Other robots from Synthiam community

Goldenbot's Stickman JD Robot V1.1
Say hi to Stickman JD (In version 1.1 I added an x,y,z axis and a floor grid so you can view the Stickman from...

Xuven's Megabyte

Gotrobbed's The R7 Droid Project
When I say movie robot whats the first thing that comes to mind? If youre like most people, you are probably thinking...
lol, looks like an application candidate for d.cochrans' new data storage/retrieval program to let the head of the snake know what the tail is doing.
More of a caterpillar if you ask me.
I soooo Glad to see that you took some time to PLAY
LOVE IT lol (Y)
Hahaha Love it
Awesome bot love it
Kind of more caterpillar than snake though. need to have some servos able to rotate 90 degrees from the others to really get snake like movement.
Using EZ-B to build something like this would be really cool:
unfortunately I started recording just after the really cool thing. She had it climbing up and down her leg like a boa constrictor just before got my phone out.
D.J. I like your curiosity of what you can build with that awesome toy box! I am not sure what It uses " SIN wave for each servo position"? Thanks for sharing, Steve S
I just realized my earlier comment may have sounded negative. I think the snake bot is really cool, I was just brainstorming how to give it more mobility, not trying to diss it.
another great robot from ez robot keep doing what your doing dj and the rest of the group
How did you work out the sequence to get the proper movement? I know you can do frames, but how do you think it through?
very cool. bet it took forever to progrm all the gaits.