Capture the output display of a robot skill and send it to a camera device.
Requires ARC
(Updated 7/5/2022)
How to add the Robot Skill To Camera robot skill
- Load the most recent release of ARC (Get ARC).
- Press the Project tab from the top menu bar in ARC.
- Press Add Robot Skill from the button ribbon bar in ARC.
- Choose the Camera category tab.
- Press the Robot Skill To Camera icon to add the robot skill to your project.
Don't have a robot yet?
Follow the Getting Started Guide to build a robot and use the Robot Skill To Camera robot skill.
How to use the Robot Skill To Camera robot skill
Capture the output display of a robot skill and send it to a camera device. Specify the robot skill to capture, and it will send the video to the selected camera device.
The Ultrasonic Radar Scan area is captured in this screenshot below and sent to the Camera Device as a video stream.
- You will need a camera device added to the project. Select the camera device from the configuration menu.
- In the camera device, select the Custom option in the device list. Then press the start button.
Camera Device
- The camera device that the video capture will be streamed to.
- The frames per second rate that the video will be captured. A lower frame rate will reduce CPU usage.
Robot Skill
- The robot skill in capturing the stream from
Area Preview
- This is the preview of the video stream that will be sent to the camera device. Use the Left/Top/Width/Height sliders on the right to fine-tune the capture area.
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I again, have encountered 2 problems.
Skill robot skill To Camera:
Skill Screen To Camera:
This is the case for both skills
What is your fps set to?
in the videos 10, but I also tested it with 1 or 2, same behavior
Does it do it at a lower fps?
yes also at 1 or 2 fps ...
Interesting... I cannot seem to reproduce it. It might be catching the redraw of the radar image but I can't be certain. I'll have to think about this one...
Oh, another thing. If your radar is set for a 250ms (default value) for scan speed, you can use an FPS of 4. That would save some CPU because the radar only updates ~4 times a second.
bad shaky video :-) 1, 2 and 5 fps
Have to install a screencapter program for videos :-) (Edit, hmm, Screen Recorder, ahhh .....)
As long as EZ-B is off, nothing wobbles... yes, I have less than 250ms, I have to check, I'll keep testing...
That is updating the video image very fast for only two fps. That is very strange!
I can reproduce with a faster radar scan speed. I set the radar scan speed to 100, redrawing the radar image ten times/second, and caused the issue. We see the image being drawn as the screen is captured. You don't see it with the other screen capture robot skill because it captures what is on screen.
This robot skill re-renders the control for every frame, catching the radar image only partially drawn.
There is a workaround...
This is what the workaround looks like using the suggestions above...
tataa, now recorded with the "Screen Recorder" skill:
If you're attempting my suggested workaround, your scan interval is 100ms. The workaround would require the scan interval to be a higher number, so the robot skill has time for the radar image to be drawn. I'm recommending the default of 250ms
will test it later, now there is dinner :-) ....
tested it with the settings, it's better but there are still errors. in this case with the radar skill, that's the way it is. I use the other skill for that, everything fits. it's totally ok for me..