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Will! We’Re Watching Your Series

We started with guardians of the galaxy 1 two nights ago. Tonight is part 2. Looking forward to part 3! The Christmas special we’re gonna do too after they’re done. Forgot how great these movies are - you did such a wonderful job, Will Huff!

for those who don’t know - our community member Will is the makeup artist for Guardians, avengers, and many other movies. It’s great to rewatch the previous volumes before moving to 3!

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Oh and the soundtrack!!! Gets better every time


Whoa doctor who Easter egg at the end!

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Looks like you have a great set up to watch the series! Great projector, beer and what looks like a wonderful setting. Enjoy!!


Thanks, will! No wind and warm evening it was great. We’re doing volume 3 tomorrow evening before the fishing trip up north. My neighbor watched vol 3 the other day and said I’m really gonna enjoy it because my favorite character was nebula. She was the closest thing to a cyborg and super badass!


Wondering if the Robots went on strike with the rest of Hollywood?


A little bit of trivia for you if you're also a fan of the Jumanji series. The same actress that plays Ruby Roundhouse is the one who plays Nebula! Martha Kaply is a great actress:)


No way!! she’s Scottish or Irish right? You’d never guess it with the makeup. I’m super excited to watch volume 3 but have to wait till Taylor gets back from fishing on Sunday. So maybe Monday night we can finish the series

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Ya if Will does the make up effects for Guardians, he is amazing as I never recognized Nebula as the same Scottish actress from Doctor Who series few years back! Always had a big crush on her in Doctor Who! To think Will got to speak to her on set possibly?

Edit---Hey Jer her real name is Karen Gillian, I believe....