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Issues With Third-Party Voices
I have a question regarding the Speech Synthesis Settings in the ARC software. Hello, I recently purchased a new voice from CereProc and installed it...general

Integrating Sabertooth With Synthiam ARC
I currently have a remote-controlled system utilizing a Sabertooth 2X32 motor driver to operate two electric wheelchair motors, which are...tutorial

Connecting Arduino To ARC
Program an Arduino and connect it to ARC to become an EZ-B.question

Talk V2 Delay Settings
I am experiencing an issue with synchronizing the mouth movements with the voice on my EZ-InMoov Robot Head. I am using the Talk V2 skill along with the Microsoft Zira Desktop...question

Robot Connection Issues On Network
Hello, When I connect directly to my robots head, I have full access to functionalities such as scripting and the camera. However, Ive noticed an issue...release

ARC 2025.03.16.00 (Pro, Runtime And Free)
This update introduces a new internal memory manager designed to reduce out-of-memory errors on lower-powered PCs, particularly when...question

Wheel Slip Impact On Navigation
I am experimenting with navigation using my WheelBot and am considering modifying it into a telepresence robot. Currently, Im utilizing a combination of