Teddy Ruxpin Robot Version 1

DJ Sures


I added a new robot today. It is a Teddy Ruxpin, if you remember him? He was a talking toy from the 1980's that used a tape player. His mouth and eyes were animated with a single motor. It wasn't a very intellegent toy...

So that's where the EZ-B came to play:) .. So I emptied the guts and replaced the internals with servos and the eZ-B. I used the ARC software to control it. I wrote a bunch of scripts that animate the robot.

See the whole build here: synthiam.com/Robots/Teddy-Ruxpin-Robot-V1

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By — Last update


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Unleash your creativity with the power of easy robot programming using Synthiam ARC Pro


Well! The support from the community has been wonderful towards the EZ-Robot project! And tonight, we were featured on Hacked Gadgets! What a fantastic weekend:)

Thank you for all of your support! You can view the article HERE


Wat are the sizes of the servos


Awesome! I have plans to do this with my Teddy Ruxpin one day... I hope that maybe you can make him walk? I've heard you had plans to do that, somewhere... If that's true, I'll wait until the day you do! I really want to make my Teddy Ruxpin someday!


i would love to do this with a bear from 1.50 meter.


Making Teddy walk shouldn't be too difficult, just stick a JD inside:D


i think dj has alreddy a jd in a bear.


We did make a teddy bear walk by wrapping the fur around a JD Humanoid like Jeremie had said. There's a video of it somewhere, titled Hexapod and bear dancing? Something like that... I'm on my phone so it's hard to search for it at the moment:)

Here's a photo of the bear. It's sitting beside me in my lab at home.

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But what about Teddy? You said Teddy was gonna get upgraded too... confused


Yeah, nomad that's the video.

I did say teddy ruxpin would get the upgrade - you're right. I didn't do it because he's in the EZ-Robot Museum now. All the robots i built a long time ago are in the museum for visitors to see in the ez-robot facility:)


i just saw something i to want.i love these video's. the six all curl up jump up and run away. thats my next try.