Asked — Edited

Sssssshhhhhh :)

Happy Valentines Day fellow ez-rrrrrrrrrrrobot lovers:)

Don't tell anyone yet... We haven't made a proper press release. But that video we just filmed 30 minutes ago. Give us another week or two for our first completed beta trial for you


Upgrade to ARC Pro

ARC Pro is your gateway to a community of like-minded robot enthusiasts and professionals, all united by a passion for advanced robot programming.


NICE!! It just keeps getting better! Thanks:) DJ and crew


I would buy a iPod if I could run my whole bot off of it. :)


Excited about this, but moreso because it means Android might not be far behind (I have several Android devices. Only i-devices are a classic and a nano.



I have Talk to it Assistant on my phone. I can see getting closer to a robot that can listen and understand commands and carry on a conversation or ask for institutions. All cool stuff!:)


Thanks everyone! We're pretty excited. The Android comes right after the first release of the iPhone.


@hoolagen1 boooo? I thought you'd be happy!


lol....just beeing a pain!

thanks Sures!


@hoolagen1 That'a boy:)