This is the strangest robot that I've ever built...
But i had to, can you blame me?
By DJ Sures
— Last update
Other robots from Synthiam community

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Oh man... you are going to get a call from Fisher Price later requesting 20,000 units of the ioTiny for their new embeded design of that telephone toy...
Now I know why I loved lego so much as a kid... the toys back then just sucked. What I could have done with an ezb and even lego with motors when I was 12....
It looks so unmodified. It's awesome but it looks so incredibly stock, like the toy just came to life! ioTiny rocks! And so does DJ!
Love it. Clean installation. Great design
Ahw, how cute! Wonderful. Looks like it belongs on the island of lost toys waiting for Santa to pick it up.
I'm looking forward to the shipping of my IO Tiny so I can build more toys like this. !
The Tiny looks like it will make a lot of small toys come to life. My Minions are waiting.
@DJ, not quite as good as biuld as yours. I'm giving this to her nephews four and seven years old hopefully they will get involved with robots. Thanks for the idea DJ keep up the great work.
Looks pretty darn good to me.
These little guys are so cute!
Thanks Dave.
merne - that's great! they're going to absolutely love your gift. Lucky kids!
Good to see you still have your hacking roots! The best robots are hacked toys!