Uninstall ARC

There may be situations when uninstalling ARC is needed. If you are experiencing strange behaviors while using ARC, a fresh installation may be a solution. We recommend uninstalling, rebooting the PC, downloading the most recent ARC installer, and installing it. Follow these steps to perform the procedure.

  1. Right-click on the start menu icon

  2. Select Apps and Features

  3. Locate Synthiam ARC in the list of installed software. Click the Synthiam ARC item.

  4. Select UNINSTALL

  5. Restart the PC. Rebooting the PC will help Windows remove any files that are in use.

  6. Download and install the latest ARC. Get the newest installation download from HERE. Select the version you're using, either ARC Free or Pro.

Uninstall From Command-line

The WMIC application included with Windows can uninstall the software from the command line. This can be done by typing the following commands in a CMD console window with administrative privileges...

WMIC product where name="ARC by Synthiam" call uninstall

Completely Remove All ARC Stuff

To completely remove absolutely everything left behind from an ARC installation, CLICK HERE.