Teddy Ruxpin Robot Version 1

DJ Sures


I added a new robot today. It is a Teddy Ruxpin, if you remember him? He was a talking toy from the 1980's that used a tape player. His mouth and eyes were animated with a single motor. It wasn't a very intellegent toy...

So that's where the EZ-B came to play:) .. So I emptied the guts and replaced the internals with servos and the eZ-B. I used the ARC software to control it. I wrote a bunch of scripts that animate the robot.

See the whole build here: synthiam.com/Robots/Teddy-Ruxpin-Robot-V1

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By — Last update


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Take control of your robot's destiny by subscribing to Synthiam ARC Pro, and watch it evolve into a versatile and responsive machine.


Well! The support from the community has been wonderful towards the EZ-Robot project! And tonight, we were featured on Hacked Gadgets! What a fantastic weekend:)

Thank you for all of your support! You can view the article HERE


Wat are the sizes of the servos


Awesome! I have plans to do this with my Teddy Ruxpin one day... I hope that maybe you can make him walk? I've heard you had plans to do that, somewhere... If that's true, I'll wait until the day you do! I really want to make my Teddy Ruxpin someday!


i would love to do this with a bear from 1.50 meter.


Making Teddy walk shouldn't be too difficult, just stick a JD inside:D


i think dj has alreddy a jd in a bear.


We did make a teddy bear walk by wrapping the fur around a JD Humanoid like Jeremie had said. There's a video of it somewhere, titled Hexapod and bear dancing? Something like that... I'm on my phone so it's hard to search for it at the moment:)

Here's a photo of the bear. It's sitting beside me in my lab at home.

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But what about Teddy? You said Teddy was gonna get upgraded too... confused


Yeah, nomad that's the video.

I did say teddy ruxpin would get the upgrade - you're right. I didn't do it because he's in the EZ-Robot Museum now. All the robots i built a long time ago are in the museum for visitors to see in the ez-robot facility:)


i just saw something i to want.i love these video's. the six all curl up jump up and run away. thats my next try.