Robot Industry Blog Posts

Robots Are Smarter, Faster, And Sound Better

Robots Are Smarter, Faster, And Sound Better

Robots just got a serious voice upgrade! If you’ve been using Synthiam ARC’s default speech synthesis, get ready for a major...
Introducing The Control Command That Connects Robot Skills

Introducing The Control Command That Connects Robot Skills

Learn how to use Control Commands in Synthiam ARC to make robot skills communicate seamlessly. Follow...
Meet EDI The 3D Printable Rubber Band Shooting Mech Warrior

Meet EDI The 3D Printable Rubber Band Shooting Mech Warrior

It isnt even remotely a hyperbolic statement to suggest that our future will be entirely defined by...
Arcx Community Introduction

Arcx Community Introduction

About Synthiam Synthiam Inc. is a pioneering force in automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and technology business integration, dedicated to making advanced...
Demystifying Robot Programming: Synthiam's Approach To Simplicity

Demystifying Robot Programming: Synthiams Approach To Simplicity

In the landscape of robotics, the prevailing belief among many robot experts is that...
Services Upgrade (July 28 - Aug 5 2024)

Services Upgrade (July 28 - Aug 5 2024)

Hello World! As you may have seen in this post, Synthiam has been developing the next ground-breaking robot software platform, ARCx. This new...
Ricky's AI Chatting Robot

Rickys AI Chatting Robot

Kudos and best of luck to Ricky - weve been big fans of his past work. You may remember his Scarlet Johanson robot, which received significant coverage. Ricky is now...
Unleashing The Potential: The Unbiased Science Of Artificial Intelligence

Unleashing The Potential: The Unbiased Science Of Artificial Intelligence

Synthiam has been at the forefront of observing the significant strides in...
The Importance Of Synthiam For The Self-Sustainability And Maturation Of The Robotics Industry.

The Importance Of Synthiam For The Self-Sustainability And Maturation Of The Robotics Industry.

The robotics industry has made...
Robots Re-Imagined Merchandise

Robots Re-Imagined Merchandise

One of our valued robot builders and Hollywood makeup artists, Will Huff, has created a collection of robot designs. If you like robots and fancy t-shirts,...
Add Lidar Navigation To A Robot

Add Lidar Navigation To A Robot

How to add a 360-degree lidar to a robot for autonomous navigation. Create and save waypoints that the robot can navigate to. In this video, The Better...
ARC Remote UI For Android

ARC Remote UI For Android

The ARC Remote UI option allows mobile devices to operate the robot remotely using custom interfaces you have created. You can add as many interfaces as youd like using...