DJ Sures
Country: Canada
Member Since:
I am the founder and CEO of Synthiam Inc and former founder and CEO of EZ-Robot, as you can tell, also super passionate about robotics and community. I spend as much time on the forum as possible to help others build robots. Most of my inspiration comes from people here! I envision a future of Synthiam powered robots living among us... Aiding the elderly and disabled, or simply being a friend. Robots are our future :) The world is ready...
2011-02-10 - joined your first forum discussion
2011-02-12 - created first new question
2012-04-17 - posted a robot project showcase
2013-06-24 - answered a forum question
2014-07-28 - shared your first video in the forum
2014-07-28 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2014-07-29 - connected ARC to the cloud
2014-08-14 - shared your first photo in the forum
2014-10-06 - posted your first tutorial
2018-01-03 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
2018-01-03 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
2018-01-03 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
2018-01-30 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
2018-03-05 - used Cognitive Text Sentiment Service
2021-11-23 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
2021-11-25 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
2021-11-26 - created a public ARC App
2021-12-03 - created a Robot Skill for the Robot Skill Store
2021-12-21 - completed the Lets Make a Robot tutorial to learn how to make a robot with Synthiam ARC
2022-02-01 - provided ARC feedback
2022-02-21 - started first conversation
2022-03-04 - purchased first robot swag
2022-03-30 - submitted a 3D Printable part
2022-11-03 - purchasing an Annual Pro Subscription
Latest submissions
Questions (116)
Robots (77)
Skills (134)
General (16)
Hack Events (30)
Tutorials (18)
Apps (48)
Firmwares (8)
3D Parts (12)
Feature Requests (2)

What Do You Think Of The New Look?
Weve been busy! Now that kits are flying out of our lab, weve had some time to tick off items on the to-do list. I personally like the change to the...question

Live Hack Ideas/Suggestions
Hey everyone. It’s the time of year I start hosting live hacks. I’d like to know your thoughts on subjects to cover. I have a list below and will add to it with your...question

Community Combined Robot Build
Hey everyone - theres been chatter about potentially working together to build a robot as a combined community effort. I dont believe anything like that has...question

Bing, Cognitive Emotion And Vision Update
FYI, the Bing Speech, Cognitive Emotion and Cognitive Vision plugins no longer save the API Key and End Point with the project. They are...question

Ez-Robot New Facility Update
Quite a few contact us messages have been flowing in about our facility and whats going on. Guess its about time I provide an update Ezrobot has been growing...question

Windows Release 2016.05.17.00
Changes: - Updated IoTiny firmware updater - mobile interface supports image checkbox *Note: The image checkbox for mobile app works with the latest Android. The...question

Compaq/Hp Wifi Connection Questions
This thread is no longer used.question

Apollo Computer
Its amazing we made it to space at all! Wow, how far weve come...question

Face Mouse
You might get a kick out of this. I use the Remote Mouse plugin to control the mouse using my face... Plugin:

Ez-B V4 Supports Dynamixel Ax-12 Servos
We have listened to your requests for supporting Dynamixel servos with the EZ-B v4... The firmware now supports them... See, we listenquestion

New Product Updates
As you know, I have taken a little time to distress and focus on whats coming for 2015. Yes, it was only a few days but it was my first time off in 4 years - and during that time I...question

Bbc: Humans
This show premiered tonight, its from Britain BBC called Humans. I think its going to be a good series. The message is interesting about jobs being taken over by robots. Now sure, theres the usual...question

Brookstone Demo Jds (For Wbs)
In another thread, wbs asked about all the jds in the office - if they were Brookstone demos. The answer is yup. They are attached to black pexi glass base. The...question

Guess Whos Visiting?
Have a peak at the camera tomorrow during the day and see if you can guess which two of our forum members are visiting. Winner gets a high five!question

Jeremie Says Hello
Welcome to Saturday nights with DJ and Jeremiequestion

Ez-Script Builder Idea
I was in the EZ-Script compiler tonight and came up with a little idea. I was wondering if I continued this path, if it would be useful to any of you? The idea is you can right...question

Rgb Array Tutorial
Ive added a video to the 18 RGB LED Block, Humanoid Head with Camera RGB Eyes and 18 RGB LED PCB to explain how to use them. There have been questions in the past on how to set it up...question

Learning Photography
Weve hired a photographer to start taking photos of our products for the store. Now they need to be crisp and clear, so its easy to see the parts. This is somewhat of a challenge...question

Mouser Robotics Challenge
This is the perfect opportunity to strut out stuff! Post your ezrobot on the mouse robot challenge:

Intel. Behind In The Times
Heres another example of how EZ-Robot is way ahead of even the big guys! I was sent this video the other day. The guy who sent it to me was super excited about it! Said...question

Robot Building Workshop (March 29, 2015)
More Information: Build and Program your own autonomous robot in...question

Jason And Jeremies Robots Sneak Peak
Heres a sneak peak video I took of the robots that Jeremie and Jason are building!question

Any Forum Members In Seattle?
Im in Seattle for a meeting Friday (tomorrow) and I was wondering if any of our active members are here? If so, do you have a lipo charger I can borrow this...question

Our Ezrobot Christmas
Its too bad our cameras dont show outside of the office. We have a 28 foot tree and a fire place to enjoy the holidayquestion

Robots Are Making Your Breakfast
Aislinn has been working with James Patterson on a little project - shes done a terrific job! What do you think?question

Nasa Posts Free Space Sounds
This might be super useful to you all NASA Posts a Huge Library of Space Sounds, And You’re Free To Use Them And SoundCloud is now a place you can find sounds from...question

Look Whos Joining My Robot Collection - R2D2
I have some plans for this guy. Theres a few other EZ-Robot people building R2 units also. This is an exciting platform to start...question

Thanks Troy Doctor Who Ftw
Very cool! I tried to take the day off today and walked around the zoo. However, the zoo is only a few blocks from the EZ-Robot hq. I stopped in to see this little...question

Jd Eyes And Rgb Led Array Ez-Bit Sneak Peek
Theres been questions about how JDs eyes work - and the 18 RGB LED Block EZ-Bit. Well, I shot this quick video to demonstrate how you...question

Ez-Robot In Scientific America
Hey everyone, we had a short article published in Scientific America today - and I mean short! Needless to say, Im very disappointed in the outcome of my...question

Everyone Loves Updates
Well, I have been quite busy and therefore havent been around much - sorry. EZ-Robot has been getting some amazing attention from a few very large and awesome companies,...question

Getting Schooled With Ez-Robot
Much of my involvement in education is with young entrepeneurs who want to know what it is like to start a company. Being that I didnt expect EZ-Robot to become...question

Android Tutorial
I have published a tutorial on how to create an Android App... You may read the manual here:

ARC Online Help
We have been building an online help with video tutorials for ARC. If you have any suggestions or questions for tutorials, let us know. You can find the online manual under the EZ-Builder...question

Android Mobile Beta App Demo
Everyone has been asking about the Mobile App lately - and for a good reason! Because its absolutely brilliant! Any projects from ARC can be loaded into the...question

Ez-Robot Six Testing
I know that everyone sees a lot of Six and less of the others, but hes my favorite - surprising, considering JD is named after me! Today I was demonstrating the embedded streaming...question

Androbot Inc.
I had no idea the founder of Atari made a robot company in the early 80s. Here are some neat videos of Androbot - Topo and Bobquestion

Ez-Robot Evacuated
You may have seen this on our office cam... Well, we had to leave because of this... Here is a good summary video.. It came out of no where. There has been a lot of rain lately....question

Irobot Roomba Is Now Supported!
Thats right, the iRobot Roomba is now supported by the EZ-B. No more wires! Bluetooth connectivity to your Roomba with the EZ-B. All you need is a PS2...question

Radio Shack - The Great Creation
Have you built a robot from a radio shack toy? Have you used any Radio Shack parts in your robot? If so, get exposure of your robot by posting a video,...question

DC Motor Current Sensing
My omnibot robot has been getting stuck the odd time. I had a conversation with the guys at Solarbotics and they suggested I through in a current sensing circuit. Wicked...question

Autoconnect With Ez-Script
Heres a little tutorial video on how to autoconnect with the latest version of ARC And in case you missed how to use the Shortcut Creator...question

First Version Of ARC
The first version of ARC was released on February 2011. I was going through old code and came across numero uno! So, for fun - here it is. If you are interested to see how far weve...question

L298 Official Howto Video
For those of you who have a 2.5 Amp Motor Controller, here is a tutorial video that we did yesterday - hot from the render! For more information, visit:...question

2D Environment Mapping Code
I have almost completed my Omnibot code as an autonomous pet. I am about an elegant and effecient solution to AI. Of course, giving the impression of awareness is all...question

Smash Kaboom
Oooops. At least our flying quadcopter robot didnt get stuck in a tree this time! However, it did fall out of the sky and hit the ground from about 100 feet. Nothing that a little bit of glue wont...question

Good News! Drone Has Been Rescued
The EZ-Robot Drone was outside running a few tests... Chasing its favorite red ball and such... When suddenly a gust of wind (were going to blame the...question

Robot Art
Just playing around...question

How A Servo Works
This is a short tutorial on how a servo works at an electrical level. The position of a servo is determined by the pulse, which is normally between 1ms and 2ms. However, many servos have...question

Pwm Duty Cycle Trick
Heres a neat trick to ramp the PWM duty cycle automatically by using the Servo Speed Control. Because the Servo and PWM share some code, the Servo Speed effects both features on...question

EZ-Robot Is Our Life
I write everything from my head onto paper. The walls of my home are covered in large sheets of paper with ideas and theories about robotics. I learn from you, the EZ-Community, to...question

Flying Robot Stuck In A Tree
This might be an interesting story, the new age version of a cat stuck in the tree. This time, its a robot. I was testing one of my flying robots outside and having...question

Behind The Scenes
Wonder what its like at EZ-Robot? Its not always fun and games - but when it is, we take advantage of it!question

Did You Ask For Servo Speed?
The best is getting better! Did you ask for servo speed? How about 255 servo speeds? Did you also ask for double the servo resolution? Oh, and a few other speed...question

Robot Eyes
check this link out... I stumbled across their ebay store today and im impressed with their products. Some real neat stuff!

First Flight
I completed new support in the EZ-SDK and ARC yesterday. Well be releasing it this week. Heres a sneak peekquestion

Happy Valentines Day fellow ez-rrrrrrrrrrrobot lovers Dont tell anyone yet... We havent made a proper press release. But that video we just filmed 30 minutes ago. Give us another week or two for...question

Ez-Robot Takes Over Endeavor Arts
EZ-Robot took over Endeavor Arts with our robots during Calgarys First Thursday. We brought Omnibot 2000, Wall-e, Brookstone Rover, Flying AR Parrot...question

Android - Coming Soon
What version of Android are your devices? I picked up an Android Tablet this evening - Samsung Galaxy 2. I started working on the Android library for the EZ-B. Most of the...question

Fan Cooling
I had some heat issues with my Omnibot 2000s arm servos. I recall a mod someone had done before by adding a fan to the EZ-B. I also did a little mod - and here are instructions to do it in the...question

Ez-Robot Visits Endeavour Arts Studio
We were asked to attend a small function at Endeavour Arts tonight. I managed to free up a bit of time and brought a few of my most recent robots....question

Happy New Year! Bring On 2012!
Happy New Year everyone! It has been exactly one year since I launched ARC - that excites me. It is hard to imagine how far EZ-Robot has come. Everyday I log...question

MMA7455L Accelerometer
*Note: this is temporary until the next SDK is released. Then this page will change because there will be an embedded class in the EZ-SDK and ARC. Address byte...question

EZ-Robot @ Beakerhead.Org held their launch party this evening. EZ-Robot was invited to contribute with our robots. Omnibot v1 and Omnibot 2000 were my dates. All of 5 hours old,...question

Auto Robot Hand Control Preview
Automatically closes the hand and executes an ez-script when an object is placed in the handquestion

Robot Documentaries
I found these documentaries on youtube. Its pretty coolquestion

EZ-Robot Wallpaper
Fellow facebook friend Ryan Davis asked for the wall paper on my laptop background in the videos. So Here it is... Feel free to make your own also Right click and select Use As...question

Embedded Computing
Some applications may be large enough to support an embedded PC motherboard. Mini-ITX motherboards are a great solution for this application. The Mini ITX motherboards are usually 17cm...question

DJ Sures Talks About EZ-Robot

Omnibot @ Maker Faire 2011
Hey everyone! Omnibot has finally returned home from his month trip down the California coast... Starting in San Mateo Bay Area for the Maker Faire 2011! For those who...question

EZ-B V3 Prototype Testing
Jeremy @ solarbotics was playing with the EZ-B Version 3.0 this weekend... He made us this little videoquestion

EZ-B Tested By Solarbotics
Well! There hasnt been much (any) activity on the Forum since we put it online. Today I met with Solarbotics and passed an EZ-B onto them. Jeremy quickly grabbed the...general

JD With New Self-Programming AI Robot Skill
Last night, I had a few friends over, and we discussed the fascinating topic of how artificial intelligence can autonomously program...general

The Creator Movie
A while ago, I saw a news article about people dressed as robots walking around a football stadium. They were acting stiffly and pretending to be robots for a publicity promo for The...general

Orange Pi Zero 2W
Weve used Raspberry Pi 4s with the ARCx testing and development. Recently, I was wondering how a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 would perform. The Zero 2 is a 64-bit CPU, which is what ARCx...general

Using Openai GPT4 To Control A Robot Arm
Weve been working on a few things using Open AIs API, such as navigating any robot around any environment and avoiding obstacles with only a...general

Wow - I Hope Snapdragon Gives Us New Sbcs
As you know, Intel hasnt been making many breakthroughs in performance or power consumption. This has resulted in slow development of...general

Describe Your Robot Arm For Kinematic Robot Skill
We are in the process of developing a dynamic configuration system for robot arms, which will be compatible with a variety...general

Will! We’Re Watching Your Series
We started with guardians of the galaxy 1 two nights ago. Tonight is part 2. Looking forward to part 3! The Christmas special we’re gonna do too after...general

Tiny 11 On Tiny Computers
Im not a fan of Windows 11 - but if thats our only option moving forward, guess well have to figure out how to live with it. This video uses a utility that shows how to...general

Resurrecting My AT-AT Robot Pet
Ill resurrect some of my old robots and return them to life. Theyve sat on shelves between the office and my house for several years. While Id like to build...general

Jeremie’S Getting A Head In Life
He’s got the body printed but hasn’t assembled it.general

BEEP BEEP Server Outage Warning
Hey everyone - this is a quick note that the Synthiam servers will be offline on Tuesday, April 18th, between 11:00 PM Mountain Time for approximately 3-4...general

Interesting Security Settings For Windows
This is a neat video - its the second video in his series about how Microsoft has been collecting and sending data from Windows. The first...general

Create A Custom Windows 10 Lite Image
Has anyone seen this before? I found a few videos but this one seems to be the most detailed. I come across Windows 10 Lite often, where someone...general

Got Some New Swag!
Decided to splurge on myself. Ya it still costs me to buy my own swag . But these fit great. Had to go two sizes larger but they’re so nice just need some nicer weather to wear them...general

Rock Pi/X Cooling Mod
The heat sink is a must with the rock pi x. I ordered a fan kit from Amazon that’s originally for the raspberry pi. It came with 4 fans and a ton of heat sinks. I’ve been running...Audio

Openai Text To Speech v4
Use the OpenAI models for converting text to speech. It includes nine built-in voices that can be used.Audio

Azure Text To Speech v10
Enable fluid, natural-sounding text to speech that matches the intonation and emotion of human voices.Artificial Intelligence

Autonomous AI v13
Give your robot autonomous capabilities using AI. This allows robots to follow instructions and execute commands based on the ARC project...Remote Control

Exosphere v74
Exosphere combines telepresence, artificial intelligence, machine learning and human assistance to give autonomous behaviors to cloud...Servo

Feetech RS485 Servo v6
Use the SM40BL control protocol for Feetech RS485 smart servos.Navigation

The Navigator v31
A navigation skill for path planning based on receiving external location and obstacle dataArtificial Intelligence

Openai Chatgpt v31
Use Chat GPT with your robot. Give your robot a personality and conversational ability and describe images. This robot skill adds chatbot...Navigation

The Better Navigator v42
Improved version of The Navigator based on Hector SLAM, with more features and path finding.Remote Control

Joystick (Xinput) v16
Joystick control for XInput devices (xbox controllers, etc).Servo

Dynamixel v51
Connect and control Robotis Dynamixel Smart Servos to ARC. This open-source plugin converts the Virtual Servo ports on ARC (v0-v99) to...Navigation

Intel Realsense D435i v20
Connect the D435i Intel Realsense depth cameras to the ARC navigation messaging system (NMS) for distance detection and mapping.Graphs

Servo Sketch 3D v2
Draws the positions of 3 servos on a 3D panel. Good for identifying the end effector of a 3D gantry.Communication

Get an RSS feed and assign each response to a variable in an array. Use the variable to speak the response or perform parsing, etc.Movement Panels

Irobot Roomba Movement Panel v22
Control the iRobot Roomba and read sensor data from 500 series roombasScripting

Servo Script v10
Bind a script to servo position movements. This allows you to create scripts that run each time a servo is moved. A good use case for this...Servo

Feetech Serial Bus Servo v11
Control Feetech serial bus smart servos from UART or PC COM port.Servo

Waveshare Bus Servos
Control Waveshare bus servos with TTL or RS485Audio

Advanced Speech Recognition v42
This is an advanced alternative to the Bing Speech Recognition robot skill for ARC. This skill is a paid service from Microsoft.Audio

Talk Servo V2 v5
Bind a servo to spoken audio to move a mouth similating speakingAudio

Voice Activity Detection v7
Detect the presence or absence of human speechVirtual Reality

Dual Camera Servo Server v2
A server for DIY usage that allows a client to control servos and sends two stereoscopic camera streams to the client.Virtual Reality

Oculus Quest Robot v11
Use Meta Quest 2 VR headsets to control a real robot by viewing their cameras and manipulating servos with natural hand gestures or...Servo

Stepper Servo v21
Control up to 127 stepper motors as servos with speed and acceleration.Scripting

Smart Variable Watcher v4
This is a smarter variable watcher that replaces the standard built-in version. This version uses less CPU for large projects.Audio

Google Speech Recognition v10
Use the online Google Speech Recognition Service (test beta)Camera

Openai Dall-E Image v3
Integrate state of the art image generation capabilities directly into your robot apps and products.Navigation

Rplidar v20
NMS Lidar is the robot skill driver for all Slamtec Lidars (i.e., A series, C series, and S series, etc.).Navigation

Wheel Encoder Counter v12
Compatible with firmware that counts wheel rotation for left and right wheels with wheel encoder.Display

Chromium v7
Full-featured chrome web browser robot skill that can be configured using control commands.Servo

Custom Servo Controller
Use Vx virtual servo ports to control up to 99 servos on a custom servo controller via a serial protocol, such as arduino mega with a custom...Camera

Stream All The Video Sources v3
Stream all video sources from any URI protocol or codec (RTMP, m3u, m3u8, Mkv, MOV, mpg, etc.). The video stream is sent to the selected...Movement Panels

Brushless Motor Movement Panel v2
A movement panel to control brushless motor controllers. These are used in hoverboards or many other robot types.Display

Display Popup v13
Popup a custom window with custom text to the user from a commandScripting
for ARCx

Script v2
Execute a JavaScript or Python script to automate a process and control other robot skills.Camera
for ARCx

Face Tracking v2
Track faces from any of the ARC video sources.Audio
for ARCx

Advanced Speech Synthesis
Text to speech that uses Azure voices which are natural sounding for several languages.Audio
for ARCx

Speech Phrase Recognition
Execute scripts based on input from any speech to text recognition.Camera
for ARCx

Video Recorder
Record any video source to a local file.Audio
for ARCx

Windows Speech Engine
Use Microsoft Windows built-in speech synthesis and recognition engine.Servo
for ARCx

Move a servo using the mouth with an on-screen widgetRemote Control
for ARCx

Movement Joystick
An on-screen joystick that will control any movement panel in the project.Movement Panels
for ARCx

Continuous Rotation Movement Panel
Two or more continuous servos used as a movement panel to move the robot with movement commands.Camera
for ARCx

Camera Source (Ezb)
Use an EZB that supports video as a camera source for recognition, recording and more.Audio
for ARCx

Basic Speech Synthesis
English-only speech synthesis.Camera
for ARCx

Camera Source (Usb) v3
Use a USB camera as a video source for recongition, recording and more.Audio
for ARCx

Azure Speech To Text Engine v2
Speech recognition engine from Microsoft Azure using your own custom key for billing.Communication
for ARCx

Ezb Connection v3
Connect ARCx to microcontrollers with the EZB firmware installed.ADC
for ARCx

Arcx Test Robot Skill v21
This is a test ARCx robot skill. This is not a real robot skill.Audio

Conversational Menu v10
Have a verbal conversation with your robot using your voice by navigating through menu options so your robot can perform tasks.Camera

Kinect Body Control v11
Control robot servos using your body and a Microsoft KinectDisplay

Full Screen Video Player v9
Play videos in a fullscreen window that sits on top of everything else. Great for facial animations or user messages.Servo

Lewansoul Servo v29
Control LewanSoul digital smart servos from the EZ-B UART or PC COM Serial PortUltrasonic

Ultrasonic Collision Script
Use an ultrasonic distance sensor to execute a script when an object is detected within range of the sensor.Audio

Speech Script v4
Execute a script when speech is created.Camera

Tiny Yolo2 v13
Object detection is fundemental to computer vision: Recognize what the objects are inside the robot camera and also where they are in the...Servo

Inverse Kinematic Arm v10
Move any robot arm with inverse kinematics in 3d cartesian coordinates.Communication

Pushover v3
Push robot status notifications to iOS (iphone/ipad), Android and various other devices, including Windows.Navigation

Hitachi-LG LDS Lidar v21
NMS Driver for the Hitachi-LG LDS 360 degree lidar.Movement Panels

Wowwee Rovio v3
Movement panel for the Wowwee Rovio toy robot.Servo

Robotis Openmanipulatorx v8
Calculates the joint angles to position the Robotis Open ManipulatorX effector to a specific desired location in 3d cartesian space.Scripting

Get Line Containing From Array v7
Adds a new ez-script function GetLineContainingFromArray() that will return an item from the array that contains the specified text.Servo

Servo Recorder v15
Record and play back servo movements on your robot at specified speed and directionRemote Control

Myo Gesture Armband v8
Myo Gesture Armband with support for multiple devicesScripting

Task Script v8
Split complex tasks into several simple scripts. Each script is a stage of completing a task.Remote Control

Remote UI Client v4
The Remote UI Client skill for ARC enables PCs to remotely control robots using customizable interfaces created in other ARC instances, with...Games

Tic Tac Toe v7
A tic tac toe game that you can play with your robot.Navigation

BN-880 GPS Compass v2
Have your robot navigate using a GPS to waypoints and paths.General

EZB Connect By Name
Connect to an EZB by the name using the WiFi broadcast feature.Artificial Intelligence

Bot Libre v8
Powerful AIML2 chatbot client for ARC using the Bot Libre opensource cloud serviceMovement Panels

Inverted Pendulum v9
The inverted pendulum skill is designed to be used with the Sainsmart v3 balance robot but technically you can use the Sainsmart hardware,...Remote Control

Movement Joystick v6
A joystick that controls any movement panelCommunication

EZMQTT Broker v8
MQTT Broker that runs as a control in ARCNavigation

Camera NMS Pose v8
Use an overhead camera to track the pose location of a robot for localized navigation.Scripting

User Defined Function Example v4
Example of how to create a plugin that becomes an ez-script function.Camera

Sighthound Cloud API v12
The Sighthound Cloud Detection API returns the location of any people and faces found in robot camera video.Communication

Connection Diagnostic v6
If you are experiencing issues with EZ-B v4 connection, this is a diagnostic tool to help.Communication

Command Duplicator v7
Control more than one ez-b with the same commands.Virtual Reality

Single Camera Servo Server v10
Servo camera video server which allows a remote client to move servos and receive video stream from a camera device.Servo

PWM Servo Feedback (ADC) v10
This control will allow hobby pwm servos to have positional feedback in ARC.Navigation

Intel Realsense T265 v26
Use the Intel Realsense T265 tracking camera for way-point robot navigationServo

PWM Servo Feedback (I2c) v7
This receives ADC data from the arduino of servo positions via I2C to an EZ-BArtificial Intelligence

Aimlbot v22
AimlBot is a localized chatbot client that uses AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language).Movement Panels

Sabertooth Movement Panel v10
This control supports the Sabertooth H-Bridge Motor Driver as a movement panel with variable speed in Simplified Serial mode.Camera

Robot Skill To Camera v5
Capture the output display of a robot skill and send it to a camera device.Camera

Screen To Camera v7
Capture any area of the screen and send it to a camera device.Artificial Intelligence

Dialogflow v23
Use Googles DialogFlow to create an artificially intelligent NLP chatbot for your robot.Audio

Soundboard V2 (PC) v4
This Soundboard will play MP3 or WAV files out of the default sound output device on your PC. Scripts can be added to the timeline of each...Camera

Train Vision Object By Script v6
Enable real-time object vision training using scriptsMovement Panels

Custom Movement Panel V2
An advanced custom movement panel with more features than the regular panelVirtual Reality

Virtual Reality Robot v30
View your robot’s camera using any SteamVR supported virtual reality headsets (Google Cardboard, Oculus Rift, Windows Mixed Reality, HTC...Servo

Maestro Servo Controller v4
Control servos using the Pololu Maestro servo controllersNavigation

NMS Faux Odometry v8
Generate estimated pose odometry based on the travel distance of the movement manager.Movement Panels

Ubtech Alpha 1 Bluetooth v19
Control UBTech Alpha robot via bluetoothNavigation

NMS Example v3
An example project with source code that demonstrates how to create an NMS Level #1 navigation robot skill.Navigation

Kinect Xbox 360 Depth Mapping v3
Use the microsoft xbox 360 connect to send navigation/obstacle information into the ARC NMS (navigation messaging system)Navigation

SLAM for the ARC NMS without navigation capabilities. (Testing only)Movement Panels

Irobot Roomba Legacy v4
Control the older iRobot Discovery and 4xxx for legacy supportScripting

Variable State Saver v7
Save and Restore variable data to a file.Artificial Intelligence

Personality Forge v3
Make your robot a chatbot with personality and engagement. It will allow your robot to remember details and form emotional relationships...Servo

Lynxmotion Smart Servos v9
Compact, modular smart actuators which were designed to be an evolution of the standard RC servo for use in multi degree-of-freedom robots,...Movement Panels

Ohmnilabs Standalone v15
This skill connects the Ohmnilabs Telepresence Robot servo/wheel hardware with ARC.Movement Panels

Wowwee MIP V2 v3
The WowWee MIP robot is hackable with a UART port on the mainboard. Connect the GND, TX and RX to the EZ-Bs UART TX and RX to control it...General

EZ-B Settings v6
Configure saved WiFi settings directly to the EZ-B v4 made by EZ-RobotMovement Panels

Sabertooth Kangaroo v2
Movement panel for the Kangaroo and Sabertooth from Dimension Engineering.Communication

Network Change v2
Execute scripts based on network connection change activity. Such as if WiFi connects or disconnects.Communication

Websocket Client v6
A client to send and receive data to a WebSocket.Communication

Websocket Server v3
A WebSocket server for ARC that accepts client connections and executes scripts for each message received.Servo

Kondo KRS ICS Servos v7
Control Kondo KRS servos with ICS 2 3.5 ProtocolMovement Panels

DJI Tello Movement Panel v3
Control the DJI Tello drone from ARC and receive the camera video feed for tracking.Communication

TCP Client v8
TCP Telnet Client for connecting to TCP Servers and diagnosing data channels.Communication

SMTP Client v11
Allows your robot to send email or camera images using SMTP.Communication

TCP Script Server Raw v8
TCP server that listens for script commands.Communication

EZMQTT Client v10
MQTT Client Control for ARC that can also work with the serverGeneral

Screen Recorder v20
Record your screen to a video file to play back laterNavigation

Indoor Positioning System v16
The indoor positioning system is a combination of IR transmitter and IR dual camera receiver. The IR transmitter is mounted on your robot,...Audio

Sound Script (Ezb) v3
Execute a script when sound is played out of the EZB speakerArtificial Intelligence

Pandorabot AIML2 v2
Connect to the PandoraBot AIML2 service using your Pandora developer accountAudio

Output Audio From EZ-B v11
Example with source code of how to play audio out of the EZ-B when making a plugin in C#Camera

Text Overlay v2
Display a variable on the processed camera device imagePower

Prevent PC Sleep v2
Prevents the PC from entering sleep mode.Artificial Intelligence

Vader Sentiment Analysis v5
VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) is a lexicon and rule-based sentiment analysis tool that is specifically attuned to...Camera

Picture In Picture v7
Super impose a camera image on another camera imageCamera

Augmented Reality v9
Overlay images on detected objects, colors, faces and more.Audio

Total Speech Recognition v8
AKA the worst speech recognizer By request of users who wish for unusable open dictionary offline speech recognitionCamera

Target Overlay v8
Display custom transparent PNG overlays on the camera control video output.Camera

Camera Click Servo v12
Attaches to the camera control to enable servo panning by clicking on the video image.Scripting

On Variable Changed v3
This skill will execute a script when a variable has changed.Audio

Frequency Detector v7
Have servos respond to audio frequencies detected by the PC MicrophoneAudio

Midi Control v14
Connect a MIDI musical instrument or your soundcard to your robot.Servo

UBTECH Alpha Servos UBT-12HC v11
Control the UBTECH Alpha Robot Digital smart Servos (UBT-12HC) with ARCCamera

Programming With Pictures v9
Program your robot using images printed on paper.Camera

Camera Overlay v9
Displays the detected object name on the video stream.Misc

Remote Mouse v8
Control your mouse with this skill with scripting. Be creative and use your speech, camera skill or switches on your I/O controller to move...Graphs

Graphy v9
This is the graphy control for creating graphs and plotting data using the ControlCommand() commands.robot

DJs Tamiya Bulldozer Robot
This is a tutorial on how to modify the Tamiya Bulldozer to be driven by modified servos rather than the DC motorset. The software controlling this robot is ARC....robot

DJs The Real Wall-E
Its been a very crazy past few weeks. I took a day off today. Yes! I admit it. I took a day off... And I built a robot Felt great to be back in the hacking saddle! This Wall-E hack...robot

DJs Wowwee Roboquad
The WowWee RoboQuad makes for a perfectly affordable unique robot platform, with the aid of EZ-Robot. Description: After adding support for his WowWee RoboSapien, DJ continued on to...robot

DJs Multiple Robots With One Joystick
Demonstration how I controlled 6 robots with one joystick in my Pecha Kucha presentation. In this video, I use an Omnibot, Omnibot 2000, Wall-e,...robot

DJs Hasbro R2d2 Hacked With Iotiny
This build was in two parts. The original build was hacked live at Comic Expo in Calgary Alberta with an EZ-B v3 in 2012. It was a fun hack, because I...robot

DJs Drd 3D Printable Robot
I wanted a robot that was super easy to 3D print and was least number of parts to make. This robot was inspired from the Farscape DRD robots. Theres merely 2 components...robot

DJs Irobot Roomba Hack
DJ modifies an iRobot Roomba to be wirelessly controlled with the EZ-B. He also adds a webcam and voice recognition! This is all done by soldering only two wires from an old...robot

DJs DJ’S Test Platform (K8)
This is my robot I rebuilt to use as a test platform for ARC. When developing skills and ARC features, this is one of the robots I use for testing with. Hardware...robot

DJs Intel Realsense T265 Adventures-Bot Part 3
This is a test with the Intel RealSense T265 tracking camera for localization with the EZ-Robot AdventureBot. I use 3 ultrasonic...robot

DJs Imperial AT-AT Walker Robot - The Force Is With Me!
This year i made a decision to get back into building robots. So, Ill start with this! Kind of ironic, an...robot

DJs Ez-B V4 Dalek
I built a Dalek EZ-Robot tonight. Well, i upgraded my EZ-B v3 hack to the v4 and added a few more servos. One to control the nose plunger thingy on their face up and down. And two other...robot

DJs Trs-80 Model 100 Controlled Wall-E
Watch the video I think the title say it all! I hacked my 1983 Tandy TRS-80 Model 100 Portable Computer with a TTL Bluetooth Module to control...robot

DJs Self Docking Robot
I used an Ohmnilabs Telepresence robot to write some self docking code as an example. I really like their docking mechanism, which uses magnets. Something like this can be...robot

DJs Robotis XM430 Dynamixel Arm With Open CM9.04
I was using a robotis arm for picking stuff up - albeit nothing special, but thought the process might be useful to some...robot

DJs Robot Blinds Control
Lazy much? Blind control to major tom... I can now control the blind/shades on my deck from my phone! With a little bit of hot glue, a couple wood screws and some pieces of...robot

DJs Robot Head
With an animatronic robot head, DJ created a new feature for ARC. This robot was used as a platform for the Relative Servo Tracking Camera Control option. Description: Animatronic companies...robot

DJs Revolution Snake
I dived into the box fresh injection molded parts from our manufacturer tonight and built this EZ-Robot Revolution Snake! It uses a SIN wave for each servo position.robot

DJs JD Humanoid Puppet
Credit for this robot idea goes to @Nink, who suggested it based on my PWM Servo Feedback behavior control. I wrote a quick script that reads the realtime servos of one JD and...robot

DJs How Do I Shovel My Snow?
With a robot, of course! What did you expect? This is a robot shell that I built with some students in the summer for a robot challenge. The robot chassis is from...robot

DJs Machine Learning And Cognitive Services Jd Humanoid Robot
We had been working on plugins for the Microsoft Cognitive Services, and I was testing them with...robot

DJs And Now For Something Completely Different (Pdp-8)
This isn’t robot related... although I used ARC to make the software vc8e emulator. Read on... I’ve always been...robot

DJs Autonomous Robocar
Heres a robot that I built last year to follow the lanes of a small test track. This was built 24 hours before attending Chris Andersons DIY Robo Cars meetup. I was told about...robot

DJs Adventurebot Chasing Red Ball
Have you ever found something so hipnotic that you can sit and watch it for hours? Thats what happened to me after programming this AdventureBot to track...robot

DJs Roli Rover Robot Chasing Red Ball
It seems that programming an EZ-Robot to chase a red ball is a popular exercise of mine. Ive done it with this hexapod and an AdventureBot to!...robot

DJs Six Hexapod Robot Tracking Ball
This was a fun use of ARC to configure a Six Hexapod to track and chase a red ball. Earlier this evening, we had a group of teachers and educators...robot

DJs Jd Humanoid Controlled By Microsoft Kinect
Microsoft had sent me a Kinect a few years ago, and I embarrassingly finally got around to doing something with it. I created an...robot

DJs DJs Omnibot 2000
I just finished a short video with clips of building my Omnibot 2000, you can watch it here. This robot contains all of the great new features of ARC - Wii Remote Control - Glyph...robot

DJs Ips (Indoor Positioning System)
For quite a few years, ive been mentioning that I have been working on a positioning system for ez-robots. I guess its time that i share my...robot

DJs Apple Watch Robot Control
Not sure how many of you have seen this, but we added Apple Watch support to the ARC iOS app! For the longest time, no one knew what an Apple Watch was good for...robot

DJs I Taught Jd To Serve Snacks
Did you know Im a huge fan of MMs? Only the peanut butter kind! Theres an event tomorrow at google (BotLuck), and my JD will be serving snacks. Download the...robot

DJs Darth Vader Humanoid Robot
I made this Darth Jader for an upcoming The Robot Program episode. Wanted to share the robot exclusively with the ez-robot forum before the real episode goes...robot

DJs Omnibot TV Watching
The latest version of the EZ-SDK and ARC contains an enhanced motion tracking update. The quality and edge detection algorythm has been modified and seems to work great!!...robot

DJs Tomy Omnibot
This was probably the funnest robot I have created yet. It is a wicked platform with a lot of room to grow. Ive been adding sensors and programming to it ever since I got it. Project Page:...robot

DJs Fisher Price Chatter
This is the strangest robot that Ive ever built... But i had to, can you blame me?robot

DJs Super Six Hexapod
You may have seen this video of a real large ez-robot hexapod... That is a robot i built over the summer at my cabin with a 3d printer for the Intel IDF16 conference in San...robot

DJs Jds Friday The 13Th
Beware of the robots on Friday the 13th! Thanks for the face mask Justinrobot

DJs Teddy Ruxpin Robot Version 1
I added a new robot today. It is a Teddy Ruxpin, if you remember him? He was a talking toy from the 1980s that used a tape player. His mouth and eyes were...robot

DJs Robot Head
I started on a little project for a humanoid-type platform. I have ideas for the body and such, but im starting with the head because im adding new features to ARC for it.robot

DJs At Home With Jd
I took the evening off to chill at home with JD for my first time. I tweaked many of the existing motions to be more fluid and not as clunky, it was a lot of fun! I didnt know this,...robot

DJs Myo Gesture Tutorial
The MYO is a creative controller for interacting with your ez-robot. It uses gestures and an accelerometer to trigger actions, events and move servos. This tutorial...robot

DJs Introducing Jd
JD finally gets a little introduction video...robot

DJs Jd Wants His Rubber Duck
Should I give it to him? lolrobot

DJs Mobile App Developer Tutorial
So, youve built your ez-robot and now you would like to make your own mobile app. Did you know EZ-Robot has a robot appstore? And that you can easily...robot

DJs Detect Multiple Colors
One of the features that makes ez-robot so special is the camera that can detect faces, objects, glyphs, qr codes and multiple colors. For this tutorial, we will use...robot

DJs Wii Remote Controlled Robot
Recently, Ive added a great deal of support to the Wiimote Control in ARC. This includes EZ-Scriptable buttons and a few other goodies. I set Wall-e to be...robot

DJs ARC Overview
The ultimate robot software ARC is leading the way for the next generation of robotics. Heres a short video I put together to introduce some of the features.robot

DJs Jd Connects To Nest Thermostat
I put this little tutorial and robot together to show how you can connect your JD to a Nest Thermostat. Its neat because you can be anywhere in the...robot

DJs Elastic Band Shooter
In parallel with James Elastic Band Turret build, we were building a robot today. I came up with a slightly different elastic band shooter that uses a servo with a hexapod...robot

DJs Hey Jd, Need A Lift?
JD was a little lazy today...robot

DJs Taught Jd How To Somersault
Dont try this at home!robot

DJs I Shall Call Him Norm
Norm is a very fitting name, no?robot

DJs So, I Taught Jd How To Play The Piano
This is just the first version... I think itll be a good idea to put a robot band together after the holidaysrobot

DJs Six Hexapod Demo Dance
Playing with the Six Hexapod tonight... thought I would share thisrobot

DJs Funny 3 Legged Robot
Some of the guys around the office were thinking of creative combinations today. I stumbled across their final creation this afternoon and wondered if I could make it walk....robot

DJs How About A Dance-Off?
Hey community, how would you feel about an ezrobot dance-off contest? Here is the STL file for the microphone:...robot

DJs Philo Junior Color Tracking Test
Hey there! I was playing around with the Philo Junior. This example uses the camera option Track By Relative Position, in case anyone wanted another...robot

DJs Revolution. The History Of
I created this thread in the Project Showcase because, well, it was once a project... and now it is a company. Id like to tell you a little story about the...robot

DJs Choose Your Ez-Robot!
I created a little video to summarize the current supported EZ-Robot Platforms - of course, this list will grow. Supporting existing platforms is great, but nothing beats...robot
DJs Project: Scarab
I started a new project today... But I didnt get very far. I stopped right after I started because I decided to wait until next week to finish it. Solarbotics had asked me to do a...robot

DJs Ez-Robot Takes The Secret Challenge Competition
EZ-Robot is sponsoring a team of awesome children to build a robot to compete in the Western Canadian Robot Games! We...robot

DJs Brookstone Rover
DJ saw the potential of the Brookstone Rover right away. Adding support into his ARC software greatly enhances this product - from a boring remote control toy, to a full-featured...robot

DJs Tomy Omnibot V1
This was an exciting project that DJ Sures had been planning for weeks. He purchased the Tomy Omnibot off Ebay and started hacking it within hours from the post office. He modified...robot

DJs Cyborg Snowman
What do roboticists do when it snows? Click to find out Description: We had a big snowfall in Calgary Canada this weekend. What do roboticists do when it snows? They make robot...robot

DJs Master Blaster Robot
DJ Sures named this robot Master Blaster. Dont ask us why, he still doesnt know. But hes pretty simple and is remote controlled. He has no sensors for object detection, so...robot

DJs Teddy Ruxpin Robot V1
DJ Sures built this Teddy Ruxpin Robot from a toy that he purchased off Ebay. The toy was broken, so he didnt feel bad taking it apart (or cutting off his head). But, you...robot

DJs Scarab Creepy Robot
Some people say this is creepy... Others think hes cute. You be the judge This was a remote control toy called the Scarab. DJ has modified it to host an EZ-B with an HC-SR04...robot

DJs Dalek
Are you familiar with Doctor Who? The longest running Sci-Fi TV show from Britain! Some would argue who is the Doctors worst enemy... Is it the Cybermen? Daleks? The Master? DJ Sures is certain the...robot

DJs Robot Dog Chases Ball
Are you allergic to dogs? Well DJ Sures is! So whats the next best thing? Thats right, a robot dog that chases red balls. Description: What to do when you are allergic to...robot

DJs Omnibot 2000
Standing 26 inches tall, the Omnibot 2000 was the latest from Tomy in their series of Omnibots. DJ got hold of a damaged one off eBay and converted it into a Personal Robot - One which can...robot

DJs Voice Recognition Robot
Re-using the Cookie Monster shell to show off the EZ-Bs Voice Recognition ability. This robot will respond to voice commands. Description: You may have seen this...robot

DJs The Real Wall-E
DJ Sures has made a few Wall-E mods in the past, but this one is sure to be unique! DJ added a camera and a vertical servo to Wall-Es head. With these new additions, EZ-B and ARC,...robot

DJs AR Drone Parrot
DJ connects the AR Drone Parrot to ARC and has it chase a red ball around the room. This adds many great new features to your already awesome AR Drone Flying Robot! Description: DJ...robot

DJs Vision Tracking Robot
This is a test robot DJ Sures created to trial a new module that he has been working on. It tracks and follows objects by their color. This robot was sadly never given a...robot

DJs Cookie Monster Robot
A few years ago DJ Sures had built a Cookie Monster robot that ran on its own with 2D autonomous programming. Today DJ had removed the old circuit board and replaced it...robot

DJs Spider Robot
This robot uses two DC motors instead of modified servos. The ADC Distance Sensor detects objects and the autonomous mode has many random delays for a jerky spider movement. Description:...robot

DJs Robophilo
The RoboPhilo Junior is a fantastic and affordable Humanoid Platform for the EZ-Robot Complete Kit. Description: The RoboPhilo Junior is a fantastic and affordable humanoid platform. The...robot

DJs Snow Shovel Robot
DJ Sures builds a robot that he equips with a shovel. The robot shovels outside in the cold, while DJ stays warm inside. Description: DJ Sures from EZ-Robot builds a robot hack

DJs K8 Intel Realsense Navigation
Were going to play with the new robot that I have been re-building. Added the Rock Pi/x, Intel Realsense T265 D435i, and the Sabertooth with hack

DJs First Live Robot Hack
In this archived video, he gives a tour of the facility and discovers Build-a-bear costumes fit the EZ-Robot JD Humanoid perfectly! The hack he performs is on a hack

DJs Test Bots (Turtlebot 3, And K-8)
I will be upgrading my test robots with single-board computers (SBCs). Ill be adding the Intel Up Board and Rock Pi/x to each of the robots. hack

DJs 6Th Live Hack Event (Raspberry Pi Neopixel With Arduino)
In this 6th installment of DJs Live Hack Events, well be installing EZ-Builder on a Raspberry Pi, hack

1983 Robot Magazines Show Robots Havent Changed
Take a trip with us into the past down memory lane - or - aka the time before now! We spend 3 and a half hours browsing hack

Robot Learn A New Object
Ill be using the camera and speech recognition to instruct the robot to learn a new object. Ill demonstrate how new objects can be taught and recognized. Well probably hack

A Little Of This, A Little Of That
Well take it as it goes tonight in this last-minute live hack event. My plan is to do a few things with the ESP32 Cam and see if we can get servos hack

ESP32 Connect To ARC
Ill be programming the ESP32 Doit DevKit v1 with a firmware which turns it into an EZ-B for ARC to connect and control. Well hook up a servo and demonstrate how to move it. hack

Irobot Roomba Live Hack
Gonna hack the iRobot Roomba and connect it to the ARC software... Making it into a real robot! Put a camera on it and all that jazz. Well be using the iRobot Roomba hack

Atari 600Xl - Another Retro Game Night Hack
Last minute notice of my hack - and something a little different. Ill be adding a Raspberry Pi 4 to an Atari 600xl with Retro Pie. hack

The Lattepanda Robot Hack
Im hacking the lattepanda to control Robotis Dynamixel servos and use a USB camera for machine vision. This will be a fun hack because the LattePanda is a powerful hack

Dimension Engineering Sabertooth Kangaroo
Ill be connecting a Dimension Engineering Sabertooth to their Kangaroo and controlling via Synthiams ARC robot software. hack

Robot As Puppet To Control Another Robot By Reading Servo Positions
In this hack, Ill be showing how to control a robot with another robot as a puppet hack

Intel Up Board As A Robot Controller
Ill be installing ARC on an Intel Up Board and demonstrating its capabilities as a robot controller. Ill start from a brand new installation hack

Exosphere Community Beta Live QA
DJ Sures will be introducing Exospheres community beta in a live QA session. Questions related to Exosphere are welcomed. Hell talk about why Synthiam hack

DJs 7Th Live Hack (Neopixel, Arduino, Raspberry Pi Ezbpi Server)
Todays live hack, well play with the Arduino and see if we can get it to control hack

Raspberry Pi Hacking Atari 2600
A little different tonight, rather than hacking robots. Im a retro gamer at heart, and have been on a mission adding raspberry pi emulation to my retro hack

Commodore 64 Arduino/Raspberry Pi Hack! O_O
Last retro console hack before I get back into programming some robots. Im taking my original C64 breadbox that I grew up with hack

Hacking Decision... C64 Or Fairchild Channel F?
I know... I know... DJs hacking more game consoles again? Yup! I do love robots as much as you, but I also love hack

Hacking The Thermal Camera AMG8833
Ill be creating an EZ-Builder behavior control that receives and displays data from the Thermal Camera AMG8833. Itll be a long boring evening hack

DJs 9Th Live Hack - Raspberry Pi + Dynamixel... Together For Ever!
This is a short live hack where I will demonstrate how to... 1) Install EZ-Builder hack

Live Hacking Microsoft Mixed Reality VR To Control A Robot
Ill be demonstrating how to control servos and see what the robot sees using a Microsoft Mixed hack

PWM Servo Position Feedback (Read Servo Position)
Ill be hacking a PWM Servo to have positional feedback for EZ-Builder using an EZ-B v4. You can also perform the hack

Djs 5Th Live Hack Session
In this 5th live robot hacking event, I will demonstrate how to program an Arduino and connect it to EZ-Builder via USB and Bluetooth. Ill also control a Robotis hack

Hacking Robotis Opencm 9.04 With Bioloid
I will be hacking the Robotis OpenCM 9.04 controller with EZ-Builder using a Bioloid. Well install the Arduino OpenCM library and connect hack

DJs Apple II Pi Hack (Part 2/2)
In this hack, Ill continue the Apple II conversion to the Pi. I created an Arduino PCB that converts the Apple II keyboard and 16 pin analog joystick to hack

DJs Apple II Pi Hack (Part 1/2)
Remember my Apple II computer from a previous live hack event? Well, Im going to add a Raspberry Pi to its guts and use an Arduino to connect the Apple hack

DJs 8Th Live (Not) Hack... Were Playing Games!
I was sick with a massive head-cold and made it through without overdosing on NyQuil last week and skipped a live hack hack

DJs 4Th Hack Event (Arduino, Bioloid, Lewansoul, And More)
In the last event, some people asked me to demonstrate how to use the LewanSoul Serial Servos. Also, hack

DJs Third Hack Night
Were going to play with EZ-Builder software, build Perrys robot eyes, make Dynamixel servo cables, demonstrate how to move dynamixel servos and record positions, and more! As...tutorial

Connecting Arduino To ARC
Program an Arduino and connect it to ARC to become an EZ-B.tutorial

Myo Gesture Tutorial
The MYO is a creative controller for interacting with your ez-robot. It uses gestures and an accelerometer to trigger actions, events and move servos. This tutorial demonstrates...tutorial

Create Auto Position Actions From EZ-Script
This tutorial uses the ControlCommand() EZ-Script command that instructs the Auto Position control to create a frame and respective...tutorial

Migrating From EZ-Script To Javascript
How to move your code from EZ-Script to JavaScript. JavaScript offers faster execution and more features.tutorial

Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML)
This tutorial demonstrates how to modify speech synthesis in real-time within your text.tutorial

Exosphere Telepresence
How to configure Exosphere for remote telepresence two-way communication remote controltutorial

Increase Ultrasonic Distance Resolution
A quick fix that gives your ultrasonic sensor higher resolution and less distance reading failurestutorial

Pulse Flash LED With PWM
Pulse Width Modulation is the method of having a digital port, which is only On or Off to have a varying output voltage. Use this approach to flash and LED with a pulsing...tutorial

Make An ARC Skill
Have a fantastic idea for a new skill in ARC to publish in the Technology Store? This is the tutorial which explains how to create a skill for ARC. This tutorial will help you create an...tutorial

Control More Than One Robot
How to control more than one robot in a single EZ-Builder project. This tutorial uses Revolution robots that depend on the Auto Position control, but the similar...tutorial

Calibrate Continuous Rotation Servo And Adjust Speed
How to calibrate the continuous rotation servos and adjust their speed. AdventureBot is used in this example.tutorial

Control Meccano Meccanoid
Connect a Meccanoid to your EZ-B by using an Arduino as the translator.tutorial

Use Arduino For Wheel Encoder Counter
Have your Arduino count motor encoder rotations. Connect the Arduino to your EZ-B UART #0 port to send the encoder counts.tutorial

Speech Recognition Say It Didnt Understand You
The speech recognition uses a confidence level to determine if it understood your verbal command. This tutorial demonstrates how...tutorial

Make Robot Talk
Demonstration how to use the Speech Synthesis Control to make your robot talk.tutorial

Mobile App Developer Tutorial
So, youve built your ez-robot and now you would like to make your own mobile app. Did you know EZ-Robot has a robot appstore? And that you can easily create your...tutorial

Rgb Array Tutorial
Ive added a video to the 18 RGB LED Block, Humanoid Head with Camera RGB Eyes and 18 RGB LED PCB to explain how to use them. There have been questions in the past on how to set it up...tutorial

Detect Multiple Colors
One of the features that makes ez-robot so special is the camera that can detect faces, objects, glyphs, qr codes and multiple colors. For this tutorial, we will use the

Wall-E Iotiny
DJs Wall-e with IoTiny and the ez-robot camera. This is a newer rebuilt of the original Wall-e that DJ created which was featured on

Test Ui Popup
This is a test description for the first ARCx robot app that has been uploaded to the Synthiam cloud

Edi Mech Warrior
Inspired by Mech Warrior games, this two legged robot is armed with an elastic band turret. With legs and wheels, EDI is extremely mobile!app

This is the mobile app for djs r2d2

Star Wars Imperial AT-AT Walker. Find out more at

Train Object By Script
This is used in a live hack video here:

A NAO JD using the head created by Adolph Smith. This project was built off the original EZ-Robot JD

The Official Revolution JD example project. There is a great tutorial course on our website at with information on getting your JD up and

Darth Jader
This Darth Jader is a modified JD. The plastic brackets were painted black and the head requires manual modification to fit the camera, RGB Eyes and neck servos. Get out your hot glue gunapp

Welcome to the Revolution Roli example project. There is a great tutorial course on our website at with information on getting your Roli up and

Farscape DRD
This is the Farscape DRD robot that is 3D printable. It uses 2 Continuous rotation servos, And anything that you can think of for the antennas. If you cant find lights, simple pipe cleaners

Virtual Reality Hexapod
This project uses the Virtual Reality Robot plugin to control a Six Hexapod with Google Cardboard or Virtual Reality Headsets. The servos are configured to move the

AdventureBot is an easy to assemble ez-robot built with EZ-Bits. This is the perfect robot for a beginner who wants to dabble in robotics without breaking the bank! The top mounted camera is

Adventurebot - Bare
This is the starter project for AdventureBot as used in The Robot Program episodes. For more information, visit www.TheRobotProgram.comapp

Baymax JD
This is a RoboScratch project for controlling

JD Candy Dispenser
We taught JD to serve snacks - either Skittles or MMs from a bowl and put into a cup. The Auto Position and Speech Recognition controls was used in EZ-Builder. The original JD

DIY Autonomous Vehicle
This project uses the camera on the modified adventureBot to detect lanes for a DIY Modified

This is the EZ-Robot Revolution Six example starter project. There is a great tutorial course on our website at with information on getting your Six up and

Battle Flipper
Prepare to battle! Place two or more of these battle flippers together and have them fight to the flip. Use the front servo lever to flip your opponents. Get creative and explore

Six - Bare
Six Bare project is used for The Robot Program episodes. Visit for more informationapp

JD - Bare
JD bare proejct is used for The Robot Program episodes. Check for more information. Enjoy your JD!app

Six Elastic Band Shooter
Add an elastic band turrent to your Six Hexapod and shoot targets, pets and friends! We wont tell you in which orderapp

Do The Dab
Make JD do the dab, just ask!app

Heres a fun dance... you should dance along!app

Roli - Bare
Roli Bare project is used for The Robot Program episodes. Visit for more

Ar Drone Land
When the Track and Land script is executed, the AR Drone will switch to the bottom camera and land on top of teh glyph that it

Fisher Price Phone
This is DJs fisher price toy phone that was converted into a robotapp

High Frequency Detect Game
This game uses the PC Microphone to detect frequency. The higher the frequency, the more the servo connected to port D0 will move. 1) Conenct to the EZ-B 2) START

Omnibot 2000
DJs Omnibot 2000app

DJs Dalekt Robotapp

JD With Hip Assembly
The Official Revolution JD example project with hip assembly. The hip assembly can be 3D printed and requries 2 additional HD servos. There is a great tutorial course on

JD With MPU9150
The Official Revolution JD example project. There is a great tutorial course on our website at with information on getting your JD up and

JD With MPU6050
The Official Revolution JD example project. There is a great tutorial course on our website at with information on getting your JD up and

This is the EZ-Robot Galapagos Bot example starter

JD (No Eyes)
This is a modified JD project which does not include the RGB Animator. This project will perform all JD functions without using the RGB

Rover With Front Gripper And Elastic Launcher
This rover includes a joystick controlled robot arm on the front for picking up foam balls. The back includes an elastic

The JD Project modified to use the MYO gesture wristband. When enabled, the MYO will control JDs right arm. You will be able to move your arm and JD will copy the

Elasctic Band Shooter
Load your elastic band to this robot and fire!app

Norm is a creative robot that uses servos to steer the rear wheels. His front servo powered claws help him creep and climb over objects. An interesting programming method used in this robot is how the

Six - 5 Servo Claw
This version of Six uses additional EZ-Bits to create an extended arm with gripper. The Speech commands and scripts will open close the claw for you to hand him a rag. Next, the

Robotic Arm
This robot was built by an ezrobot intern as a project to demonstrate how to help disabled. The speech recognition control has a few verbal commands programmed. If you have your speech

Continuous Rotation Servo Speed Ramp
This is an example of using the ServoSpeed() command for speed ramping with Continuous Rotation Servos. The ServoSpeed() slowly ramps the

Rider The Ball Kicker
A very creative use of ez-bits to make an even more creative robot. This ball kicking robot uses a humanoid leg to kick a ball. The tail and humanoid leg provide balance while

JD With Hips
This is an expiremental Revolution JD with Hips example project. The actions and configuration are incomplete - We invite users to help us create smooth walking GAITs using JDs new hips!

PM Hobby JD
This is the demo app used for an ez-robot retailler display case. JDs right ankle is fastened to the ground with a

Play synethezed music through your robots speaker! This example project demonstrates the SoundNote() command to play

JD - Twinkle Little Star
JD plays Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with a Microkorg sized

Six - Distance Sensor
This project uses a distance sensor, extension cube and rotation servo to give Six the ability to avoid objects. Avoiding objects is done by using the Ultrasonic Radar Scan...firmware

EZ-ESP32 With Adafruit PCA9685 For Esp32 Devkit V1
This firmware enables the ESP32 to function as an EZ-B controller for Synthiam ARC, leveraging an Adafruit 16-Channel...firmware

Djs ESP32 DOIT Devkit V1 For Esp32 Devkit V1
This firmware transforms an ESP32 DOIT DevKit v1 into an EZ-B, enabling Synthiam ARC to connect to it via WiFi. Once configured, the...firmware

ESP32 Cam EZB For ESP32 Cam
This firmware transforms the ESP32 Cam module into a fully functional EZ-B with an integrated Synthiam ARC camera, providing a powerful all-in-one solution for...firmware

ESP32 Cam UART For ESP32 Cam
This firmware allows the ESP32 Camera to emulate an EZ-B v4 camera, enabling it to seamlessly connect to the EZ-B v4 camera port. By acting as a drop-in replacement...firmware

ESP32 Cam Arduino Relay For ESP32 Cam
This firmware transforms the ESP32 Cam into a versatile gateway proxy for an Arduino, enabling seamless integration with Synthiam ARC over a WiFi...firmware

Wheel Encoder Firmware For Arduino Genuino Uno
The EZ Wheel Encoder firmware, developed by Synthiam Inc, is designed for Arduino UNO and compatible microcontrollers. It...firmware

Djs Opencm 9.04 Firmware (Cracked Egg) For Opencm 9.04
This firmware is to be installed on the OpenCM 9.04 from Robotis to connect with Synthiams ARC. Follow the...firmware

Delicious Arduino Uno For Arduino Genuino Uno
DJs Arduino Uno firmware is quite delicious. It converts an Arduino Uno into an EZ-B, to control servos and read digital ports and...Sensors & Cameras

Hitachi Lidar And Realsense T265 Bracket
This is a bracket that holds a Hitachi Lidar and Intel Realsense T265 tracking sensor. The lidar is positioned that the robot skill needs to...Sensors & Cameras

Rpilidar A1 And Intel Realsense T265 Bracket
This bracket holds a RPI Lidar A1 and Intel Realsense T265 tracking camera. The offset for the lidar robot skill will need to bet...Bodies - EZB v3

Pi Compatible SBC Holder
This is a base holder for a Pi compatible-formfactor SBC, such as the Rock Pi/x and Up Board. For SBCs, such as the Rock Pi/x, the heatsink is at the bottom and heat rises....Sensors & Cameras

Intel Realsense Double Bracket
This is 3d Printable bracket that holds two realsense cameras. The D465i and T265. Each of these two cameras have a different width for the screws.Bodies - IoTiny

Farscape DRD Bottom Chassis
This is the DRD bottom chassis from the DRD robots inspired by the TV Series Farscape. This robot chassis is designed to hold... - EZ-Robot IoTiny Speaker - EZ-Robot...Bodies - IoTiny

Farscape DRD Top Body
This is the DRD top body inspired from the DRD robots inspired by the TV Series Farscape. This robot body is designed to clip on top of the matching bottom chassis.Bodies - IoTiny

Farscape DRD Servo Clip
This clip holds the servos in place for the DRD robot inspired by the Farscape TV Series. This connects to the DRD Bottom Chassis.Miscellaneous

This is the IoTiny, which is a small robot controller by EZ-Robot. This part is not 3D printable, instead this is used as a placeholder to demonstrate when building a robot.Sensors & Cameras

Developer Kit Camera
This is the camera for the developer kit - used as a resource to demonstrate where it would be installed. This is not a 3D printable part.Miscellaneous

6 X AA Battery Holder
This is a placeholder for the 6 x AA Battery Holder by EZ-Robot. This is not a 3D Printable part.Servos

Continuous Servo With Wheel
This is a placeholder for the EZ-Robot Continuous Rotation Servo with the wheel from the developer kit attached. This is not a 3D printable item.Heads

Darth Jader Head
The head used in ezrobots Darth Jaderfeature request

Servo Velocity Acceleration
I’d like to incorporate the velocity and acceleration into ARC natively for all servos that support it. Such as feetech and dynamixel. I’m exploring a few options...feature request