I came across an EZ-Robot review that has an inaccuracy that I would like to clarify for consumers considering their purchase of an EZ-Robot product. It's my personal passion to make advanced robotics accessible to everyone; which is why I've put my heart and soul into this platform. I stand by the reliability, easiness and scalability of the product that I have single-handedly designed. The review in question is mostly great and EZ-Robot was rated 5 stars, but there is an inaccuracy that requires clarification. The articles in question can be found: http://www.robots-and-androids.com/EZ-Robot-Review.html and the author copy and pasted on the MakerShed here: http://www.makershed.com/EZ_Robot_Controller_p/mkez1.htm
The author wrote:
After a bit of a rough time getting it up and going (a "quick start" manual would have been nice) I found the EZ-B microcontroller and ARC software to be, well, easy to use and use as a base to build robots. It delivers as promised.
These features have existed 7 months before the review:
Since November of 2011 ,the EZ-Robot website has a menu option entitled Tutorials. Within that menu option, you are presented with a multi-step Getting Started Guide, which walks you from opening the box, connecting the power, connecting Bluetooth, upgrading firmware, downloading software, and usability.
When the ARC software is launched, a "Did You Know" window is loaded within the interface, unless the user selects to not load at start-up. The window will display assistance information and links to the Getting Started Guide.
Additionally, each control within ARC has a question mark icon beside the X button. When that button is pressed, the user is directed to a page with instructions and a video on how to use the control.
If a connection attempt is failed, a dialog box is presented which asks the user if they would like to view the connection tutorial.
If the firmware is outdated, a dialog box is presented to the user. The dialog box asks if the user would like to view a tutorial on how to upgrade the firmware.
To ensure future customers are not detoured from this review, please be aware that the review was by someone who did not read dialog pop-ups, or click the Tutorials website menu option. I know how exciting it is to jump into a new purchase - specifically one with so many features, like EZ-Robot's. I assume the dialog's were overlooked due to excitement
The price (full retail about $140) while much higher than other microcontrollers is not a deal stopper in that it has so very many, many features.
The price is questioned in the review and compared to other microcontrollers. If you compare the EZ-B to a bluetooth enabled Arduino, you'll see the price is the same; and the EZ-B may be cheaper in some cases. Also, the EZ-B provides 5 amps of current and fused protection. The reason the price may be higher than some other basic microcontroller boards is because your purchase also includes the graphical control software. No other microcontroller platform provides you with a complete hardware/software solution that scales between beginner and advanced requirements. Also, our ARC Software is not stagnant in development - Our software includes free updates, each boasting new features and enhancements. Your one-time purchase includes life-time access to our powerful software.
As always, I engage with the community. Hope I've addressed any concerns
Don't you mean November 2011 not 12?
Really, there is no comparison between Arduino & EZ-Robot. You'd have to be a master programmer to get the Arduino to do half the stuff EZ-Robot does with no programming skills & the other half is impossible without a PC's horsepower.
Haha yes - thanks! 2011! Updated
You'd need the EZ-B to be as powerful as a PC to do the things it does - so therefore it would cost as much as a PC. So, the solution is provide your own PC
That way, you can either use a laptop, Mini-ITX or FIT-PC. I think FIT-PC's are amazing if your project can justify the cost.
This is one of those posts to keep as a sticky thread for a little while.
All things considered independent bloggers always try to find a report a negative on a otherwise hugely regarded product. It's their way to get traffic to their blogs. Even the negative things were hardly something that would sway a buyer because he followed up with it still being worth it because of the features. I don't think this will hurt your business bloggers are just pissy and looking for attention.
I'm not upset at the review - I feel I'm responsible to respond to it
- To ensure there are no misunderstandings
Heck, if that's the worst they have to say, i'm happy!
DJ .... the Androids website is Thomas. He is very active on the community boards here. He's got the Annadroid and Melvis. He always speaks very highly of the EZ-B.
I know while I love the tutorials some people like a booklet.
There really is no comparison between an arduino and the ez-b.
I know Thomas! He does love the ezb. He should have contacted the forum before writing that
A booklet could never be dynamic enough for the ever evolving product feature set
Yeah I knew you would know who it was. He was probably trying to be impartial. But I don't know.
Oh I agree about the booklet but some people are more comfortable with the booklet. I used to love to put my notes in them.
I think he means that the booklet could theoretically become obsolete by future firmware/software changes. If someone had a dated booklet it could cause problems for them. Doing it DJ's way keeps the help and instructions a "living" document and it will change as EZ products change. Technology....it's a good thing.
I haven't bought one of the kits yet but maybe a note included in the box describing that full documentation is located online and the virtues of doing so?
We used to include a slip of paper that directed the user to visit the tutorial section - actually come to think of it, Thomas' kit was the second generation and would have included a slip directing him to the tutorial page
The current kit does not include a direction slip. I assumed people would simply visit the website
Specifically since the software tells you so hehe
Hehe. It couldn't hurt to include it again.
Maybe with a thank you for purchasing...blah...blah....(insert something inspirational here)....then the please visit the website etc...
The bottom line for me is that the GUI on the EZ-B and it's capabilities are what got me, my brother and my son into Robotics. EZ Robots means you don't have to be a wiz at code, you don't have to be mechanically minded - with some hot glue, a screw driver and an old toy you can create amazing things that come to life. The system is light years ahead of the rest and will greatly fast track robotics in general. I think whilst DJ initially used the Walle-toy end to reach an exisiting Robot builders market, through all of us, he has tapped into a sleeping giant of builders that want to push Robotics as far as it can go with the fun factor in there. I really wish to than DJ for what he has given us.
I got a slip of paper with mine. I actually just found it the other day too.