Did you know I'm a huge fan of M&Ms? Only the peanut butter kind! There's an event tomorrow at google (BotLuck), and my JD will be serving snacks.
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By DJ Sures
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That's awesome, love the way he swirls the M&M's around in the bowl before he scoops them up.
Feel like eating them now.
BotLuck sounds interesting?
You could use Roli too... Have JD load up his cargo bay and then have Roli drive to the end of the counter to serve the m&m's... He can then drive back to get more later... Co-operative robots...
Good luck with the Potluck event !
I hope no damage goods (food)
@DJ Very nice
Can he still walk on those short legs?
Not at all. He's taped to the ground because scooping would have him fall over. Imagine if you had to hold a scoop that size in relation to your body haha
Wow, I picked up on the one long arm, but missed the short legs!
I used the two extra servos from his legs to extend both arms
Look out Inmoov Bartender, here comes JD Server. Now if we can get Six to cook!
Now I have a huge craving for M&M's and Skittles lol
Nice work @DJ, love the idea. JD will be an even bigger hit at parties now!
Candy snack serving JD was a hit at HBRC at Google this evening. I trained two images, one for m&ms and the other for skittles.
Based on the image that the user showed jd's camera, the correct candy was scooped into a cup.
@DJ again another simple, creative way to use ez robots and bits... Thanks for some ideas...