Asked — Edited

Thanks Troy Doctor Who Ftw

Very cool! I tried to take the day off today and walked around the zoo. However, the zoo is only a few blocks from the EZ-Robot hq. I stopped in to see this little surprise on my desk!

Thanks Troy!

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What is that ¿ Im thinking its something for music It looks cool What ever it is


It's the schematic for the doctor who sonic screw driver. I think he wants me to make one...


Now that is cool Would love to see some good HD photos of it


@DJ hehe. We all know you're a Dr Who fan. You're welcome.:) We all love our geek toys.

@wolfie here are a couple pics

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I Love it:D I could build that or some thing just as "cool" lol it is workable ;)

A high power twisted magnetic field should do the trick ;)


It wouldn't work. Only the time lords can make them and you can't be one. Any self respecting timelord wouldn't be caught dead in this timeline.;)

...Bad wolf...