IMU Sensor
The IMU Sensor reference design is an accelerometer/gyro/temperature combo sensor paired with an STM32 ARM cortex-M0 microcontroller. The microcontroller simplifies the sensor data and makes it compatible with ARC. A unique feature of this design is that it connects directly to a visual interface and automatically outputs pitch and roll angles in ARC. We want to share these files with you so you can create your own!Features
Major Components
Manufacturing Notes
Documentation: Schematic PDF, Datasheet PDF, BOM, Test Procedures
Hardware: Altium PCB design File, Altium SCH Design File, Gerbers
Firmware: Code, Compiled Binary
Altium Libraries are also available here

Where to Buy
EZ-Robot has their products on their website store for purchase, as well as many other online and offline retail stores. Here's links to the EZ-B v4 products directly at EZ-Robot's store: