task manager thread.
Never call this. Calling this will stop additional tasks to run because they're called within the thread.


Type: EZ_B.ARDrone.Commands.LedAnimationEnum

Indicates the LED animation to perform.

Field: EZ_B.ARDrone.Commands.VideoChannelEnum.Horizontal

Captured images are coming from the horizontal (forward) camera.

Field: EZ_B.ARDrone.Commands.VideoChannelEnum.Vertical

Captured images are coming from the vertical (downward) camera.

Field: EZ_B.ARDrone.Commands.VideoChannelEnum.VerticalInHorizontal

Captured images are coming from both the vertical and horizontal camera. The vertical image is shown in upper left corner.

Field: EZ_B.ARDrone.Commands.VideoChannelEnum.HorizontalInVertical

Captured images are coming from both the vertical and horizontal camera. The horizontal image is shown in upper left corner.

Field: EZ_B.ARDrone.Commands.VideoChannelEnum.Next

Captured images are coming the next videochannel determined by this enumeration.

Field: EZ_B.ARDrone.Commands.SwitchVideoChannel

This AT command is used to switch between different camera views.

Field: EZ_B.ARDrone.Commands.SetFlyingValue

This AT Command is used for take off/land and emergency reset.

Field: EZ_B.ARDrone.Commands.SetFlatTrim

This AT command sets a reference of the horizontal plane for the drone internal control system.

Field: EZ_B.ARDrone.Commands.SetConfiguration

This AT Command sets an configurable option on the drone.

Field: EZ_B.ARDrone.Commands.SetControlMode

This AT Command is used when communicating with the control communication channel.

Field: EZ_B.ARDrone.Commands.PlayLedAnimation

This AT Command makes the ARDrone animate its LED's according to a selectable pattern.

Field: EZ_B.ARDrone.Commands.SetProgressiveInputValues

This AT Command is used to provide the ARDrone with piloting instructions.

Field: EZ_B.ARDrone.Commands.SetTagDetection

This AT Command activates/deactivates the detection of coloured patterns.

Field: EZ_B.ARDrone.Commands.ResetCommunicationHub

This AT Command resets the internal ARDrone communication system.

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.Connect( EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.ARDroneVersionEnum )

Establish connection to drone

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.Disconnect

Disconnect from the Drone

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.StartVideo

Start receiving video from Drone.
Image can be obtained from OnImage event

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.StopVideo

Stop receiving video from drone

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.SendDefaultValues

This uploads default values to the drone for easy flying

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.SetIsOutside( System.Boolean )

Set true if you are flying outside

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.SetIsFlyingWithoutShell( System.Boolean )

Set to TRUE if you are flying with the outside shell

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.SetWiFiNetworkName( System.String )

Set the WiFi network name for the AR Drone. Changes are applied on reboot

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.SetYaw( System.Single )

Maximum yaw (spin) speed of the AR.Drone, in radians per second.
Recommanded values goes from (0.7) 40/s to (6.11) 350/s. Others values
may cause instability.
Default: 3.0

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.SetVZMax( System.Int32 )

Maximum vertical speed of the AR.Drone, in milimeters per second.
Recommanded values goes from 200 to 2000. Others values may cause instability.
Default: 1000

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.SetEulerAngleMax( System.Single )

Set maximum bending angle for drone in radians for pitch and roll.
I.E. Maximum angle for going forward, back, left or right
This does not affect YAW (spin)
Floating point between 0 (0 deg) and 0.52 (32 deg)
Default: 0.25

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.SetAltitudeMax( System.Int32 )

Maximum drone altitude in millimeters.
Give an integer value between 500 and 5000 to prevent the drone from flying above this limit,
or set it to 10000 to let the drone fly as high as desired.
Default: 3000

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.SetAltitudeMin( System.Int32 )

Minimum drone altitude in millimeters.
Should be left to default value, for control stabilities issues
Default: 50

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.SetProgressiveInputValues( System.Single, System.Single, System.Single, System.Single )

Move the drone. Values are between -1f and +1f

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.NextVideoChannel

Cycle through the video channels. Go to next.

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.Hover

Call this method to stop moving and hover in one place

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.Land

Land the drone

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.TakeOff

Take off/Start Engines

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.Emergency

Emergency Stop the drone. Cuts power to motors

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.SetFlatTrim

Must be called before take-off (start engines).
Must be called on a flat surface. This flattens the trim values for the surface.

Method: EZ_B.ARDrone.ARDrone.PlayLedAnimation( EZ_B.ARDrone.Commands.LedAnimationEnum, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Makes the ARDrone animate its LED's.

Field: EZ_B.ARDrone.VideoImage.PictureFormats.Cif

176px x 144px

Field: EZ_B.ARDrone.VideoImage.PictureFormats.Vga

320px x 240px


Method: EZ_B.NeoPixelController8.SetColor( EZ_B.EZB, EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum, System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte )

Set the color of the first led on the bus on the specified output port on the controller

Method: EZ_B.NeoPixelController8.SetColor( EZ_B.EZB, EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum, System.Byte, EZ_B.NeoPixelController8.ColorStruct[] )

Set the color of leds on the specified output port on the controller. The first LED is the first color specified, second LED is the second color specified, etc...


Event: EZ_B.RGB8x8Animator.OnComplete

Event risen when movement is complete

Event: EZ_B.RGB8x8Animator.OnStartAction

Event risen when an action is started

Field: EZ_B.RGB8x8Animator.Name

Unique name for this auto position instance

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8Animator.Stop

Stops the current movement. Blocks until stop is successful.

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8Animator.ExecAction( EZ_B.Classes.RGB8x8AnimatorAction )

Execute the Action


Event: EZ_B.HT16K33Animator.OnComplete

Event risen when movement is complete

Event: EZ_B.HT16K33Animator.OnStartAction

Event risen when an action is started

Field: EZ_B.HT16K33Animator.Name

Unique name for this auto position instance

Method: EZ_B.HT16K33Animator.Stop

Stops the current movement. Blocks until stop is successful.

Method: EZ_B.HT16K33Animator.ExecAction( EZ_B.Classes.HT16K33AnimatorAction )

Execute the Action


Event: EZ_B.RGBAnimator.OnComplete

Event risen when movement is complete

Event: EZ_B.RGBAnimator.OnStartAction

Event risen when an action is started

Event: EZ_B.RGBAnimator.OnStartFrame

Event risen when an action is started

Field: EZ_B.RGBAnimator.Name

Unique name for this auto position instance

Method: EZ_B.RGBAnimator.Stop

Stops the current movement. Blocks until stop is successful.

Method: EZ_B.RGBAnimator.ExecAction( EZ_B.Classes.RGBAnimatorAction )

Execute the Action


Field: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.hAVM

A handle of AVM API

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.Finalize


Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.Create( System.Drawing.Size, System.Int16, System.Int32, System.Boolean )

Creating of associative memory

Notes: The parameter aKeyImgSize is depended on sequence 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280... 2^n*10.
Use of this numbers for sizing gives more accuracy in recognition.
The parameter aLevelMax set a maximal level for associative tree.
If set to zero then a maximal level will be computed as optimal for image key size.
aTreeTotal - total number of independent associative trees.
aClustering - flag of using cluster tree

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.Destroy

Destroying of associative memory

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.SetActiveTree( System.Int32 )

Set the active associative tree

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.ClearTreeData

Removing all data out from associative tree

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.Save( System.String, System.Boolean )

Saving of recognition data

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.Load( System.String )

Loading of recognition data

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.GetPackedDataSize

Get size of packed recognition data

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.WritePackedData

Writing a packed recognition data to memory

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.ReadPackedData( System.Byte[] )

Reading a packed recognition data from memory

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.OptimizeAssociativeTree

Optimization of associative tree

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.RestartTimeForOptimization

Restart time counter of optimization event

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.EstimateOpportunityForTraining( System.Drawing.Rectangle )

The estimation of an opportunity for training

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.SetImage( AForge.Imaging.UnmanagedImage )

Set an image for processing

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.SetImage( System.Drawing.Bitmap@ )

Set an image for processing

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.PtrToArray( System.Type, System.IntPtr, System.Int32 )

Convert structure pointer into array

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.ObjectRecognition

Object recognition (result will be returned as sequence)

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.ObjectTracking( System.Boolean, System.Double, System.Double )

Object recognition and tracking (result will be returned as sequence)

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.Read( System.Drawing.Rectangle, System.Drawing.Rectangle@, System.IntPtr@, System.UInt64@, System.UInt64@, System.Double@, System.Boolean )

Reading from associative memory cell (associative base)

Notes: aInterestArea - interest area for object searching;
apObjRect - rectangle where object found;
appData - pointer to the data of associative cell;
apIndex - unique index of associative base;
apHitCounter - number of hitting to associative base;
apSimilarity - similarity of the interest area to an object (0 ... 1);
aTotalSearch - flag of the total search until end level of associative memory.

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.Write( System.Drawing.Rectangle, System.Int32, System.Boolean )

Writing to associative memory cell

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.GetTotalABases

Get total number of associative bases

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.GetTotalLevels

Get total number of memory levels

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.GetCurIndex

Get current index of associative base

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.GetWrRdCounter

Get read-write counter

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.GetKeyImageSize

Get size of key image of associative memory

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.GetBaseKeySize

Get base key size

Method: EZ_B.AVM.CvAssociativeMemory32S.SetParam( EZ_B.AVM.CvAM_ParamType, System.Double )

Set the value of parameter

Field: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.AVM_LIBRARY

The file name of the AVM library

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmOpen( System.Int16 )


Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmClose( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle )


Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmCreate( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle, System.Drawing.Size, System.Int16, System.Int32, System.Boolean )

Creating of associative memory

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmDestroy( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle )

Destroying of associative memory

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmSetActiveTree( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle, System.Int32 )

Set the active associative tree

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmClearTreeData( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle )

Removing all data out from associative tree

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmSave( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle, System.Char[], System.Boolean )

Saving of recognition data

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmLoad( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle, System.Char[] )

Loading of recognition data

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmGetPackedDataSize( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle )

Get size of packed recognition data

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmWritePackedData( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle, System.IntPtr )

Writing a packed recognition data to memory

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmReadPackedData( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle, System.IntPtr )

Reading a packed recognition data from memory

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmOptimizeAssociativeTree( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle )

Optimization of associative tree

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmRestartTimeForOptimization( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle )

Restart time counter of optimization event

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmEstimateOpportunityForTraining( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle, System.Drawing.Rectangle )

The estimation of an opportunity for training

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmSetImageAsArray( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle, System.Drawing.Size, System.IntPtr, System.IntPtr )

Set an image for processing where image is presented as 2D pixel (byte) array

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmObjectRecognition_sq_32S( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle, System.Int32@ )

Object recognition (result will be returned as sequence)

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmObjectTracking_sq_32S( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle, System.Int32@, System.Boolean, System.Double, System.Double )

Object recognition and tracking (result will be returned as sequence)

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmRead_32S( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle, System.Drawing.Rectangle, System.Drawing.Rectangle@, System.IntPtr@, System.UInt64@, System.UInt64@, System.Double@, System.Boolean )

Reading from associative memory cell (associative base)

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmWrite_32S( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle, System.Drawing.Rectangle, System.Int32@, System.Boolean )

Writing to associative memory cell

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmGetTotalABases( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle )

Get total number of associative bases

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmGetTotalLevels( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle )

Get total number of memory levels

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmGetCurIndex( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle )

Get current index of associative base

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmGetWrRdCounter( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle )

Get read-write counter

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmGetKeyImageSize( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle )

Get size of key image of associative memory

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmGetBaseKeySize( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle )

Get base key size

Method: EZ_B.AVM.avmInvoke.avmSetParam( EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle, EZ_B.AVM.CvAM_ParamType, System.Double )

Set the value of parameter

Type: EZ_B.AVM.avmHandle

Wrapper for handle of AVM API

Type: EZ_B.AVM.CvAM_ParamType

Definition of parameter types

Type: EZ_B.AVM.CvAM_State

Definition of the state constants for recognition function

Type: EZ_B.AVM.CvTrcInfo

Data structure of tracking

Field: EZ_B.AVM.CvTrcInfo.cAM_TrcLen

Length of tracking

Field: EZ_B.AVM.CvTrcInfo.Pnt

Trajectory points

Field: EZ_B.AVM.CvTrcInfo.Age

Age of tracking

Type: EZ_B.AVM.CvObjDsr32S

Definition of object descriptor for type "long"

Field: EZ_B.AVM.CvObjDsr32S.State

State of recognition function

Field: EZ_B.AVM.CvObjDsr32S.ObjRect

Rectangle where object found

Field: EZ_B.AVM.CvObjDsr32S.Similarity

Similarity of the interest area to an object (0 ... 1)

Field: EZ_B.AVM.CvObjDsr32S.Data

Associated data

Field: EZ_B.AVM.CvObjDsr32S.Trj


Type: EZ_B.AVM.TrainedObjectsContainer

Recognition data structure


Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Manager.SetLipoBatteryProtection( System.Boolean, System.Decimal )

Disable or Enable the battery monitor for the EZ-B v4. If the battery monitor is disabled, the EZ-B will continue to operate I/O if the voltage is low.
You can also adjust the lowest voltage value to one decimal place.

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Manager.SetLipoBatteryLowestVoltage( System.Decimal )

Sets the lowest voltage that the EZ-B will operate with for the battery monitor. This is useful to Lipo batteries.
This feature is enabled by default on the EZ-B v4.

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Manager.SetLipoBatteryProtectionState( System.Boolean )

Disable or Enable the battery monitor for the EZ-B v4. If the battery monitor is disabled, the EZ-B will continue to operate I/O if the voltage is low.

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Manager.GetCPUTemperature

Returns the cpu core temperature in degrees celcuis

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Manager.GetBatteryVoltage

Returns the battery voltage



Default I2C Address of the HT16K33 Module (0x70)


The maximum brightness that can be sent to the LED (15)


The minimium brightness that can be sent to the LED (0)

Method: EZ_B.HT16K33.Init

Initialize the HT16K33 by enabling the oscillator and setting the brightness to 15

Method: EZ_B.HT16K33.SetAllStatus( System.Boolean )

Sets all of the LED's to the specific color.

Method: EZ_B.HT16K33.SetLED( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Boolean )

Set the LED status in the array
*Note: This will not actually change the physical LED. You must call Update() to update the array

Method: EZ_B.HT16K33.GetLED( System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Return the status of the LED in the array

Method: EZ_B.HT16K33.UpdateLEDs( System.Boolean[0:, 0:] )

Update the LEDs with the current matrix. Also sets the current matrix to this value

Method: EZ_B.HT16K33.UpdateLEDs

Update the LEDs with the current matrix



Default I2C Address of the RGB 8x8 Module (0xa2)


The number of RGB LEDs is referenced by the index

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.ChangeI2CAddress( System.Byte, System.Byte )

Change the I2C address of the device.
Send 0x58, New Address

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.ClearDisplay

Clear the display

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.ClearDisplay( System.Byte )

Clear the display

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.ClearDisplay( System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean )

Clear the display

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.ClearDisplay( System.Byte, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean )

Clear the display

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.SetAllColor( System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean )

Sets all of the LED's to the specific color.

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.SetAllColor( System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Byte )

Sets all of the LED's to the specific color.

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.SetColor( System.Int32, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean )

Sets the color of the specified index.

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.SetColor( System.Int32, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Byte )

Sets the color of the specified index.

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.SetColor( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean )

Sets the color of the specified index.

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.SetColor( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Byte )

Sets the color of the specified index.

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.SetColors( EZ_B.RGB8x8.RGBDef[] )

Sets the LED's to the specific color.
The RGBDef must be 64 items or less.

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.SetColors( EZ_B.RGB8x8.RGBDef[], System.Byte )

Sets the LED's to the specific color.
The RGBDef must be 64 items or less.

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.CanvasRectangle( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean )

Draw a rectangle on the display

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.CanvasLine( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean )

Draw a line on the display

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.CanvasClear

Clear the canvas

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.CanvasClear( System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean )

Clear the canvas with the specified color

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.CanvasUpdate

Send the current canvas to the display

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.CanvasUpdate( System.Byte )

Send the current canvas to the display

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.CanvasSetPixel( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean )

Set the pixel color on the canvas

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.CanvasSetPixel( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Byte )

Set the pixel color on the canvas

Method: EZ_B.RGB8x8.SetColors( EZ_B.RGB8x8.CanvasColorStruct[0:, 0:], System.Byte )

Sets the LED's to the specific color.
The RGBDef must be 64 items or less.



Default I2C Address of the RGB Eyes Module (0xa0)


The maximum brightness that can be sent to the RGB LED (7)


The minimium brightness that can be sent to the RGB LED (0)


The number of RGB LEDs is referenced by the index

Method: EZ_B.RGBEyes.ChangeI2CAddress( System.Byte )

Change the I2C address of the device. Will send the command to the default address.

Method: EZ_B.RGBEyes.ChangeI2CAddress( System.Byte, System.Byte )

Change the I2C address of the device.

Method: EZ_B.RGBEyes.SetAllColor( System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte )

Set all of the LED's to the specific color. Sends the command to the default I2C address

Method: EZ_B.RGBEyes.SetAllColor( System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte )

Sets all of the LED's to the specific color.

Method: EZ_B.RGBEyes.SetColor( System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte )

Set the color of the specified index. Sends the command to the default I2C address

Method: EZ_B.RGBEyes.SetColor( System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte )

Sets the color of the specified index.

Method: EZ_B.RGBEyes.SetColor( System.Byte[], System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte )

Sets the color of the specified indexes within the array. Sends the command to the default I2C Addres

Method: EZ_B.RGBEyes.SetColor( System.Byte, System.Byte[], System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte )

Sets the color of the specified indexes within the array.


Type: EZ_B.EZBv4Video

This connects to an EZ-B v4 Video Codec Camera over TCP.
If you wish to connect to the camera over UART, there is the UARTVideo class that can be used instead.

Event: EZ_B.EZBv4Video.OnImageIRReady

Event raised when an infrared image is ready. This image must be disposed after use.

Event: EZ_B.EZBv4Video.OnImageReady

Event raised when the image is ready. This image must be disposed after use.

Event: EZ_B.EZBv4Video.OnImageIRDataReady

Event raised when an infrared image is ready.

Event: EZ_B.EZBv4Video.OnImageDataReady

Event raised when the image is ready.

Event: EZ_B.EZBv4Video.OnStart

Event raised when the JPEGStream has started

Event: EZ_B.EZBv4Video.OnStop

Event raised when the JPEGStream has stopped

Event: EZ_B.EZBv4Video.OnDebugLog

Event raised with any debug information

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Video.Start( EZ_B.EZB, System.String, System.Int32 )

* This method Deprecated. Use the other Start()
Connect and begin receiving the camera stream

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Video.Start( System.String, System.Int32 )

Connect and begin receiving the camera stream

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Video.Stop

Stop the camera from streaming and receiving frames


Field: EZ_B.MusicSynth.random

Random provider for noise generator


Type: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound

The EZ-B v4 Sound codec stream driver.
You can pass an audio stream to have it play out of the EZ-B v4 that supports the audio streaming capability.
There are readonly values that you can reference which specifies the bit rate that the audio stream expects.
It also expects the audio to be 8 bit and mono.


The recommended size of the the audio packets


The recommended size of the prebuffer before playing the audio


The sample rate at which the data is played back on the EZ-B


The size of each packet which is transmitted over the wire to the EZ-B.


The ammount of data to prebuffer to the EZ-B before playing the audio. The EZ-B has a 50k buffer, so this value cannot be any higher than that.

Type: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.OnAudioDataChangedHandler

Event exceuted when new data is being sent to the EZ-B

Type: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.OnVolumeChangedHandler

Event executed when the volume value has changed

Type: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.OnStopPlayingHandler

Event executed when the audio has stopped playing

Type: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.OnStartPlayingHandler

Event executed when the audio has begun playing

Type: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.OnClippingStatusHandler

Event executed when the audio level is clipping. This means the volume value is amplifying the audio past the limits

Type: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.OnProgressHandler

Event executed with the playing progress by sample position. The resolution of this event can be specified with Play method.
In summary, you set the Play Positions by the sample index and this event will execute when the playing reaches that particular sample point.
If you simply want an update of the curernt play time, use the OnPlayTime event.

Type: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.OnPlayTimeHandler

Event executed with the playing progress by sample position with 1000ms resolution.

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.PlayDataWait( System.Byte[] )

Play the Audio Data out of the EZ-B.
The audio must be RAW 8 Bit at 18 KHZ Sample Rate

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.PlayData( System.Byte[] )

Stream raw audio data to the EZ-B v4's speakers.
0 is silent, 100 is normal, 200 is 2x gain, 300 is 3x gain, etc.
The audio must be RAW 8 Bit at 18 KHZ Sample Rate

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.PlayData( System.Byte[], System.Decimal )

Stream raw audio data to the EZ-B v4's speakers.
0 is silent, 100 is normal, 200 is 2x gain, 300 is 3x gain, etc.
The audio must be RAW 8 Bit at 18 KHZ Sample Rate

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.PlayData( System.Byte[], System.Decimal, System.Int32[] )

Stream raw audio data to the EZ-B v4's speakers.
0 is silent, 100 is normal, 200 is 2x gain, 300 is 3x gain, etc.
The audio must be RAW 8 Bit at 18 KHZ Sample Rate

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.PlayDataWait( System.Byte[], System.Decimal )

Stream raw audio data to the EZ-B v4's speakers.
0 is silent, 100 is normal, 200 is 2x gain, 300 is 3x gain, etc.
The audio must be RAW 8 Bit at 18 KHZ Sample Rate

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.PlayData( System.IO.Stream )

Stream raw audio data to the EZ-B v4's speakers.
0 is silent, 100 is normal, 200 is 2x gain, 300 is 3x gain, etc.
The audio must be RAW 8 Bit at 18 KHZ Sample Rate
*Note: You must dispose of the memory stream yourself after calling this

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.PlayData( System.IO.Stream, System.Int32[] )

Stream raw audio data to the EZ-B v4's speakers.
0 is silent, 100 is normal, 200 is 2x gain, 300 is 3x gain, etc.
The audio must be RAW 8 Bit at 18 KHZ Sample Rate
*Note: You must dispose of the memory stream yourself after calling this

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.PlayData( System.IO.Stream, System.Int32[], System.Int32 )

Stream raw audio data to the EZ-B v4's speakers.
0 is silent, 100 is normal, 200 is 2x gain, 300 is 3x gain, etc.
The audio must be RAW 8 Bit at 18 KHZ Sample Rate
*Note: You must dispose of the memory stream yourself after calling this

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.PlayDataWait( System.IO.Stream )

Stream raw audio data to the EZ-B v4's speakers.
0 is silent, 100 is normal, 200 is 2x gain, 300 is 3x gain, etc.
The audio must be RAW 8 Bit at 18 KHZ Sample Rate
*Note: You must dispose of the memory stream yourself after calling this

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.PlayData( System.IO.Stream, System.Decimal )

Stream raw audio data to the EZ-B v4's speakers.
0 is silent, 100 is normal, 200 is 2x gain, 300 is 3x gain, etc.
The audio must be RAW 8 Bit at 18 KHZ Sample Rate
*Note: You must dispose of the memory stream yourself after calling this

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.PlayData( System.IO.Stream, System.Decimal, System.Int32[] )

Stream raw audio data to the EZ-B v4's speakers.
0 is silent, 100 is normal, 200 is 2x gain, 300 is 3x gain, etc.
The audio must be RAW 8 Bit at 18 KHZ Sample Rate
*Note: You must dispose of the memory stream yourself after calling this

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.PlayData( System.IO.Stream, System.Byte[], System.Decimal, System.Int32[], System.Int32 )

Stream raw audio data to the EZ-B v4's speakers.
0 is silent, 100 is normal, 200 is 2x gain, 300 is 3x gain, etc.
The audio must be RAW 8 Bit at 18 KHZ Sample Rate
*Note: You must dispose of the memory stream yourself after calling this

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.PlayDataWait( System.IO.Stream, System.Byte[], System.Decimal, System.Int32[], System.Int32 )

Stream raw audio data to the EZ-B v4's speakers.
0 is silent, 100 is normal, 200 is 2x gain, 300 is 3x gain, etc.
The audio must be RAW 8 Bit at 18 KHZ Sample Rate
*Note: You must dispose of the memory stream yourself after calling this

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.Stop

Stop the audio which is being played

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.NormalizeAbsolute( System.Byte[] )

Normalizing the audio stream. This expects the audio stream to match the required stream parameters of this class.
Mono 8-Bit PCM

Method: EZ_B.EZBv4Sound.NormalizeDynamic( System.Byte[] )

Normalizing the audio stream. This expects the audio stream to match the required stream parameters of this class.
Mono 8-Bit PCM


Field: EZ_B.Joystick.JoystickDevice.ID

Joystick ID, [0..15].

Type: EZ_B.Joystick.ButtonEnum

Flags enumeration of joystick buttons.

Field: EZ_B.Joystick.ButtonEnum.Button1

1st button.

Field: EZ_B.Joystick.ButtonEnum.Button2

2nd button.

Field: EZ_B.Joystick.ButtonEnum.Button3

3rd button.

Field: EZ_B.Joystick.ButtonEnum.Button4

4th button.

Field: EZ_B.Joystick.ButtonEnum.Button5

5th button.

Field: EZ_B.Joystick.ButtonEnum.Button6

6th button.

Field: EZ_B.Joystick.ButtonEnum.Button7

7th button.

Field: EZ_B.Joystick.ButtonEnum.Button8

8th button.

Field: EZ_B.Joystick.ButtonEnum.Button9

9th button.

Field: EZ_B.Joystick.ButtonEnum.Button10

10th button.

Field: EZ_B.Joystick.ButtonEnum.Button11

11th button.

Field: EZ_B.Joystick.ButtonEnum.Button12

12th button.

Field: EZ_B.Joystick.ButtonEnum.Button13

13th button.

Field: EZ_B.Joystick.ButtonEnum.Button14

14th button.

Field: EZ_B.Joystick.ButtonEnum.Button15

15th button.

Field: EZ_B.Joystick.ButtonEnum.Button16

16th button.

Method: EZ_B.Joystick.JoystickStatus.IsButtonPressed( EZ_B.Joystick.ButtonEnum )

Check if certain button (or combination of buttons) is pressed.

Type: EZ_B.Joystick.Joystick.OnJoystickMoveHandler

Event risen when for joystick action

Event: EZ_B.Joystick.Joystick.OnControllerAction

Event risen when for joystick action

Method: EZ_B.Joystick.Joystick.GetCurrentStatus

Get Current Joystick Status

Method: EZ_B.Joystick.Joystick.RefreshState

Call this to refresh the state of the joystick
You may call this in a timer every 100 or 200ms

Method: EZ_B.Joystick.Joystick.StartEventWatcher

Start the watcher for joystick event notifications

Method: EZ_B.Joystick.Joystick.StopEventWatcher

Stop the watcher for joystick evet notifications

Method: EZ_B.Joystick.Joystick.ButtonPressed( System.Int32 )

Returns True if a button is pressed, False if it is not

Method: EZ_B.Joystick.Joystick.ButtonStateChanged( System.Int32 )

Returns true if the state of the button has changed since last update

Method: EZ_B.Joystick.Joystick.AxisXStateChanged

Returns true if the X Axis location has changed since last update

Method: EZ_B.Joystick.Joystick.AxisYStateChanged

Returns True if the Y Axis has changed since last update

Method: EZ_B.Joystick.Joystick.AxisZStateChanged

Returns True if the Z Axis has changed since last update.
Z Axis is the second analog joystick (if equiped)

Method: EZ_B.Joystick.Joystick.AxisRzStateChanged

Returns True if the Rz Axis has changed since last update.
Rz Axis is the second analog joystick (if equiped)

Method: EZ_B.Joystick.Joystick.AxisUStateChanged

Returns True if the U Axis has changed since last update.
U Axis is the second analog joystick (if equiped)

Method: EZ_B.Joystick.Joystick.AxisVStateChanged

Returns True if the V Axis has changed since last update.
V Axis is the second analog joystick (if equiped)


Type: EZ_B.Camera

Class that it used to connect to many camera devices (usb, ez-b v4 uart, ez-b v4 TCP, etc.)
This class also holds the detection methods and allows a custom detection method to be used with the provided overrides.
You may also record video to a file.
This is essentially one massive class that provides a ton of function for camera recognition.

Field: EZ_B.Camera._originalUnmanagedBitmap

This is the unmanaged image of _OriginalManagedBitmap.
It is the resized and corrected pixel format image because the image from the capture device may
not match the output dimensions and pixel format.

Field: EZ_B.Camera._workerUnmanagedBitmap

Image that is used as a worker to the display. We draw on this bitmap with the tracking details and grid lines
Each tracking type will draw it's squares on this bitmap and then we copy this to the output bitmap.
A worker is required because if we modify the bitmap memory then windows might invalidate the control while
we're in the middle of rendering the output bitmap. So this results in a flicker of varying states of the image.
So we work with the bitmap here, and copy it to the output bitmap when we're done with it

Field: EZ_B.Camera._outputUnmanagedBitmap

This is the bitmap data that we use to update the preview windows with.
This contains tracking data.

Type: EZ_B.Camera.VideoCodec

Type of Video File to save

Field: EZ_B.Camera.CAMERA_NAME_EZBv4

The default address for the EZ-B v4. The EZ-B TCP camera will always start with an EZB://(address)
If you're connecting to an EZ-B v4 camera via UART, specify the address as COM1 or COM2, COMx etc...


Select when a robot skill is sending a video stream into the camera device using SetCaptureImage()

Event: EZ_B.Camera.OnInitCustomTracking

Event raised for custom tracking initializers.
If you have a custom tracking, use this to initialize your tracking engine if needed.
This happens when the camera is started.

Event: EZ_B.Camera.OnDeinitCustomTracking

Event raised for a custome tracking type when it has been uninitialized.
This happens when the camera is stopped.

Event: EZ_B.Camera.OnStart

Event raised when the Image capture has started

Event: EZ_B.Camera.OnStop

Event raised when the Image capture has stopped

Event: EZ_B.Camera.OnNewFrame

Event risen when a new video frame is received.
The actual bitmap is not drawn until after this event is raised.
In this event, you can use GetOutputBitmap to draw your tracking information and GetOriginalBitmap for detecting the tracking
This event is risen BEFORE OnNewFrameProcessed, which means there are no grid lines drawn on the bitmap at this time.
This is the event where you will use object detection. And you can draw on the output bitmap with the detected

Event: EZ_B.Camera.OnNewFrameProcessed

Event risen when a new video frame has been processed after OnNewFrame tracking.
If you're wanting to display the video to the UCCameraCanvas control, use it from here.
This event is raised after the grid lines are drawn, which is also after OnNewFrame.
This event is raised after OnNewFrame.
Generally, OnNewFrame is where the tracking types are executed, which means the OutputBitmaps will be modified with
detected objects

Field: EZ_B.Camera.DisableDetectedRectangleDisplay

If true, the rectangle around the detect object is not displayed. The objectLocation is still returned, but there is no visual identifier of where the object was detected.

Field: EZ_B.Camera.AVIIntroText

Set the title for the intro text for video recording

Field: EZ_B.Camera.AVIIntroBGColor

Set the intro title background color for video recording

Field: EZ_B.Camera.AVIIntroFGColor

Set the intro title foreground color for video recording

Field: EZ_B.Camera.AVIShowIntro

Enable/Disable intro title in video recording

Field: EZ_B.Camera.AVIIntroLength

Length of time the intro title will display for video recording

Field: EZ_B.Camera.AVIPauseRecording

Set to true to pause the current recording

Field: EZ_B.Camera.GridTransparency

Set the transparency of the camera grid. 0 is transparent, 255 is solid.

Field: EZ_B.Camera.CameraBasicColorDetection

Camera Basic Color Detection

Field: EZ_B.Camera.CameraFaceDetection

Camera Face Detection

Field: EZ_B.Camera.CameraMotionDetection

Camera Motion Detection

Field: EZ_B.Camera.CameraCustomColorDetection

Camera Custom Color Detection

Field: EZ_B.Camera.CameraCustomYCbCrColorDetection

Camera Custom Color Detection

Field: EZ_B.Camera.CameraGlyphDetection

Camera Glyph Detection

Field: EZ_B.Camera.CameraQRCodeDetection

Camera QR Code Detection

Field: EZ_B.Camera.CameraCustomHaarDetection

Camera Custom Haar Detection

Field: EZ_B.Camera.CameraAVMObjectDetection

Camera Custom Object Detection

Field: EZ_B.Camera.QuadLeftX

The X cordinate of the Left quadrant

Field: EZ_B.Camera.QuadRightX

The X cordinate of the Right quadrant

Field: EZ_B.Camera.QuadTopY

The Y cordinate of the Top quadrant

Field: EZ_B.Camera.QuadBottomY

The Y cordinate of the Bottom quadrant

Field: EZ_B.Camera.Brightness

Set the brightness correction of the image.
Range is between -255 and +255.
Positive values increase brightness.
Negative values decrease brightness.

Field: EZ_B.Camera.Saturation

Set the saturation between -1f and 1f

Field: EZ_B.Camera.SharpenImage

Set the sharpening enhancement

Field: EZ_B.Camera.Contrast

Set the contrast correction of the image.
Range is between -255 and +255.
Positive values increase contrast.
Negative values decrease contrast.

Field: EZ_B.Camera.SnapshotQuality

The quality for the snapshot jpeg file

Field: EZ_B.Camera.RotateType

The type of rotation for the video stream

Method: EZ_B.Camera.RegisterOriginalPreview( EZ_B.UCCameraCanvas )

Register the canvas object for the video preview of the original camera image.
Ensure to unregister this before you dispose of your camera canvas object

Method: EZ_B.Camera.UnregisterOriginalPreview( EZ_B.UCCameraCanvas )

Unregister the canvas object from the video preview

Method: EZ_B.Camera.RegisterOutputPreview( EZ_B.UCCameraCanvas )

Register the canvas object for the video preview of the output camera image that contains tracking information
Ensure to unregister this before you dispose of your camera canvas object

Method: EZ_B.Camera.UnregisterOutputPreview( EZ_B.UCCameraCanvas )

Unregister the canvas object from the video preview

Method: EZ_B.Camera.CopyManagedBitmapToUnmanaged( System.Drawing.Bitmap, AForge.Imaging.UnmanagedImage )

Copy the data from a managed bitmap to an unmanaged image. This does not create the destination image.
This checks the dimensions and pixel format are the same
Your dst image must have already been created with the same dimemsions and pixel format as the src
This is a whole memory copy, which is a duplicate. The images will not share the same memory space

Method: EZ_B.Camera.CopyManagedBitmapToUnmanagedUnsafe( System.Drawing.Bitmap, AForge.Imaging.UnmanagedImage )

Copy the data from a managed bitmap to an unmanaged image. This does not create the destination image.
This does NOT check the dimensions and pixel format are the same (for performance)
Your dst image must have already been created with the same dimemsions and pixel format as the src
This is a whole memory copy, which is a duplicate. The images will not share the same memory space

Method: EZ_B.Camera.CopyUnmanagedImageToBitmap( AForge.Imaging.UnmanagedImage, System.Drawing.Bitmap )

Copy the data from an unmanaged image to a bitmap. This does not create a bitmap.
This checks the dimensions and pixel format are the same
Your dst bitmap must have already been created with the same dimemsions and pixel format as the src
This is a whole memory copy, which is a duplicate. The images will not share the same memory space

Method: EZ_B.Camera.CopyUnmanagedImageToBitmapUnsafe( AForge.Imaging.UnmanagedImage, System.Drawing.Bitmap )

Copy the data from an unmanaged image to a bitmap. This does not create a bitmap.
This does NOT check if your dimensions and pixel format is the same (for performance)
Your dst bitmap must have already been created with the same dimemsions and pixel format as the src
This is a whole memory copy, which is a duplicate. The images will not share the same memory space

Method: EZ_B.Camera.CopyBitmapMemory( System.Drawing.Bitmap, System.Drawing.Bitmap )

Copies the memory of one bitmap to another.
This checks if the dimensions and pixel type are the same
The source and destination bitmaps must have the same size and pixel format, otherwise this won't work and may produce unmanaged code errors
This is a whole memory copy, which is a duplicate. The images will not share the same memory space

Method: EZ_B.Camera.CopyBitmapMemoryUnsafe( System.Drawing.Bitmap, System.Drawing.Bitmap )

Copies the memory of one bitmap to another.
This does NOT check if the dimensions and pixel type are the same (for performance)
The source and destination bitmaps must have the same size and pixel format, otherwise this won't work and may produce unmanaged code errors
This is a whole memory copy, which is a duplicate. The images will not share the same memory space

Method: EZ_B.Camera.StartCamera( EZ_B.ValuePair, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Initialize a camera in preperation for object detection.
The VideoCaptureDevice must be a ValuePair, where the Key is what contains either the Moniker String for the Video Driver.

Method: EZ_B.Camera.StopCamera

Disable camera, if enabled. Free the scanning resources.

Method: EZ_B.Camera.SetCaptureImage( System.Drawing.Bitmap )

Manually set a bitmap as the capture image to be processed. You can manually set a bitmap instead of using a hardware device.
You may also add your own hardware device supporting by setting the bitmap within this function.
This method will not dispose your bitmap, so it's up to you to dispose once it has completed.

Method: EZ_B.Camera.AVIStartRecording( System.String, EZ_B.Camera.VideoCodec )

Save the incoming video stream to a video file

Method: EZ_B.Camera.AVIStartRecording( System.String )

Save the incoming video stream to a video file

Method: EZ_B.Camera.AVIStopRecording

Stop the AVI video recording

Method: EZ_B.Camera.SaveImageAsJPEG( System.String, System.Byte )

Save the next frame to the specified file as a jpg

Method: EZ_B.Camera.SaveImageAsJPEG( System.String )

Save the next frame to the specified file as a jpg

Method: EZ_B.Camera.GetHorizontalLocation( System.Int32 )

This returns the quadarant that the xPos value is.
Because the user can specify the quadarant values, you can use this to identify what quadarant the position is in.

Method: EZ_B.Camera.GetVerticalLocation( System.Int32 )

This returns the quadarant that the yPos value is.
Because the user can specify the quadarant values, you can use this to identify what quadarant the position is in.


Method: EZ_B.BlinkM.StopScript( System.Byte )

Stop Script with 7 bit address

Method: EZ_B.BlinkM.ChangeToColor( System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte )

Change the BlinkM to the specified Red/Green/Blue color

Method: EZ_B.BlinkM.FadeToColor( System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte )

Fade the BlinkM to the specified Red/Green/Blue color

Method: EZ_B.BlinkM.GetCurrentColor( System.Byte )

Returns the current colors on the BlinkM


Method: EZ_B.BV4615.GetFirmware

Return the firmware of the device

Method: EZ_B.BV4615.GetData

Returns a response object with the data from the buffer


Method: EZ_B.ConfigurationManager.SetConfiguration( EZ_B.ConfigurationManager.ConfigurationEnum, System.Byte )

Write configuration data to the EZ-B v3

Method: EZ_B.ConfigurationManager.SetConfiguration( EZ_B.ConfigurationManager.StringConfigurationEnum, System.Byte, System.String )

Write configuration data to the EZ-B v3

Method: EZ_B.ConfigurationManager.GetConfiguration( EZ_B.ConfigurationManager.ConfigurationEnum )

Return data at a memory location from the EZ-B v3 eeprom

Method: EZ_B.ConfigurationManager.GetConfiguration( EZ_B.ConfigurationManager.StringConfigurationEnum, System.Byte )

Return data at the memory location and the length of bytes in the EZ-B v3 eeprom


Event: EZ_B.JPEGStream.OnImageReady

Event raised when the image is ready. This image must be disposed after use.

Event: EZ_B.JPEGStream.OnStart

Event raised when the JPEGStream has started

Event: EZ_B.JPEGStream.OnStop

Event raised when the JPEGStream has stopped

Method: EZ_B.JPEGStream.SetURL( System.String )

Set a new URL for streaming

Method: EZ_B.JPEGStream.Start( System.Int32 )

Start the JPEG Streamer with the specified FPS.
The FPS is dependent on the internet connection speed.
We usually use an FPS of 10.

Method: EZ_B.JPEGStream.Start( System.String, System.Int32 )

Start the JPEG Streamer with the specified URL and FPS.
The FPS is dependent on the internet connection speed.
We usually use an FPS of 10. Specify a value of -1 for unlimited FPS control

Method: EZ_B.JPEGStream.Stop

Stop the JPEG Streamer


Method: EZ_B.RandomUnique.GetRandomNumber( System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Return a random number within specified range.
Using this random number generating function will provide a common seed.

Method: EZ_B.RandomUnique.GetRandomUniqueNumber( System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Return a random number and tries to make the returned value unique from the last time this function was called.


Field: EZ_B.EZ430.Address

Once connected is successfully established, this returns the address of the chrono watch. Four bytes, seperated by a dash

Method: EZ_B.EZ430.Start

Start the eZ430

Method: EZ_B.EZ430.Stop

Stop the eZ430

Method: EZ_B.EZ430.Ping

Send a ping to the eZ430 and wait for a response

Method: EZ_B.EZ430.GetAccData

Get the accelometer data from the eZ430


Method: EZ_B.RSS.GetRSSMessage( System.String, EZ_B.RSS.SortDirectionEnum, System.Int32 )

Gets an RSS feed and only returns the specified story index. Returns the last if the specified storyIndex is greater than the index count.
The storyIndex is a zero based number.

Method: EZ_B.RSS.GetRSSMessages( System.String, EZ_B.RSS.SortDirectionEnum )

Get RSS feed from the specific URL


Method: EZ_B.Sphero.Roll( System.Int32, System.Byte )

The headingDegrees follows the 360 degrees on a circle, relative to the ball: 0 is straight ahead, 90 is to the right, 180 is back and 270 is to the left. The valid range is 0..359

Method: EZ_B.Sphero.SetHeading( System.Int32 )

Adjusts the orientation of Sphero by commanding a new reference heading in degrees, which ranges from 0 to 359. You will see the ball respond immediately to this command if stabilization is enabled.


Method: EZ_B.Twitter.GetTwitterMessage( System.String, EZ_B.RSS.SortDirectionEnum, System.Int32 )

Get latest messages from specified twitter account

Method: EZ_B.Twitter.GetTwitterMessages( System.String, EZ_B.RSS.SortDirectionEnum )

Get latest messages from specified twitter account


Field: EZ_B.Speakjet.Baud

Specify the baud rate for the connection to the SpeakJet

Field: EZ_B.Speakjet.soundCodes

Sound codes offset starts at 128 to 254

Method: EZ_B.Speakjet.SpeakCode( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum, System.Byte[] )

Speak by phonetic codes

Method: EZ_B.Speakjet.Reset( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum )

Reset the Speakjet

Method: EZ_B.Speakjet.SetDistortion( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum, System.Int32 )

Set the global distortion between 0-255

Method: EZ_B.Speakjet.SetVolume( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum, System.Int32 )

Set the global volume between 0-255

Method: EZ_B.Speakjet.SetEnvelope( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum, EZ_B.Speakjet.EnvelopeType, System.Int32, System.Boolean, System.Boolean )

Set the global envelope. Frequency is between 0-3999

Method: EZ_B.Speakjet.PlayNote( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum, EZ_B.Speakjet.OscillatorEnum, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Play a note on the selected oscillator. Frequency is between 0-3999. Volume is between 0-31

Method: EZ_B.Speakjet.SpeakString( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum, System.String )

Speak by string and reference the internal dictionary to pronounce words.
If words are not found in dictionary, custom \PHONETICs can be used.



The maximum value for a PWM (100)


The minimum value of a PWM (0)

Method: EZ_B.PWM.SetPWM( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum, System.Int32 )

Set the PWM Duty Cycle. The speed can be between PWM_MIN and PWM_MAX

Method: EZ_B.PWM.SetPWM( EZ_B.Classes.PWMItem[] )

Set the PWM Duty Cycle. The speed can be between PWM_MIN and PWM_MAX

Method: EZ_B.PWM.GetPWM( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum )

Get the PWM

Method: EZ_B.PWM.StopPWM( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum )

Stop PWM.

Method: EZ_B.PWM.IsPWMStopped( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum )

Return true if the specified pwm port is in a stopped state


Type: EZ_B.Resource1

A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.


Event: EZ_B.TCPServer.OnByteReceived

This event returns the bytes.

Event: EZ_B.TCPServer.OnCommandReceived

Event risen when for handleCustomEvent is true and a connected user presses the Enter key.
This event returns the line of text entered by the user.

Event: EZ_B.TCPServer.OnConnection

Event risen when for handleCustomEvent is true and a new connection is established

Method: EZ_B.TCPServer.Start( System.Int32 )

Start the TCP Server and beginning listening on the specified port.

Method: EZ_B.TCPServer.Stop

Stop the TCP Server listener

Method: EZ_B.TCPServer.GetConnectedClients

Receive a list of the connected clients and their respective terminal id's

Method: EZ_B.TCPServer.CloseClientById( System.Int32 )

Disconnect a client by it's terminal id

Method: EZ_B.TCPServer.DisconnectClients

Disconnect all clients


Method: EZ_B.UCCameraCanvas.OnPaint( System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs )

We ignore painting because all we care about is the background painting

Method: EZ_B.UCCameraCanvas.OnPaintBackground( System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs )

Override the background painting because we don't want the base to paint if we're busy.
This is because the direct memory copy to the backgroundimage locks the bitmap, and so does the onPaintBackground

Method: EZ_B.UCCameraCanvas.SetDefaultCameraImage

Set the camera image to the default camera stub.
If the camera is going to be stopped, this lets the user know
This is threadsafe


Event: EZ_B.UCComboBoxTextBox.OnSelectedItemChanged

Event that is raised when reading the positions of servos that support reading positions
Contains the servo of the requesting position

Method: EZ_B.UCComboBoxTextBox.Add( System.String )

Adds an item to the list and selects that item
Does not raise SelectedItemChanged event

Method: EZ_B.UCComboBoxTextBox.Add( EZ_B.ValuePair )

Adds an item to the list and selects that item.
Does not raise SelectedItemChanged event

Method: EZ_B.UCComboBoxTextBox.AddRange( System.String[] )

Adds items to the list and selects that item
Does not raise SelectedItemChanged event

Method: EZ_B.UCComboBoxTextBox.AddRange( EZ_B.ValuePair[] )

Adds items to the list and selects that item
Does not raise SelectedItemChanged event


Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.CameraControlProperty

The enumeration specifies a setting on a camera.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.CameraControlProperty.Pan

Pan control.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.CameraControlProperty.Tilt

Tilt control.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.CameraControlProperty.Roll

Roll control.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.CameraControlProperty.Zoom

Zoom control.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.CameraControlProperty.Exposure

Exposure control.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.CameraControlProperty.Iris

Iris control.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.CameraControlProperty.Focus

Focus control.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.CameraControlFlags

The enumeration defines whether a camera setting is controlled manually or automatically.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.CameraControlFlags.None

No control flag.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.CameraControlFlags.Auto

Auto control Flag.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.CameraControlFlags.Manual

Manual control Flag.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.FilterInfo

DirectShow filter information.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.FilterInfo.CompareTo( System.Object )

Compare the object with another instance of this class.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.FilterInfo.CreateFilter( System.String )

Create an instance of the filter.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.FilterInfoCollection

Collection of filters' information objects.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMCameraControl

The IAMCameraControl interface controls camera settings such as zoom, pan, aperture adjustment,
or shutter speed. To obtain this interface, query the filter that controls the camera.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMCameraControl.GetRange( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.CameraControlProperty, System.Int32@, System.Int32@, System.Int32@, System.Int32@, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.CameraControlFlags@ )

Gets the range and default value of a specified camera property.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMCameraControl.Set( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.CameraControlProperty, System.Int32, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.CameraControlFlags )

Sets a specified property on the camera.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMCameraControl.Get( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.CameraControlProperty, System.Int32@, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.CameraControlFlags@ )

Gets the current setting of a camera property.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMCrossbar

The IAMCrossbar interface routes signals from an analog or digital source to a video capture filter.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMCrossbar.get_PinCounts( System.Int32@, System.Int32@ )

Retrieves the number of input and output pins on the crossbar filter.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMCrossbar.CanRoute( System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Queries whether a specified input pin can be routed to a specified output pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMCrossbar.Route( System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Routes an input pin to an output pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMCrossbar.get_IsRoutedTo( System.Int32, System.Int32@ )

Retrieves the input pin that is currently routed to the specified output pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMCrossbar.get_CrossbarPinInfo( System.Boolean, System.Int32, System.Int32@, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType@ )

Retrieves information about a specified pin.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMStreamConfig

This interface sets the output format on certain capture and compression filters,
for both audio and video.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMStreamConfig.SetFormat( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType )

Set the output format on the pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMStreamConfig.GetFormat( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType@ )

Retrieves the audio or video stream's format.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMStreamConfig.GetNumberOfCapabilities( System.Int32@, System.Int32@ )

Retrieve the number of format capabilities that this pin supports.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMStreamConfig.GetStreamCaps( System.Int32, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType@, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoStreamConfigCaps )

Retrieve a set of format capabilities.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMVideoControl

The interface controls certain video capture operations such as enumerating available
frame rates and image orientation.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMVideoControl.GetCaps( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoControlFlags@ )

Retrieves the capabilities of the underlying hardware.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMVideoControl.SetMode( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoControlFlags )

Sets the video control mode of operation.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMVideoControl.GetMode( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoControlFlags@ )

Retrieves the video control mode of operation.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMVideoControl.GetCurrentActualFrameRate( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin, System.Int64@ )

The method retrieves the actual frame rate, expressed as a frame duration in 100-nanosecond units.
USB (Universal Serial Bus) and IEEE 1394 cameras may provide lower frame rates than requested
because of bandwidth availability. This is only available during video streaming.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMVideoControl.GetMaxAvailableFrameRate( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin, System.Int32, System.Drawing.Size, System.Int64@ )

Retrieves the maximum frame rate currently available based on bus bandwidth usage for connections
such as USB and IEEE 1394 camera devices where the maximum frame rate can be limited by bandwidth

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMVideoControl.GetFrameRateList( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin, System.Int32, System.Drawing.Size, System.Int32@, System.IntPtr@ )

Retrieves a list of available frame rates.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter

The IBaseFilter interface provides methods for controlling a filter.
All DirectShow filters expose this interface

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter.GetClassID( System.Guid@ )

Returns the class identifier (CLSID) for the component object.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter.Stop

Stops the filter.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter.Pause

Pauses the filter.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter.Run( System.Int64 )

Runs the filter.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter.GetState( System.Int32, System.Int32@ )

Retrieves the state of the filter (running, stopped, or paused).

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter.SetSyncSource( System.IntPtr )

Sets the reference clock for the filter or the filter graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter.GetSyncSource( System.IntPtr@ )

Retrieves the current reference clock.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter.EnumPins( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IEnumPins@ )

Enumerates the pins on this filter.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter.FindPin( System.String, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin@ )

Retrieves the pin with the specified identifier.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter.QueryFilterInfo( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.FilterInfo@ )

Retrieves information about the filter.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter.JoinFilterGraph( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph, System.String )

Notifies the filter that it has joined or left the filter graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter.QueryVendorInfo( System.String@ )

Retrieves a string containing vendor information.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ICaptureGraphBuilder2

This interface builds capture graphs and other custom filter graphs.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ICaptureGraphBuilder2.SetFiltergraph( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IGraphBuilder )

Specify filter graph for the capture graph builder to use.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ICaptureGraphBuilder2.GetFiltergraph( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IGraphBuilder@ )

Retrieve the filter graph that the builder is using.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ICaptureGraphBuilder2.SetOutputFileName( System.Guid, System.String, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter@, System.IntPtr@ )

Create file writing section of the filter graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ICaptureGraphBuilder2.FindInterface( System.Guid, System.Guid, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter, System.Guid, System.Object@ )

Searche the graph for a specified interface, starting from a specified filter.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ICaptureGraphBuilder2.RenderStream( System.Guid, System.Guid, System.Object, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter )

Connect an output pin on a source filter to a rendering filter, optionally through a compression filter.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ICaptureGraphBuilder2.ControlStream( System.Guid, System.Guid, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter, System.Int64, System.Int64, System.Int16, System.Int16 )

Set the start and stop times for one or more streams of captured data.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ICaptureGraphBuilder2.AllocCapFile( System.String, System.Int64 )

Preallocate a capture file to a specified size.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ICaptureGraphBuilder2.CopyCaptureFile( System.String, System.String, System.Boolean, System.IntPtr )

Copy the valid media data from a capture file.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ICaptureGraphBuilder2.FindPin( System.Object, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.PinDirection, System.Guid, System.Guid, System.Boolean, System.Int32, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin@ )

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ICreateDevEnum

The ICreateDevEnum interface creates an enumerator for devices within a particular category,
such as video capture devices, audio capture devices, video compressors, and so forth.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ICreateDevEnum.CreateClassEnumerator( System.Guid@, System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumMoniker@, System.Int32 )

Creates a class enumerator for a specified device category.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IEnumFilters

This interface is used by applications or other filters to determine
what filters exist in the filter graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IEnumFilters.Next( System.Int32, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter[], System.Int32@ )

Retrieves the specified number of filters in the enumeration sequence.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IEnumFilters.Skip( System.Int32 )

Skips a specified number of filters in the enumeration sequence.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IEnumFilters.Reset

Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IEnumFilters.Clone( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IEnumFilters@ )

Makes a copy of the enumerator with the same enumeration state.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IEnumPins

Enumerates pins on a filter.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IEnumPins.Next( System.Int32, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin[], System.Int32@ )

Retrieves a specified number of pins.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IEnumPins.Skip( System.Int32 )

Skips a specified number of pins in the enumeration sequence.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IEnumPins.Reset

Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IEnumPins.Clone( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IEnumPins@ )

Makes a copy of the enumerator with the same enumeration state.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFileSourceFilter

The interface is exposed by source filters to set the file name and media type of the media file that they are to render.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFileSourceFilter.Load( System.String, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType )

Loads the source filter with the file.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFileSourceFilter.GetCurFile( System.String@, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType )

Retrieves the current file.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph

The interface provides methods for building a filter graph. An application can use it to add filters to
the graph, connect or disconnect filters, remove filters, and perform other basic operations.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph.AddFilter( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter, System.String )

Adds a filter to the graph and gives it a name.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph.RemoveFilter( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter )

Removes a filter from the graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph.EnumFilters( System.IntPtr@ )

Provides an enumerator for all filters in the graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph.FindFilterByName( System.String, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter@ )

Finds a filter that was added with a specified name.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph.ConnectDirect( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType )

Connects two pins directly (without intervening filters).

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph.Reconnect( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin )

Breaks the existing pin connection and reconnects it to the same pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph.Disconnect( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin )

Disconnects a specified pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph.SetDefaultSyncSource

Sets the reference clock to the default clock.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2

This interface extends the and
interfaces, which contain methods for building filter graphs.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2.AddFilter( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter, System.String )

Adds a filter to the graph and gives it a name.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2.RemoveFilter( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter )

Removes a filter from the graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2.EnumFilters( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IEnumFilters@ )

Provides an enumerator for all filters in the graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2.FindFilterByName( System.String, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter@ )

Finds a filter that was added with a specified name.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2.ConnectDirect( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType )

Connects two pins directly (without intervening filters).

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2.Reconnect( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin )

Breaks the existing pin connection and reconnects it to the same pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2.Disconnect( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin )

Disconnects a specified pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2.SetDefaultSyncSource

Sets the reference clock to the default clock.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2.Connect( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin )

Connects two pins. If they will not connect directly, this method connects them with intervening transforms.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2.Render( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin )

Adds a chain of filters to a specified output pin to render it.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2.RenderFile( System.String, System.String )

Builds a filter graph that renders the specified file.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2.AddSourceFilter( System.String, System.String, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter@ )

Adds a source filter to the filter graph for a specific file.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2.SetLogFile( System.IntPtr )

Sets the file for logging actions taken when attempting to perform an operation.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2.Abort

Requests that the graph builder return as soon as possible from its current task.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2.ShouldOperationContinue

Queries whether the current operation should continue.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2.AddSourceFilterForMoniker( System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker, System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx, System.String, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter@ )

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2.ReconnectEx( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType )

Breaks the existing pin connection and reconnects it to the same pin,
using a specified media type.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IFilterGraph2.RenderEx( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin, System.Int32, System.IntPtr )

Render an output pin, with an option to use existing renderers only.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IGraphBuilder

This interface provides methods that enable an application to build a filter graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IGraphBuilder.AddFilter( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter, System.String )

Adds a filter to the graph and gives it a name.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IGraphBuilder.RemoveFilter( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter )

Removes a filter from the graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IGraphBuilder.EnumFilters( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IEnumFilters@ )

Provides an enumerator for all filters in the graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IGraphBuilder.FindFilterByName( System.String, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter@ )

Finds a filter that was added with a specified name.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IGraphBuilder.ConnectDirect( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType )

Connects two pins directly (without intervening filters).

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IGraphBuilder.Reconnect( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin )

Breaks the existing pin connection and reconnects it to the same pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IGraphBuilder.Disconnect( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin )

Disconnects a specified pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IGraphBuilder.SetDefaultSyncSource

Sets the reference clock to the default clock.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IGraphBuilder.Connect( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin )

Connects two pins. If they will not connect directly, this method connects them with intervening transforms.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IGraphBuilder.Render( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin )

Adds a chain of filters to a specified output pin to render it.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IGraphBuilder.RenderFile( System.String, System.String )

Builds a filter graph that renders the specified file.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IGraphBuilder.AddSourceFilter( System.String, System.String, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter@ )

Adds a source filter to the filter graph for a specific file.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IGraphBuilder.SetLogFile( System.IntPtr )

Sets the file for logging actions taken when attempting to perform an operation.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IGraphBuilder.Abort

Requests that the graph builder return as soon as possible from its current task.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IGraphBuilder.ShouldOperationContinue

Queries whether the current operation should continue.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaControl

The interface provides methods for controlling the flow of data through the filter graph.
It includes methods for running, pausing, and stopping the graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaControl.Run

Runs all the filters in the filter graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaControl.Pause

Pauses all filters in the filter graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaControl.Stop

Stops all the filters in the filter graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaControl.GetState( System.Int32, System.Int32@ )

Retrieves the state of the filter graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaControl.RenderFile( System.String )

Builds a filter graph that renders the specified file.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaControl.AddSourceFilter( System.String, System.Object@ )

Adds a source filter to the filter graph, for a specified file.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaControl.get_FilterCollection( System.Object@ )

Retrieves a collection of the filters in the filter graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaControl.get_RegFilterCollection( System.Object@ )

Retrieves a collection of all the filters listed in the registry.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaControl.StopWhenReady

Pauses the filter graph, allowing filters to queue data, and then stops the filter graph.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaEventEx

The interface inherits contains methods for retrieving event notifications and for overriding the
filter graph's default handling of events.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaEventEx.GetEventHandle( System.IntPtr@ )

Retrieves a handle to a manual-reset event that remains signaled while the queue contains event notifications.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaEventEx.GetEvent( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.DsEvCode@, System.IntPtr@, System.IntPtr@, System.Int32 )

Retrieves the next event notification from the event queue.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaEventEx.WaitForCompletion( System.Int32, System.Int32@ )

Waits for the filter graph to render all available data.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaEventEx.CancelDefaultHandling( System.Int32 )

Cancels the Filter Graph Manager's default handling for a specified event.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaEventEx.RestoreDefaultHandling( System.Int32 )

Restores the Filter Graph Manager's default handling for a specified event.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaEventEx.FreeEventParams( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.DsEvCode, System.IntPtr, System.IntPtr )

Frees resources associated with the parameters of an event.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaEventEx.SetNotifyWindow( System.IntPtr, System.Int32, System.IntPtr )

Registers a window to process event notifications.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaEventEx.SetNotifyFlags( System.Int32 )

Enables or disables event notifications.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaEventEx.GetNotifyFlags( System.Int32@ )

Determines whether event notifications are enabled.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaFilter

The interface provides methods for controlling the flow of data through the filter graph.
It includes methods for running, pausing, and stopping the graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaFilter.Stop

This method informs the filter to transition to the new state.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaFilter.Pause

This method informs the filter to transition to the new state.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaFilter.Run( System.Int64 )

This method informs the filter to transition to the new (running) state. Passes a time value to synchronize independent streams.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaFilter.GetState( System.Int32, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.FilterState@ )

This method determines the filter's state.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaFilter.SetSyncSource( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IReferenceClock )

This method identifies the reference clock to which the filter should synchronize activity.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IMediaFilter.GetSyncSource( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IReferenceClock@ )

This method retrieves the current reference clock in use by this filter.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPersist

Provides the CLSID of an object that can be stored persistently in the system. Allows the object to specify which object
handler to use in the client process, as it is used in the default implementation of marshaling.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPersist.GetClassID( System.Guid@ )

Retrieves the class identifier (CLSID) of the object.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin

This interface is exposed by all input and output pins of DirectShow filters.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin.Connect( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType )

Connects the pin to another pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin.ReceiveConnection( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType )

Makes a connection to this pin and is called by a connecting pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin.Disconnect

Breaks the current pin connection.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin.ConnectedTo( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin@ )

Returns a pointer to the connecting pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin.ConnectionMediaType( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType )

Returns the media type of this pin's connection.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin.QueryPinInfo( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.PinInfo@ )

Retrieves information about this pin (for example, the name, owning filter, and direction).

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin.QueryDirection( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.PinDirection@ )

Retrieves the direction for this pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin.QueryId( System.String@ )

Retrieves an identifier for the pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin.QueryAccept( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType )

Queries whether a given media type is acceptable by the pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin.EnumMediaTypes( System.IntPtr )

Provides an enumerator for this pin's preferred media types.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin.QueryInternalConnections( System.IntPtr, System.Int32@ )

Provides an array of the pins to which this pin internally connects.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin.EndOfStream

Notifies the pin that no additional data is expected.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin.BeginFlush

Begins a flush operation.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin.EndFlush

Ends a flush operation.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPin.NewSegment( System.Int64, System.Int64, System.Double )

Specifies that samples following this call are grouped as a segment with a given start time, stop time, and rate.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPropertyBag

The IPropertyBag interface provides an object with a property bag in
which the object can persistently save its properties.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPropertyBag.Read( System.String, System.Object@, System.IntPtr )

Read a property from property bag.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IPropertyBag.Write( System.String, System.Object@ )

Write property to property bag.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IReferenceClock

The IReferenceClock interface provides the reference time for the filter graph.

Filters that can act as a reference clock can expose this interface. It is also exposed by the System Reference Clock.
The filter graph manager uses this interface to synchronize the filter graph. Applications can use this interface to
retrieve the current reference time, or to request notification of an elapsed time.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IReferenceClock.GetTime( System.Int64@ )

The GetTime method retrieves the current reference time.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IReferenceClock.AdviseTime( System.Int64, System.Int64, System.IntPtr, System.Int32@ )

The AdviseTime method creates a one-shot advise request.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IReferenceClock.AdvisePeriodic( System.Int64, System.Int64, System.IntPtr, System.Int32@ )

The AdvisePeriodic method creates a periodic advise request.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IReferenceClock.Unadvise( System.Int32 )

The Unadvise method removes a pending advise request.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ISampleGrabber

The interface is exposed by the Sample Grabber Filter. It enables an application to retrieve
individual media samples as they move through the filter graph.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ISampleGrabber.SetOneShot( System.Boolean )

Specifies whether the filter should stop the graph after receiving one sample.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ISampleGrabber.SetMediaType( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType )

Specifies the media type for the connection on the Sample Grabber's input pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ISampleGrabber.GetConnectedMediaType( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType )

Retrieves the media type for the connection on the Sample Grabber's input pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ISampleGrabber.SetBufferSamples( System.Boolean )

Specifies whether to copy sample data into a buffer as it goes through the filter.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ISampleGrabber.GetCurrentBuffer( System.Int32@, System.IntPtr )

Retrieves a copy of the sample that the filter received most recently.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ISampleGrabber.GetCurrentSample( System.IntPtr )

Not currently implemented.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ISampleGrabber.SetCallback( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ISampleGrabberCB, System.Int32 )

Specifies a callback method to call on incoming samples.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ISampleGrabberCB

The interface provides callback methods for the method.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ISampleGrabberCB.SampleCB( System.Double, System.IntPtr )

Callback method that receives a pointer to the media sample.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ISampleGrabberCB.BufferCB( System.Double, System.IntPtr, System.Int32 )

Callback method that receives a pointer to the sample bufferþ

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ISpecifyPropertyPages

The interface indicates that an object supports property pages.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.ISpecifyPropertyPages.GetPages( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.CAUUID@ )

Fills a counted array of GUID values where each GUID specifies the
CLSID of each property page that can be displayed in the property
sheet for this object.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow

The interface sets properties on the video window.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.put_Caption( System.String )

Sets the video window caption.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.get_Caption( System.String@ )

Retrieves the video window caption.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.put_WindowStyle( System.Int32 )

Sets the window style on the video window.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.get_WindowStyle( System.Int32@ )

Retrieves the window style on the video window.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.put_WindowStyleEx( System.Int32 )

Sets the extended window style on the video window.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.get_WindowStyleEx( System.Int32@ )

Retrieves the extended window style on the video window.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.put_AutoShow( System.Boolean )

Specifies whether the video renderer automatically shows the video window when it receives video data.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.get_AutoShow( System.Boolean@ )

Queries whether the video renderer automatically shows the video window when it receives video data.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.put_WindowState( System.Int32 )

Shows, hides, minimizes, or maximizes the video window.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.get_WindowState( System.Int32@ )

Queries whether the video window is visible, hidden, minimized, or maximized.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.put_BackgroundPalette( System.Boolean )

Specifies whether the video window realizes its palette in the background.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.get_BackgroundPalette( System.Boolean@ )

Queries whether the video window realizes its palette in the background.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.put_Visible( System.Boolean )

Shows or hides the video window.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.get_Visible( System.Boolean@ )

Queries whether the video window is visible.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.put_Left( System.Int32 )

Sets the video window's x-coordinate.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.get_Left( System.Int32@ )

Retrieves the video window's x-coordinate.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.put_Width( System.Int32 )

Sets the width of the video window.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.get_Width( System.Int32@ )

Retrieves the width of the video window.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.put_Top( System.Int32 )

Sets the video window's y-coordinate.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.get_Top( System.Int32@ )

Retrieves the video window's y-coordinate.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.put_Height( System.Int32 )

Sets the height of the video window.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.get_Height( System.Int32@ )

Retrieves the height of the video window.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.put_Owner( System.IntPtr )

Specifies a parent window for the video windowþ

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.get_Owner( System.IntPtr@ )

Retrieves the video window's parent window, if anyþ

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.put_MessageDrain( System.IntPtr )

Specifies a window to receive mouse and keyboard messages from the video window.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.get_MessageDrain( System.IntPtr@ )

Retrieves the window that receives mouse and keyboard messages from the video window, if any.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.get_BorderColor( System.Int32@ )

Retrieves the color that appears around the edges of the destination rectangle.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.put_BorderColor( System.Int32 )

Sets the color that appears around the edges of the destination rectangle.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.get_FullScreenMode( System.Boolean@ )

Queries whether the video renderer is in full-screen mode.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.put_FullScreenMode( System.Boolean )

Enables or disables full-screen mode.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.SetWindowForeground( System.Int32 )

Places the video window at the top of the Z order.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.NotifyOwnerMessage( System.IntPtr, System.Int32, System.IntPtr, System.IntPtr )

Forwards a message to the video window.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.SetWindowPosition( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Sets the position of the video windowþ

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.GetWindowPosition( System.Int32@, System.Int32@, System.Int32@, System.Int32@ )

Retrieves the position of the video window.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.GetMinIdealImageSize( System.Int32@, System.Int32@ )

Retrieves the minimum ideal size for the video image.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.GetMaxIdealImageSize( System.Int32@, System.Int32@ )

Retrieves the maximum ideal size for the video image.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.GetRestorePosition( System.Int32@, System.Int32@, System.Int32@, System.Int32@ )

Retrieves the restored window position.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.HideCursor( System.Boolean )

Hides the cursor.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IVideoWindow.IsCursorHidden( System.Boolean@ )

Queries whether the cursor is hidden.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.PinDirection

This enumeration indicates a pin's direction.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.PinDirection.Input

Input pin.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.PinDirection.Output

Output pin.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType

The structure describes the format of a media sample.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType.MajorType

Globally unique identifier (GUID) that specifies the major type of the media sample.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType.SubType

GUID that specifies the subtype of the media sample.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType.FixedSizeSamples

If true, samples are of a fixed size.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType.TemporalCompression

If true, samples are compressed using temporal (interframe) compression.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType.SampleSize

Size of the sample in bytes. For compressed data, the value can be zero.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType.FormatType

GUID that specifies the structure used for the format block.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType.unkPtr

Not used.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType.FormatSize

Size of the format block, in bytes.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType.FormatPtr

Pointer to the format block.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.AMMediaType.Finalize

Destroys the instance of the class.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.PinInfo

The structure contains information about a pin.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.PinInfo.Filter

Owning filter.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.PinInfo.Direction

Direction of the pin.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.PinInfo.Name

Name of the pin.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.FilterInfo.Name

Filter's name.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.FilterInfo.FilterGraph

Owning graph.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader

The structure describes the bitmap and color information for a video image.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader.SrcRect

structure that specifies the source video window.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader.TargetRect

structure that specifies the destination video window.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader.BitRate

Approximate data rate of the video stream, in bits per second.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader.BitErrorRate

Data error rate, in bit errors per second.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader.AverageTimePerFrame

The desired average display time of the video frames, in 100-nanosecond units.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader.BmiHeader

structure that contains color and dimension information for the video image bitmap.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader2

The structure describes the bitmap and color information for a video image (v2).

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader2.SrcRect

structure that specifies the source video window.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader2.TargetRect

structure that specifies the destination video window.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader2.BitRate

Approximate data rate of the video stream, in bits per second.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader2.BitErrorRate

Data error rate, in bit errors per second.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader2.AverageTimePerFrame

The desired average display time of the video frames, in 100-nanosecond units.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader2.InterlaceFlags

Flags that specify how the video is interlaced.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader2.CopyProtectFlags

Flag set to indicate that the duplication of the stream should be restricted.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader2.PictAspectRatioX

The X dimension of picture aspect ratio.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader2.PictAspectRatioY

The Y dimension of picture aspect ratio.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader2.Reserved1

Reserved for future use.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader2.Reserved2

Reserved for future use.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.VideoInfoHeader2.BmiHeader

structure that contains color and dimension information for the video image bitmap.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.BitmapInfoHeader

The structure contains information about the dimensions and color format of a device-independent bitmap (DIB).

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.BitmapInfoHeader.Size

Specifies the number of bytes required by the structure.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.BitmapInfoHeader.Width

Specifies the width of the bitmap.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.BitmapInfoHeader.Height

Specifies the height of the bitmap, in pixels.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.BitmapInfoHeader.Planes

Specifies the number of planes for the target device. This value must be set to 1.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.BitmapInfoHeader.BitCount

Specifies the number of bits per pixel.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.BitmapInfoHeader.Compression

If the bitmap is compressed, this member is a FOURCC the specifies the compression.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.BitmapInfoHeader.ImageSize

Specifies the size, in bytes, of the image.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.BitmapInfoHeader.XPelsPerMeter

Specifies the horizontal resolution, in pixels per meter, of the target device for the bitmap.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.BitmapInfoHeader.YPelsPerMeter

Specifies the vertical resolution, in pixels per meter, of the target device for the bitmap.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.BitmapInfoHeader.ColorsUsed

Specifies the number of color indices in the color table that are actually used by the bitmap.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.BitmapInfoHeader.ColorsImportant

Specifies the number of color indices that are considered important for displaying the bitmap.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.RECT

The structure defines the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of a rectangle.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.RECT.Left

Specifies the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.RECT.Top

Specifies the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.RECT.Right

Specifies the x-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.RECT.Bottom

Specifies the y-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.CAUUID

The CAUUID structure is a Counted Array of UUID or GUID types.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.CAUUID.cElems

Size of the array pointed to by pElems.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.CAUUID.pElems

Pointer to an array of UUID values, each of which specifies UUID.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.CAUUID.ToGuidArray

Performs manual marshaling of pElems to retrieve an array of Guid objects.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.DsEvCode

Enumeration of DirectShow event codes.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.FilterState

Specifies a filter's state or the state of the filter graph.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.FilterState.State_Stopped

Stopped. The filter is not processing data.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.FilterState.State_Paused

Paused. The filter is processing data, but not rendering it.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.FilterState.State_Running

Running. The filter is processing and rendering data.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.Tools

Some miscellaneous functions.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.Tools.GetPin( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.PinDirection, System.Int32 )

Get filter's pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.Tools.GetInPin( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter, System.Int32 )

Get filter's input pin.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.Tools.GetOutPin( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IBaseFilter, System.Int32 )

Get filter's output pin.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.Clsid

DirectShow class IDs.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.Clsid.SystemDeviceEnum

System device enumerator.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.Clsid.FilterGraph

Filter graph.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.Clsid.SampleGrabber

Sample grabber.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.Clsid.CaptureGraphBuilder2

Capture graph builder.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.Clsid.AsyncReader

Async reader.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.FormatType

DirectShow format types.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.FormatType.VideoInfo


Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.FormatType.VideoInfo2


Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaType

DirectShow media types.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaType.Video


Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaType.Interleaved

Interleaved. Used by Digital Video (DV).

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaType.Audio


Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaType.Text


Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaType.Stream

Byte stream with no time stamps.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaSubType

DirectShow media subtypes.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaSubType.YUYV

YUY2 (packed 4:2:2).

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaSubType.IYUV


Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaSubType.DVSD

A DV encoding format. (FOURCC 'DVSD')

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaSubType.RGB1

RGB, 1 bit per pixel (bpp), palettized.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaSubType.RGB4

RGB, 4 bpp, palettized.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaSubType.RGB8

RGB, 8 bpp.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaSubType.RGB565

RGB 565, 16 bpp.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaSubType.RGB555

RGB 555, 16 bpp.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaSubType.RGB24

RGB, 24 bpp.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaSubType.RGB32

RGB, 32 bpp, no alpha channel.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaSubType.Avi

Data from AVI file.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.MediaSubType.Asf

Advanced Streaming Format (ASF).

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.PinCategory

DirectShow pin categories.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.PinCategory.Capture

Capture pin.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.PinCategory.StillImage

Still image pin.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.FindDirection.UpstreamOnly


Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.FindDirection.DownstreamOnly


Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.Win32

Some Win32 API used internally.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.Win32.CreateBindCtx( System.Int32, System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx@ )

Supplies a pointer to an implementation of IBindCtx (a bind context object).
This object stores information about a particular moniker-binding operation.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.Win32.MkParseDisplayName( System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx, System.String, System.Int32@, System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker@ )

Converts a string into a moniker that identifies the object named by the string.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.Win32.memcpy( System.Byte*, System.Byte*, System.Int32 )

Copy a block of memory.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.Internals.Win32.OleCreatePropertyFrame( System.IntPtr, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.String, System.Int32, System.Object@, System.Int32, System.IntPtr, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.IntPtr )

Invokes a new property frame, that is, a property sheet dialog box.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType

Specifies the physical type of pin (audio or video).

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.Default

Default value of connection type. Physically it does not exist, but just either to specify that
connection type should not be changed (input) or was not determined (output).

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.VideoTuner

Specifies a tuner pin for video.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.VideoComposite

Specifies a composite pin for video.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.VideoSVideo

Specifies an S-Video (Y/C video) pin.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.VideoRGB

Specifies an RGB pin for video.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.VideoYRYBY

Specifies a YRYBY (Y, R–Y, B–Y) pin for video.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.VideoSerialDigital

Specifies a serial digital pin for video.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.VideoParallelDigital

Specifies a parallel digital pin for video.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.VideoSCSI

Specifies a SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) pin for video.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.VideoAUX

Specifies an AUX (auxiliary) pin for video.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.Video1394

Specifies an IEEE 1394 pin for video.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.VideoUSB

Specifies a USB (Universal Serial Bus) pin for video.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.VideoDecoder

Specifies a video decoder pin.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.VideoEncoder

Specifies a video encoder pin.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.VideoSCART

Specifies a SCART (Peritel) pin for video.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.VideoBlack

Not used.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.AudioTuner

Specifies a tuner pin for audio.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.AudioLine

Specifies a line pin for audio.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.AudioMic

Specifies a microphone pin.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.AudioAESDigital

Specifies an AES/EBU (Audio Engineering Society/European Broadcast Union) digital pin for audio.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.AudioSPDIFDigital

Specifies an S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format) digital pin for audio.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.AudioSCSI

Specifies a SCSI pin for audio.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.AudioAUX

Specifies an AUX pin for audio.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.Audio1394

Specifies an IEEE 1394 pin for audio.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.AudioUSB

Specifies a USB pin for audio.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.PhysicalConnectorType.AudioDecoder

Specifies an audio decoder pin.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.FilterCategory

DirectShow filter categories.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.FilterCategory.AudioInputDevice

Audio input device category.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice

Video input device category.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.FilterCategory.VideoCompressorCategory

Video compressor category.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.FilterCategory.AudioCompressorCategory

Audio compressor category

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.VideoCapabilities

Capabilities of video device such as frame size and frame rate.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.VideoCapabilities.FrameSize

Frame size supported by video device.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.VideoCapabilities.AverageFrameRate

Average frame rate of video device for corresponding frame size.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.VideoCapabilities.MaximumFrameRate

Maximum frame rate of video device for corresponding frame size.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.VideoCapabilities.BitCount

Number of bits per pixel provided by the camera.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.VideoCapabilities.Equals( System.Object )

Check if the video capability equals to the specified object.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.VideoCapabilities.Equals( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.VideoCapabilities )

Check if two video capabilities are equal.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.VideoCapabilities.GetHashCode

Get hash code of the object.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.VideoCapabilities.op_Equality( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.VideoCapabilities, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.VideoCapabilities )

Equality operator.

Method: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.VideoCapabilities.op_Inequality( EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.VideoCapabilities, EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.VideoCapabilities )

Inequality operator.

Type: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.VideoInput

Video input of a capture board.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.VideoInput.Index

Index of the video input.

Field: EZ_B.Video.DirectShow.VideoInput.Type

Type of the video input.


Field: EZ_B.FFMPEGUtils.VideoCodec.Default

Default video codec, which FFmpeg library selects for the specified file format.

Field: EZ_B.FFMPEGUtils.VideoCodec.MPEG4

MPEG-4 part 2.

Field: EZ_B.FFMPEGUtils.VideoCodec.WMV1

Windows Media Video 7.

Field: EZ_B.FFMPEGUtils.VideoCodec.WMV2

Windows Media Video 8.

Field: EZ_B.FFMPEGUtils.VideoCodec.MSMPEG4v2

MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 2.

Field: EZ_B.FFMPEGUtils.VideoCodec.MSMPEG4v3

MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 3.

Field: EZ_B.FFMPEGUtils.VideoCodec.H263P

H.263+ / H.263-1998 / H.263 version 2.

Field: EZ_B.FFMPEGUtils.VideoCodec.FLV1

Flash Video (FLV) / Sorenson Spark / Sorenson H.263.

Field: EZ_B.FFMPEGUtils.VideoCodec.MPEG2

MPEG-2 part 2.

Field: EZ_B.FFMPEGUtils.VideoCodec.Raw

Raw (uncompressed) video.


Event: EZ_B.VideoPlayer.OnPlayingFrame

Event risen for every frame. Returns the current frame number

Event: EZ_B.VideoPlayer.OnBeginPlaying

Event risen from a video begins playing

Event: EZ_B.VideoPlayer.OnCompleted

Event risen when video is completed


Event: EZ_B.Vuzix.OnConnected

Event when connected to device

Event: EZ_B.Vuzix.OnDisconnected

Event when disconnected from device


Method: EZ_B.MMA7455.WhoAmI

Return the firmware of the device

Method: EZ_B.MMA7455.Init( EZ_B.MMA7455.SensitivityEnum )

Send initialization

Method: EZ_B.MMA7455.GetMode

Return the current configuration

Method: EZ_B.MMA7455.GetX

Get X

Method: EZ_B.MMA7455.GetY

Get Y

Method: EZ_B.MMA7455.GetZ

Get Z


Field: EZ_B.SureDualAxisCompass.MinPoolTimeMS

To prevent requests from flooding the communication channel, this limit prevents too many calls. Best to leave it alone.

Method: EZ_B.SureDualAxisCompass.SetCoil

Init the coil. Should be called as init one time

Method: EZ_B.SureDualAxisCompass.ResetCoil

Reset the Compass Coil

Method: EZ_B.SureDualAxisCompass.Update

Updates CompassData object with the current magnetic co-ordinates of the DC-SS503 Compass Module


Field: EZ_B.MP3Trigger.CommunicationPort

Specify the communication port that the MP3 Trigger is connected with

Field: EZ_B.MP3Trigger.BaudRate

Specify the baud rate that the MP3 Trigger is connected with.
Default is 38400

Method: EZ_B.MP3Trigger.Reverse

Play previous track

Method: EZ_B.MP3Trigger.Forward

Play next track

Method: EZ_B.MP3Trigger.SetVolume( System.Byte )

Specify volume.
0 - Loud.
255 - Quiet.

Method: EZ_B.MP3Trigger.StartStop


Method: EZ_B.MP3Trigger.PlayTrack( System.Byte )

Play specified track number


Method: EZ_B.I2C.WriteBinary( System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte )

Write binary to the specified 7 bit address.
Example: WriteBinary(0x1D, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0);

Method: EZ_B.I2C.Write( System.Byte, System.Byte[] )

Write data to the specified device 7 bit address.
Example: Write(0x1D, new byte [] { 127, 64 } );

Method: EZ_B.I2C.ReadByte( System.Byte )

Read data from the specified i2c device address.
Example: byte ret = ReadByte(0x1D);

Method: EZ_B.I2C.Read( System.Byte, System.Byte )

Read data from the specified i2c device address.
Example: byte [] ret = Read(0x1D, 1);

Method: EZ_B.I2C.SetClockSpeed( System.UInt32 )

Set the clock speed of the i2c interface


Type: EZ_B.ObjectLocation

This class is returned by the GetObjectLocation method.
This class will contain information regarding the location of an object, if found.

Field: EZ_B.ObjectLocation.ShapeType

The type of shape detected

Field: EZ_B.ObjectLocation.TrackingType

The type of tracking for this object

Field: EZ_B.ObjectLocation.Glyph

If Shape detect was used, this contains the glyph found

Field: EZ_B.ObjectLocation.Rotation

If supported, the rotation of the detected object

Field: EZ_B.ObjectLocation.VerticalLocation

The vertical location of the object, if found.

Field: EZ_B.ObjectLocation.ObjectName

The name of the object from the custom object detection

Field: EZ_B.ObjectLocation.QRCodeText

The QR Code text if detected

Field: EZ_B.ObjectLocation.HorizontalLocation

The horizontal location of the object, if found.

Field: EZ_B.ObjectLocation.ColorName

If custom color tracking is used, this will contain the name of the color that was detected

Field: EZ_B.ObjectLocation.Rect

Contains the rectangle of the detected object


Type: EZ_B.EZB

Communication protocol driver to EZ-B's

Type: EZ_B.EZB.ProtocolVersionEnum

The protocol version being used.

Field: EZ_B.EZB.IgnoreProtocolVersionError

If there is a protocol version error? This allows the connection routine to ignore it.

Field: EZ_B.EZB.ConnectedEndPointAddress

The address of the current connection.
If this is an EZ-B v3, this will contain the com port.
If this is an EZ-B v4, this will contain the physical address.

Type: EZ_B.EZB.OnConnectionChangeHandler

Event risen when there is a connection change

Type: EZ_B.EZB.OnConnectionChangeHandler2

Event risen when there is a connection change and sends itself

Event: EZ_B.EZB.OnConnectionChange2

Event risen when there is a connection change

Event: EZ_B.EZB.OnConnectionChange

Event risen when there is a connection change

Type: EZ_B.EZB.OnDataSendHandler

Event risen when data is sent to the ez-b

Event: EZ_B.EZB.OnDataSend

Event risen when data is sent to the ez-b

Type: EZ_B.EZB.OnDataReturnHandler

Event risen when data is received from the ez-b

Event: EZ_B.EZB.OnDataReceive

Event risen when data is received from the ez-b

Type: EZ_B.EZB.OnLogHandler

Event risen when there is debug data

Event: EZ_B.EZB.OnLog

Event risen when there is debug data

Field: EZ_B.EZB._Serial

This is the underlying bluetooth connection to the EZ-B.
This is for advanced users.

Field: EZ_B.EZB.Uart

Send serial commands from any digital port

Field: EZ_B.EZB.Servo

Servo commands. Control regular and modified servos.


Analog To Digital Convertor (ADC) commands. Read voltages and values from the ADC Ports of the EZ-B

Field: EZ_B.EZB.Digital

Commands to read and write digital ports on the EZ-B

Field: EZ_B.EZB.SpeechSynth

Commands to have the computer speak and recognize voice commands

Field: EZ_B.EZB.HC_SR04

Commands to get the distance from a HC-SR04 Ping Sensor

Field: EZ_B.EZB.I2C

Send a I2C command out of the I2C interface

Field: EZ_B.EZB.Recorder

Allows recording and replaying of communication between the computer and EZ-B

Field: EZ_B.EZB.ConfigurationManager

Set hardware device settings

Field: EZ_B.EZB.TCPServer

Allows remote connectivity from other EZ_B DLL instances


Control PWM (Pulse Wave Modulation) output

Field: EZ_B.EZB.SoundV4

Sound beep test for the v4

Field: EZ_B.EZB.EZBv4Manager

Manages settings specific to the EZ-B v4

Field: EZ_B.EZB.RGBEyes

Helper Class for controlling the RGB LED Eyes that ships with JD, and can be purchased optionally seperate

Field: EZ_B.EZB.MusicSynth

Helper class for making synthesized music on the ez-b v4 speaker

Method: EZ_B.EZB.GetDateTimeAsFormattedString( System.DateTime )

Return the specified date time as a formatted string which is standard across all ARC log usages

Method: EZ_B.EZB.GetDateTimeAsFormattedString

Return the current date time as a formatted string which is standard across all ARC log usages

Method: EZ_B.EZB.Log( System.Boolean, System.String, System.Object[] )

Manually send text to the log event

Method: EZ_B.EZB.GetAvailableCommunicationPorts( System.Boolean )

Get all communication ports. One of these should be connected to the EZ-B via Bluetooth

Method: EZ_B.EZB.GetProtocolVersionRaw

Returns the raw byte that reflects the firmware returned by the current connected EZ-B.
Do not use this, use the GetFirmwareVersion() instead.

Method: EZ_B.EZB.GetProtocolVersion

Return the firmware version in a string of the EZ-B

Method: EZ_B.EZB.GetProtocolVersionEnum

Return the firmware version as the enum

Method: EZ_B.EZB.PingController

Sends a ping request to the EZ-B to see if it's still responding. Returns a True if so, false if it isn't

Method: EZ_B.EZB.StopServer

Stop the server which is listening for incoming TCP connections from an EZ-B

Method: EZ_B.EZB.StartServer( System.Int32 )

Start the server which listens for incoming TCP connections from an EZ-B

Method: EZ_B.EZB.Connect( System.String )

Connect to an EZ-B.
Remote can be a PORT: Get the port name from GetAvailableCommunicationPorts()
Remote can be an IP Address, example:

Method: EZ_B.EZB.Connect( System.String, System.Int32 )

Connect to an EZ-B.
1) Hostname can be a communication PORT. Get the port name from GetAvailableCommunicationPorts()
2) Hostname can be an IP Address, example:
3) Baudrate is not used for TCP connections

Method: EZ_B.EZB.Disconnect

Disconnect from the EZ-B

Method: EZ_B.EZB.SendCommandData( System.Int32, System.Byte[] )

Send raw data to the ez-b

Method: EZ_B.EZB.ShowDebugWindow

Opens a debug window with diagnostic information

Method: EZ_B.EZB.GetRandomNumber( System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Return a random number within specified range.
Using this random number generating function will provide a common seed.

Method: EZ_B.EZB.GetRandomUniqueNumber( System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Return a random number and tries to make the returned value unique from the last time this function was called.

Method: EZ_B.EZB.GetUniqueIDBytes

Returns a byte array unique ID of the EZ-B v4

Method: EZ_B.EZB.LogFirmwareDetails( EZ_B.Firmware.FirmwareCls )

Send the firmware details and capabilities to the log method of this ezb.
Any events assigned to listen to the log update will receive the firmware details.

Method: EZ_B.EZB.GetUniqueIDString

Returns a byte array unique ID of the EZ-B v4


Field: EZ_B.HC_SR04.MinPoolTimeMS

To prevent ADC requests from flooding the communication channel, this limit prevents too many calls. Best to leave it alone.

Method: EZ_B.HC_SR04.GetValue( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum, EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum )

Get the value received from the HC-SR04 Ping Sensor


Type: EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum

List of Digital Ports

Method: EZ_B.Digital.SetDigitalPort( EZ_B.Classes.DigitalItem[] )

Set the status of many digital ports. TRUE will output +5 on v3, and +3.3 on v4, FALSE will short to GND

Method: EZ_B.Digital.SetDigitalPort( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum, System.Boolean )

Set the status of a digital ports. TRUE will output +5 on v3, and +3.3 on v4, FALSE will short to GND

Method: EZ_B.Digital.GetLastDigitalPortSet( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum )

Does not query the EZ-B Controller. This returns the status of the port after you had SetDigitalPort().

Method: EZ_B.Digital.Toggle( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum )

Toggles the status of a digital port and returns the new status

Method: EZ_B.Digital.GetDigitalPort( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum )

Query the status of a digital port.

Method: EZ_B.Digital.GetDigitalPortAsInt( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum )

Query the status of a digital port as an Integer (0 false, 1 true)


Type: EZ_B.UCEZB_Connect

User Control for connecting to an EZ-B

Event: EZ_B.UCEZB_Connect.OnConnection

Event executed when Connection to EZ-B is established.

Event: EZ_B.UCEZB_Connect.OnDisconnect

Event executed when Connection to EZ-B is lost.

Method: EZ_B.UCEZB_Connect.InitButtonColors

Change the color of the connect button based on the connection status

Method: EZ_B.UCEZB_Connect.RefreshPortList

Refresh the list of ports if not connected

Method: EZ_B.UCEZB_Connect.Connect( System.Boolean )

Manually connect to the specified communication port. The optional parameter allows you to override if an error dialog is displayed

Method: EZ_B.UCEZB_Connect.Disconnect

Manually disconnect


Method: EZ_B.Functions.DisplayBitSequence( System.Int32 )

Displays the bit sequence of an integer value.

Method: EZ_B.Functions.SetBitValue( System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Sets the bit in an integer value at the requested position.

Method: EZ_B.Functions.ClearBitValue( System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Clears the bit in an integer value at the requested position.

Method: EZ_B.Functions.FlipBitValue( System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Flips the bit in an integer value at the requested position.

Method: EZ_B.Functions.ConvertStringToByteArray( System.String )

Converts the string to a byte array containing the ASCII values of each char.

Method: EZ_B.Functions.ByteArrayToHexString( System.Byte[] )

Converts an array of byte to a string of hex separated by whitespace (i.e. 0x55 0x82 0x20)

Method: EZ_B.Functions.ConvertByteArrayToString( System.Byte[] )

Converts the byte array to a string.

Method: EZ_B.Functions.ConvertByteArrayToString( System.Byte[], System.Int32 )

Converts the byte array to a string.

Method: EZ_B.Functions.ConvertToDecimal( System.Object )

Convert ascii object to a decimal value

Method: EZ_B.Functions.Chunk``1( ``0[], System.Int32 )

Returns an IEnumerable of input list split into the number of specified parts

Method: EZ_B.Functions.IsByte( System.Object )

Returns true if the InObj is a byte value

Method: EZ_B.Functions.IsNumeric( System.Object )

Returns true if the InObj is a numerical value (including int and floating point)

Method: EZ_B.Functions.IsLargerThan( System.Int32, System.Int32[] )

Returns true if the mainValue is larger than all other values

Method: EZ_B.Functions.IsEqualToo( System.Int32, System.Int32[] )

Returns true if the mainValue is equal to any other values

Method: EZ_B.Functions.IsEqualToo( System.Char, System.Char[] )

Returns true if the mainValue is equal to any other values

Method: EZ_B.Functions.CompareColors( System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing.Color )

Compares Color A from Color B and returns the difference

Method: EZ_B.Functions.WithinRange( System.Int32, EZ_B.Functions.Range )

Returns true if the number falls within the high and low range

Method: EZ_B.Functions.WithinRange( System.Decimal, EZ_B.Functions.Range )

Returns true if the number falls within the high and low range

Method: EZ_B.Functions.WithinRange( System.Double, EZ_B.Functions.Range )

Returns true if the number falls within the high and low range

Method: EZ_B.Functions.EndsWith( System.Boolean, System.Object, System.String[] )

Extension of the String.EndsWith but allows an array of items to check for rather than just one.

Method: EZ_B.Functions.EndsWithNumber( System.String )

Check if the last characters of the input string are numeric

Method: EZ_B.Functions.GetNumberAtEndOfString( System.String )

Get the numbers at the end of a string

Method: EZ_B.Functions.Diff( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Returns true if the difference between Master and Compare is greater then Diff

Method: EZ_B.Functions.Diff( System.Decimal, System.Decimal, System.Decimal )

Returns true if the difference between Master and Compare is greater then Diff

Method: EZ_B.Functions.IsBitSet( System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Returns true if the specified bit in the byte is 1. false if not. 0 is LSB, 7 is MSB

Method: EZ_B.Functions.ByteToBinaryString( System.Byte )

Converts a byte to a binary string

Method: EZ_B.Functions.ByteToBinaryString( System.Byte, System.String )

Converts a byte to a binary string

Method: EZ_B.Functions.ToByteFromBinary( System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean, System.Boolean )

Returns a byte from specified binary. LSB is val0. MSB is val7

Method: EZ_B.Functions.ToByteFromBinary( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Returns a byte out of the binary. The inputs for each bit an either be a 0 or a 1. The LSB is val0. MSB is val7

Method: EZ_B.Functions.GetScalarFromRange( System.Int32, System.Single, System.Single )

Returns a scalar. Used for converting one range into another range. (i.e. Wii Input Remote X/Y/Z to Servo Positions)

Method: EZ_B.Functions.GetScalarFromRange( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Returns a scalar. Used for converting one range into another range. (i.e. Wii Input Remote X/Y/Z to Servo Positions)

Method: EZ_B.Functions.GetScalarFromRange( System.Byte, System.Byte, System.Byte )

Returns a scalar. Used for converting one range into another range. (i.e. Wii Input Remote X/Y/Z to Servo Positions)

Method: EZ_B.Functions.SingleToInt32Bits( System.Single )

Converts a Float to an IEEE754 Compliant Integer

Method: EZ_B.Functions.GetShortestAngle( System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Returns the shortest angle between two angles (Absolute, no negatives)

Method: EZ_B.Functions.GetAngle( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Get the angle of the second point relative to the first point

Method: EZ_B.Functions.GetAngle( System.Decimal, System.Decimal, System.Decimal, System.Decimal )

Get the angle of the second point relative to the first point

Method: EZ_B.Functions.GetAngle( System.Double, System.Double, System.Double, System.Double )

Get the angle of the second point relative to the first point

Method: EZ_B.Functions.GetDistance( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Returns the distance between two points on a 2d vector

Method: EZ_B.Functions.StripHTML( System.String )

Remove all html tags

Method: EZ_B.Functions.CopyTo( System.Object, System.Object )

Copy object to object

Method: EZ_B.Functions.HsvToRgb( System.Double, System.Double, System.Double )

Convert HSV to RGB Color
h is from 0-360
s,v values are 0-1
r,g,b values are 0-255

Method: EZ_B.Functions.ClampDouble( System.Double, System.Double, System.Double )

Clamp a value

Method: EZ_B.Functions.Clamp( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Clamp a value to range

Method: EZ_B.Functions.Clamp( System.Single, System.Single, System.Single )

Clamp a value to range

Method: EZ_B.Functions.Clamp( System.Int32 )

Clamp a value to 0-255

Method: EZ_B.Functions.DegX( System.Double, System.Double )

Returns the degree X co-ordinate for a circle
i.e. Plot(DegX(10, 20), DegY(10, 20));
System.Math.Cos(deg + 90 / (180 / System.Math.PI)) * radius

Method: EZ_B.Functions.DegX2( System.Double, System.Double )

Returns the degree X co-ordinate for a circle
i.e. Plot(DegX(10, 20), DegY(10, 20));
System.Math.Cos(deg - 90 * Math.PI / 180) * radius

Method: EZ_B.Functions.DegX2( System.Single, System.Single )

Returns the degree X co-ordinate for a circle
i.e. Plot(DegX(10, 20), DegY(10, 20));
System.Math.Cos(deg -90 * Math.PI / 180) * radius;

Method: EZ_B.Functions.DegY( System.Double, System.Double )

Returns the degree Y co-ordinate for a circle
i.e. Plot(DegX(10, 20), DegY(10, 20));
System.Math.Sin(deg + 90 / (180 / System.Math.PI)) * radius;

Method: EZ_B.Functions.DegY2( System.Double, System.Double )

Returns the degree Y co-ordinate for a circle
i.e. Plot(DegX(10, 20), DegY(10, 20));
System.Math.Sin(deg -90 * Math.PI / 180) * radius

Method: EZ_B.Functions.DegY2( System.Single, System.Single )

Returns the degree Y co-ordinate for a circle
i.e. Plot(DegX(10, 20), DegY(10, 20));
System.Math.Sin(deg -90 * Math.PI / 180) * radius

Method: EZ_B.Functions.GetNetworkIPAddressCount( System.String )

Returns how many network instances of IP Address or the first part of it exist (i.e. are more than one network interface using the same IP network)
This uses StartsWith(specified network)
So you can search for 192.168.1. to see if any ip address exists within that network


Event: EZ_B.Servo.OnServoGetPosition

Event that is raised when reading the positions of servos that support reading positions
Contains the servo of the requesting position

Event: EZ_B.Servo.OnServoMove

Event that is raised when a servo is moved.
Contains the servo positions specified by the user/control and limited by MIN/MAX limits

Event: EZ_B.Servo.OnServoSpeed

Event that is raised when a servo speed setting is changed

Event: EZ_B.Servo.OnServoVelocity

Event that is raised when a servo velocity setting is changed

Event: EZ_B.Servo.OnServoAcceleration

Event that is raised when a servo acceleration setting is changed

Event: EZ_B.Servo.OnServoRelease

Event that is raised when a servo is released


The slowest speed for a servo (0)


The slowest speed for a servo (20)

Field: EZ_B.Servo.SERVO_MAX

The maximum value for a servo (default: 180)

Field: EZ_B.Servo.SERVO_MIN

The minimum value of a servo (1)

Field: EZ_B.Servo.SERVO_OFF

The value of a servo to disable

Type: EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum

List of Servo Ports

Method: EZ_B.Servo.ResetServoFineTune

Reset the fine tuning values to 0 for each servo

Method: EZ_B.Servo.GetServoFineTune( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum )

Return the fine tunign value of the specified servo

Method: EZ_B.Servo.SetServoFineTune( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum, System.Int32 )

Set the fine tuning value for the specified servo. This means that if the fine tune value for a servo is set to 1, then every position that is specified will be incremented by 1.
This allows you to fine tune a servo position across the entire application.

Method: EZ_B.Servo.ResetServoMinLimits

Reset the servo min value

Method: EZ_B.Servo.GetServoMin( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum )

Return the min value that this servo will ever move

Method: EZ_B.Servo.SetServoMin( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum, System.Int32 )

Set the mininum servo value that this servo will ever be able to go

Method: EZ_B.Servo.ResetServoMaxLimits

Reset the servo max value

Method: EZ_B.Servo.GetServoMax( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum )

Return the max value that this servo will ever move

Method: EZ_B.Servo.SetServoMax( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum, System.Int32 )

Set the mininum servo value that this servo will ever be able to go

Method: EZ_B.Servo.SetServoPosition( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Set the speed and position of a servo

Method: EZ_B.Servo.SetServoPosition( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Set the speed and velocity and position of a servo

Method: EZ_B.Servo.SetServoPosition( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Set the speed and velocity and acceleaation and position of a servo

Method: EZ_B.Servo.SetServoPositionScalar( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Boolean )

Move the servo to the position based on the servo min and max position related/mapped to the client width min and max position position.

Method: EZ_B.Servo.SetServoPositionScalar( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Single, System.Single, System.Single, System.Boolean )

Move the servo to the position based on the servo min and max position related/mapped to the client width min and max position position.

Method: EZ_B.Servo.SetServoPosition( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum, System.Int32 )

Set the position of a servo

Method: EZ_B.Servo.SetServoPosition( EZ_B.Classes.ServoPositionItem[] )

Set the position of a servo.
Raises OnServoMoveDetailed, OnServoMoveDetailed2 and OnServoMove events.

Method: EZ_B.Servo.SetServoVelocity( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum, System.Int32 )

Set the velocity of a servo
Raises OnServoVelocity event unless a -1 (skip) is passed

Method: EZ_B.Servo.SetServoVelocity( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum[], System.Int32 )

Set the velocity of multiple servos.
Raises OnServoVelocity event unless a -1 (skip) is passed

Method: EZ_B.Servo.GetServoVelocity( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum )

Return the current velocity of a servo

Method: EZ_B.Servo.SetServoAcceleration( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum, System.Int32 )

Set the acceleration of a servo
Raises OnServoAcceleration event unless a -1 (skip) is passed

Method: EZ_B.Servo.SetServoAcceleration( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum[], System.Int32 )

Set the acceleration of multiple servos
Raises OnServoAcceleration event unless a -1 (skip) is passed

Method: EZ_B.Servo.GetServoAcceleration( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum )

Return the current acceleration of a servo

Method: EZ_B.Servo.SetServoSpeed( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum, System.Int32 )

Set the speed of a servo
Raises OnServoSpeed event unless a -1 (skip) is passed

Method: EZ_B.Servo.SetServoSpeed( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum[], System.Int32 )

Set the speed of multiple servos
Raises OnServoSpeed event unless a -1 (skip) is passed

Method: EZ_B.Servo.GetServoSpeed( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum )

Return the current speed of a servo

Method: EZ_B.Servo.GetServoPositionRealtime( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum )

Get the realtime position of a servo
If a servo supports bi-direction communication, this queries the servo
If the servo does not respond with success, the last known servo position is returned
Raises OnServoGetPosition event

Method: EZ_B.Servo.GetServoPosition( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum )

Get the position of a servo

Method: EZ_B.Servo.ReleaseServo( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum )

Release servo. Release a servo from holding its position.
Raises OnServoRelease event

Method: EZ_B.Servo.ReleaseServo( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum[] )

Release servo. Release a servo from holding its position.
Raises OnServoRelease event

Method: EZ_B.Servo.ReleaseAllServos

When servos have been used, they will hold their position until the EZ-B power is cycled or until they are told to release.
This will send a command to the EZ-B to release all servos
Raises OnServoRelease event

Method: EZ_B.Servo.ResetAllServoSpeeds

Reset all the servo speeds to their default of 0 (fastest)
Raises OnServoRelease event

Method: EZ_B.Servo.IsServoReleased( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum )

Return true if the specified servo port is in a released state

Method: EZ_B.Servo.GetNumberOfSecondsSinceLastMove( EZ_B.Servo.ServoPortEnum )

How long has it been since the last move of a servo


Type: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.SpeakingOutputTypeEnum

The type of output that the audio is being sent to.
This is because the OnSpeakingCompleted event is not executed when speaking to a stream (ie EZB).

Field: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.SpeakingOutputTypeEnum.Stream

This is outputing to an EZB or file. Therefore, the OnSpeakingCompleted event will not be raised

Field: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.SpeakingOutputTypeEnum.PC

This is outputing to a soundcard speaker. The OnSpeakingCompleted event will be raised

Event: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.OnAudioSignalProblem

When the audio stream has a problem

Event: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.OnPauseListeningStatusChanged

When the pause listening status has changed by calling PauseListening or ResumeListening

Event: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.OnPhraseRecognized

Event thrown when text is recognized.
The confidence value is between 0.00 and 1.00. The higher the number, the more confidence.
It's usually safe to trust confidence > 0.80
Text will be returned in lowercase!

Event: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.OnSpeaking

Event executed before text to speech is executed
The OnSpeakingCompleted event is not raised when Stream is the output type.
Use OnSpeaking2 to get the output type

Event: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.OnSpeaking2

Event executed before text to speech is executed that includes the output device type of the audio.
This is because the OnSpeakingCompleted event is not raised when Stream is the output type.

Event: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.OnSpeakingCompleted

Event executed when the speaking has completed if outputing to a soundcard
This event is not raised if outputing to an EZB

Event: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.OnAudioLevelChanged

Event is thrown when the audio level has changed from the default input audio device

Field: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.AudioLevel

The normalized level of the spoken audio from the input device

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.PauseListening

Pause listening for speech recognition.
Any events assigned to recognized phrases will not be raised.
To re-enable listening and recognized events, call ResumeListening()
The OnPauseListeningStatusChanged event will raise when this is called

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.SetVoice( System.String )

Set the active voice to be used when speaking

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.ResumeListening

Resume listening for speech recognition if previously paused with PauseListening()
The OnPauseListeningStatusChanged event will raise when this is called

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.GetInstalledCultures

Get the list of installed languages for recognition

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.GetInstalledVoices

Get the list of installed voices within the system

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.Say( System.String )

Say MSG to the default audio device

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.SayWait( System.String )

Say MSG to the default audio device

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.SayToStream( System.String )

Say MSG to memory stream in 8 bit, 16000, mono PCM.
Does not dispose the returned memorystream, so it's up to you.

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.SayToFile( System.String, System.String )

Say MSG to the specified filename

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.SayToBytes( System.String )

Say MSG and return the raw bytes in 8 bit, 16000, mono PCM

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.SayStop

Stop speaking the current spoken message

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.RaiseOnCompletedEvent

This will raise the On Speaking Completed Event to any robot skills that have subscribed to it.
Generally, speech recognition robot skills will use this event to upause listening after the
robot has spoken.
Use this method to resume all speech recognition robot skills to continue listening
by unpausing themselvers.

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.RaiseOnSpeakingEvent

This will raise the On Speaking Event to any robot skills that have subscribed to it.
Generally, speech recognition robot skills will use this event to pause listening while
the robot is speaking.
Use this method to pause all speech recognition robot skills from listening.

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.SetDictionaryOfPhrases( System.String[] )

Load the dictionary with custom recgonized phrases.

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.AppendDictionaryOfPhrases( System.String[] )

Append to the dictionary with custom recgonized phrases.

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.ClearDictionary

Clear the grammar dictionary. Use this before appending to the grammar dictionary for complex speech interaction.

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.AppendDictionaryFromGrammar( System.Speech.Recognition.GrammarBuilder )

Appends to the existing grammar dictionary. Use this to build your own grammar rather for complex speech interaction

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.SetDictionaryFromGrammar( System.Speech.Recognition.GrammarBuilder )

Sets the grammar dictionary. Use this to build your own grammar rather for complex speech interaction

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.SetDictionaryToAllLocale

Load the dictionary with all known words for your locale.
Remember, there will be a lot of recognition errors if you do this.
It's always best to populate your own list of phrases using SetDictionaryOfPhrases() method.

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.ListenForSpeechCommand( System.Int32 )

Blocks and listens for a speech command.
Returns the text of the recognized speech.
Returns string.empty if timeout occures.
Requires Windows 7 or higher.

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.StartListening

Start listening for voice recognition. PhraseRecognized event will be called with success.
Requires Windows 7 or higher

Method: EZ_B.SpeechSynth.StopListening

Disable listening for voice recognition.


Type: EZ_B.TellyMate.CmdEnum

List of TellyMate Commands

Type: EZ_B.TellyMate.FontAttribEnum

List of TellyMate Font Attributes

Method: EZ_B.TellyMate.SendText( System.String )

Send the text to a Tellymate on port D0 with optional carriage return

Method: EZ_B.TellyMate.SendText( System.String, System.Boolean )

Send the text to a Tellymate on port D0 with optional carriage return

Method: EZ_B.TellyMate.SendCommand( EZ_B.TellyMate.CmdEnum )

Sent a command to the TellyMate

Method: EZ_B.TellyMate.MoveCursor( System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Move the cursor to specified position

Method: EZ_B.TellyMate.SetFontAttrib( EZ_B.TellyMate.FontAttribEnum )

Set the font attribute


Field: EZ_B.Uart.MaxUARTReceiveBuffer

This is the maximum size that the receive buffer from the EZB -> WIFI will be

Method: EZ_B.Uart.SetBaudClock( EZ_B.Uart.BAUD_RATE_ENUM, System.Int32 )

Specify the clock delay between bytes in cycles of the EZ-B's 120mhz 32 Bit ARM processor. This would only need to be used to fine tune the baudrate timing if the connected device is not very accurate or requires a diffference in timing.
For example, some open-source hardware platforms use Software Serial drivers, which sometimes need a little bit of tweaking. Generally, you should never need to change these values.
However, there is a Custom labelled baudrate which you can change for specific speeds.
Anyone adjusting these speeds will need a logic analyzer, such as the Saleae Logic16 or Logic32

Method: EZ_B.Uart.SendSerial( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum, EZ_B.Uart.BAUD_RATE_ENUM, System.String )

Send text over serial specified serial port at baud rate

Method: EZ_B.Uart.SendSerial( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum, EZ_B.Uart.BAUD_RATE_ENUM, System.Char[] )

Send text over serial specified serial port at baud rate

Method: EZ_B.Uart.SendSerial( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum, EZ_B.Uart.BAUD_RATE_ENUM, System.Byte )

Send text over serial specified serial port at baud rate

Method: EZ_B.Uart.SendSerial( EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum, EZ_B.Uart.BAUD_RATE_ENUM, System.Byte[] )

Send text over serial specified serial port at baud rate

Method: EZ_B.Uart.UARTExpansionInit( System.Int32, System.UInt32 )

Initialize the ez-b v4 UART. this must be called before any other UARTExpansion function.

Method: EZ_B.Uart.UARTExpansionWrite( System.Int32, System.Byte[] )

Write to the EZ-B v4 Uart

Method: EZ_B.Uart.UARTExpansionAvailableBytes( System.Int32 )

Read the number of bytes available in the EZ-B v4 uart buffer

Method: EZ_B.Uart.UARTExpansionRead( System.Int32, System.Int32 )

return the specified number of bytes from the ez-b v4 uart input buffer

Method: EZ_B.Uart.UARTExpansionReadAvailable( System.Int32 )

Read all available bytes from the UART on the EZ-B v4


Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_createInstance

Create a new instance of SoundTouch processor.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_destroyInstance( System.IntPtr )

Destroys a SoundTouch processor instance.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_getVersionString2( System.Text.StringBuilder, System.Int32 )

Get SoundTouch library version string - alternative function for
environments that can't properly handle character string as return value

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_getVersionId

Get SoundTouch library version Id

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_setRate( System.IntPtr, System.Single )

Sets new rate control value. Normal rate = 1.0, smaller values
represent slower rate, larger faster rates.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_setTempo( System.IntPtr, System.Single )

Sets new tempo control value. Normal tempo = 1.0, smaller values
represent slower tempo, larger faster tempo.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_setRateChange( System.IntPtr, System.Single )

Sets new rate control value as a difference in percents compared
to the original rate (-50 .. +100 %);

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_setTempoChange( System.IntPtr, System.Single )

Sets new tempo control value as a difference in percents compared
to the original tempo (-50 .. +100 %);

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_setPitch( System.IntPtr, System.Single )

Sets new pitch control value. Original pitch = 1.0, smaller values
represent lower pitches, larger values higher pitch.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_setPitchOctaves( System.IntPtr, System.Single )

Sets pitch change in octaves compared to the original pitch
(-1.00 .. +1.00);

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_setPitchSemiTones( System.IntPtr, System.Single )

Sets pitch change in semi-tones compared to the original pitch
(-12 .. +12);

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_setChannels( System.IntPtr, System.UInt32 )

Sets the number of channels, 1 = mono, 2 = stereo

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_setSampleRate( System.IntPtr, System.UInt32 )

Sets sample rate.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_flush( System.IntPtr )

Flushes the last samples from the processing pipeline to the output.
Clears also the internal processing buffers.

Note: This function is meant for extracting the last samples of a sound
stream. This function may introduce additional blank samples in the end
of the sound stream, and thus it's not recommended to call this function
in the middle of a sound stream.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_putSamples( System.IntPtr, System.Single[], System.Int32 )

Adds 'numSamples' pcs of samples from the 'samples' memory position into
the input of the object. Notice that sample rate _has_to_ be set before
calling this function, otherwise throws a runtime_error exception.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_clear( System.IntPtr )

Clears all the samples in the object's output and internal processing

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_setSetting( System.IntPtr, VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchSettings, System.Int32 )

Changes a setting controlling the processing system behaviour. See the
'SETTING_...' defines for available setting ID's.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_getSetting( System.IntPtr, VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchSettings )

Reads a setting controlling the processing system behaviour. See the
'SETTING_...' defines for available setting ID's.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_numUnprocessedSamples( System.IntPtr )

Returns number of samples currently unprocessed.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_receiveSamples( System.IntPtr, System.Single[], System.UInt32 )

Adjusts book-keeping so that given number of samples are removed from beginning of the
sample buffer without copying them anywhere.

Used to reduce the number of samples in the buffer when accessing the sample buffer directly
with 'ptrBegin' function.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_numSamples( System.IntPtr )

Returns number of samples currently available.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop32.soundtouch_isEmpty( System.IntPtr )

Returns nonzero if there aren't any samples available for outputting.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_createInstance

Create a new instance of SoundTouch processor.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_destroyInstance( System.IntPtr )

Destroys a SoundTouch processor instance.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_getVersionString2( System.Text.StringBuilder, System.Int32 )

Get SoundTouch library version string - alternative function for
environments that can't properly handle character string as return value

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_getVersionId

Get SoundTouch library version Id

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_setRate( System.IntPtr, System.Single )

Sets new rate control value. Normal rate = 1.0, smaller values
represent slower rate, larger faster rates.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_setTempo( System.IntPtr, System.Single )

Sets new tempo control value. Normal tempo = 1.0, smaller values
represent slower tempo, larger faster tempo.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_setRateChange( System.IntPtr, System.Single )

Sets new rate control value as a difference in percents compared
to the original rate (-50 .. +100 %);

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_setTempoChange( System.IntPtr, System.Single )

Sets new tempo control value as a difference in percents compared
to the original tempo (-50 .. +100 %);

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_setPitch( System.IntPtr, System.Single )

Sets new pitch control value. Original pitch = 1.0, smaller values
represent lower pitches, larger values higher pitch.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_setPitchOctaves( System.IntPtr, System.Single )

Sets pitch change in octaves compared to the original pitch
(-1.00 .. +1.00);

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_setPitchSemiTones( System.IntPtr, System.Single )

Sets pitch change in semi-tones compared to the original pitch
(-12 .. +12);

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_setChannels( System.IntPtr, System.UInt32 )

Sets the number of channels, 1 = mono, 2 = stereo

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_setSampleRate( System.IntPtr, System.UInt32 )

Sets sample rate.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_flush( System.IntPtr )

Flushes the last samples from the processing pipeline to the output.
Clears also the internal processing buffers.

Note: This function is meant for extracting the last samples of a sound
stream. This function may introduce additional blank samples in the end
of the sound stream, and thus it's not recommended to call this function
in the middle of a sound stream.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_putSamples( System.IntPtr, System.Single[], System.Int32 )

Adds 'numSamples' pcs of samples from the 'samples' memory position into
the input of the object. Notice that sample rate _has_to_ be set before
calling this function, otherwise throws a runtime_error exception.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_clear( System.IntPtr )

Clears all the samples in the object's output and internal processing

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_setSetting( System.IntPtr, VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchSettings, System.Int32 )

Changes a setting controlling the processing system behaviour. See the
'SETTING_...' defines for available setting ID's.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_getSetting( System.IntPtr, VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchSettings )

Reads a setting controlling the processing system behaviour. See the
'SETTING_...' defines for available setting ID's.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_numUnprocessedSamples( System.IntPtr )

Returns number of samples currently unprocessed.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_receiveSamples( System.IntPtr, System.Single[], System.UInt32 )

Adjusts book-keeping so that given number of samples are removed from beginning of the
sample buffer without copying them anywhere.

Used to reduce the number of samples in the buffer when accessing the sample buffer directly
with 'ptrBegin' function.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_numSamples( System.IntPtr )

Returns number of samples currently available.

Method: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchInterop64.soundtouch_isEmpty( System.IntPtr )

Returns nonzero if there aren't any samples available for outputting.

Field: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchSettings.UseAaFilter

Available setting IDs for the 'setSetting' and 'get_setting' functions.
Enable/disable anti-alias filter in pitch transposer (0 = disable)

Field: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchSettings.AaFilterLength

Pitch transposer anti-alias filter length (8 .. 128 taps, default = 32)

Field: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchSettings.UseQuickSeek

Enable/disable quick seeking algorithm in tempo changer routine
(enabling quick seeking lowers CPU utilization but causes a minor sound
quality compromising)

Field: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchSettings.SequenceMs

Time-stretch algorithm single processing sequence length in milliseconds. This determines
to how long sequences the original sound is chopped in the time-stretch algorithm.
See "STTypes.h" or README for more information.

Field: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchSettings.SeekWindowMs

Time-stretch algorithm seeking window length in milliseconds for algorithm that finds the
best possible overlapping location. This determines from how wide window the algorithm
may look for an optimal joining location when mixing the sound sequences back together.
See "STTypes.h" or README for more information.

Field: VarispeedDemo.SoundTouch.SoundTouchSettings.OverlapMs

Time-stretch algorithm overlap length in milliseconds. When the chopped sound sequences
are mixed back together, to form a continuous sound stream, this parameter defines over
how long period the two consecutive sequences are let to overlap each other.
See "STTypes.h" or README for more information.


Type: FaceDetect.Imaging.IntegralImage2

Joint representation of both Integral Image and Squared Integral Image.

Method: FaceDetect.Imaging.IntegralImage2.FromBitmap( System.Drawing.Bitmap, System.Int32 )

Constructs a new Integral image from a Bitmap image.

Method: FaceDetect.Imaging.IntegralImage2.FromBitmap( System.Drawing.Bitmap, System.Int32, System.Boolean )

Constructs a new Integral image from a Bitmap image.

Method: FaceDetect.Imaging.IntegralImage2.FromBitmap( System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData, System.Int32 )

Constructs a new Integral image from a BitmapData image.

Method: FaceDetect.Imaging.IntegralImage2.FromBitmap( System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData, System.Int32, System.Boolean )

Constructs a new Integral image from a BitmapData image.

Method: FaceDetect.Imaging.IntegralImage2.FromBitmap( AForge.Imaging.UnmanagedImage, System.Int32 )

Constructs a new Integral image from an unmanaged image.

Method: FaceDetect.Imaging.IntegralImage2.FromBitmap( AForge.Imaging.UnmanagedImage, System.Int32, System.Boolean )

Constructs a new Integral image from an unmanaged image.

Method: FaceDetect.Imaging.IntegralImage2.GetSum( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Gets the sum of the pixels in a rectangle of the Integral image.

Method: FaceDetect.Imaging.IntegralImage2.GetSum2( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Gets the sum of the squared pixels in a rectangle of the Integral image.

Method: FaceDetect.Imaging.IntegralImage2.GetSumT( System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Gets the sum of the pixels in a tilted rectangle of the Integral image.

Method: FaceDetect.Imaging.IntegralImage2.Finalize

Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations
before the is reclaimed by garbage collection.

Method: FaceDetect.Imaging.Tools.IsEqual( System.Drawing.Rectangle, System.Drawing.Rectangle, System.Int32 )

Compares two rectangles for equality, considering an acceptance threshold.


Type: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.Cascades.FaceHaarCascade

Default Face Haar Cascade for using with Haar Classifiers.

Type: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.Cascades.NoseHaarCascade

Automatic transcription of haar cascade definitions
for facial features by Modesto Castrillon-Santana.

Type: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarCascade

Cascade of Haar-like features' weak classification stages.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarCascade.checkTiltedFeatures( FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarCascadeStage[] )

Checks if the classifier contains tilted (rotated) features

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarCascade.Clone

Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarCascade.FromXml( System.IO.Stream )

Loads a HaarCascade from a OpenCV-compatible XML file.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarCascade.FromXml( System.String )

Loads a HaarCascade from a OpenCV-compatible XML file.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarCascade.FromXml( System.IO.TextReader )

Loads a HaarCascade from a OpenCV-compatible XML file.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarCascade.ToCode( System.String, System.String )

Saves a HaarCascade to C# code.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarCascade.ToCode( System.IO.TextWriter, System.String )

Saves a HaarCascade to C# code.

Type: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarCascadeStage

Haar Cascade Classifier Stage.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarCascadeStage.Classify( FaceDetect.Imaging.IntegralImage2, System.Int32, System.Int32, System.Double )

Classifies an image as having the searched object or not.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarCascadeStage.Clone

Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.

Type: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarCascadeSerializationObject

Haar Cascade Serialization Root. This class is used
only for XML serialization/deserialization.

Type: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarCascadeWriter

Automatic transcriber for Haar cascades.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarCascadeWriter.Write( FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarCascade, System.String )

Writes the specified cascade.

Type: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarClassifier

Strong classifier based on a weaker cascade of
classifiers using Haar-like rectangular features.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarClassifier.Compute( FaceDetect.Imaging.IntegralImage2, System.Drawing.Rectangle )

Detects the presence of an object in a given window.

Type: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarFeature

Rectangular Haar-like feature container.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarFeature.GetSum( FaceDetect.Imaging.IntegralImage2, System.Int32, System.Int32 )

Gets the sum of the areas of the rectangular features in an integral image.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarFeature.SetScaleAndWeight( System.Single, System.Single )

Sets the scale and weight of a Haar-like rectangular feature container.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarFeature.Clone

Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.

Type: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarFeatureNode

Haar Cascade Feature Tree Node.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarFeatureNode.Clone

Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.

Type: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarRectangle

Scalable rectangular area.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarRectangle.ScaleRectangle( System.Single )

Scales the values of this rectangle.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarRectangle.ScaleWeight( System.Single )

Scales the weight of this rectangle.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarRectangle.Parse( System.String )

Converts from a string representation.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarRectangle.Clone

Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.

Type: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.ObjectDetectorSearchMode

Object detector options for the search procedure.

Field: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.ObjectDetectorSearchMode.Default

Entire image will be scanned.

Field: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.ObjectDetectorSearchMode.Single

Only a single object will be retrieved.

Field: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.ObjectDetectorSearchMode.NoOverlap

If a object has already been detected inside an area,
it will not be scanned twice for inner/overlapping objects.

Type: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.ObjectDetectorScalingMode

Object detector options for window scaling.

Field: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.ObjectDetectorScalingMode.GreaterToSmaller

Will start with a big search window and
gradually scale into smaller ones.

Field: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.ObjectDetectorScalingMode.SmallerToGreater

Will start with small search windows and
gradually scale into greater ones.

Type: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarObjectDetector

Viola-Jones Object Detector based on Haar-like features.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarObjectDetector.ProcessFrame( System.Drawing.Bitmap )

Performs object detection on the given frame.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.HaarObjectDetector.ProcessFrame( AForge.Imaging.UnmanagedImage )

Performs object detection on the given frame.

Type: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.IObjectDetector

Object detector interface.

Method: FaceDetect.Vision.Detection.IObjectDetector.ProcessFrame( AForge.Imaging.UnmanagedImage )

Process a new image scene looking for objects.