This is just the first version... I think it'll be a good idea to put a robot band together after the holidays
By DJ Sures
— Last update
Other robots from Synthiam community

Steve's R2-D2 Hasbro Toy Hack
So, it’s been a while since I’ve had the screwdrivers and soldering iron out for fun, so figured I’d start a new project...

Ezang's Robot Arm PCA 9685 Arduino On ARC
A quick demo: My PCA9685 and Arduino with 5 servos, MG996R 55g Metal Gear Torque Digital Servo Motor 18.99 for 4 servos...

DJ's Multiple Robots With One Joystick
Demonstration how I controlled 6 robots with one joystick in my Pecha Kucha presentation. In this video, I use an...
that was awesome
JD rocks!
Twinkle twinkle , nice
super cool

This has to be my favourite video of JD so far
Now it's someone's InMoov's turn to play piano!
@Rich... Based on the fact that Bob's inMoov actually has fingers, maybe he should play base or guitar?... JD can at least tap out rhythm on the piano without fingers....