— Edited
This is the perfect opportunity to strut out stuff! Post your ezrobot on the mouse robot challenge:
This is the perfect opportunity to strut out stuff! Post your ezrobot on the mouse robot challenge:
Nothing like a good challenge to make me pull my finger out and get at least one of my 5 robots up and running
Or better yet put that Rover 5 chassis to good use!
Official rules are here. I couldn't see many limitations which is a good thing
A quick browse through the entries so far, nothing that's as impressive as an EZ-Robot so it should be pretty easy to wow those line followers and RC robots what can be achieved with an EZ-B.
Glad to see XLR-One on there. Don't forget the shameless plug for your kickstarter too, might get those last few backers needed!
You have just received my vote Anthony. Good luck
. Maybe I should enter K-9 in to this as well, as I don't think my new project, "Victor" will be ready in time.
Someone from EZ-Robots should win this hands down.
I'm tempted to enter Jarvis however since he has no physical body (other than the fabric of my house!). I've not looked too closely but is it just 1 photo and a short description that is given or can video be added?
It looks like it. The description has a maximum of 600 characters, and it says you can add a photo or video.
Yeah, struggling to find how to upload a video, I tried but it failed... also which video, I have so many lol.
I may wait until I'm home to do it and upload a bit of a compilation video
Good idea about doing a compilation vid. I look forward to that. Yeah, not much info about video requirements (upload, file size, length ect).
Just posted a link to the playlist on Youtube, that should suffice
Just threw a vote your way Rich. The YouTube link should be more than sufficient. Good luck buddy.
K-9 is in. I want that back scratcher
. Did I see Andrew in there Richard?
Who's next?
Yep... Andrew is there too... I'll give you a Vote Steve....
Voted for ya Steve.
FYI, Jarvis is here (votes would be appreciated). I may add JD and Six later if they let me add more than 1 robot.
Cheers guys. Your votes are in too
@Rich... I also voted for you too...
I wonder if i can get jarvis to vote for himself
LOL, I'm sure you could
I voted for all the EZ Robots
Man Id like to enter Doom so bad! It will not be finished on time!
... That's probably a good thing for the rest of us.... We'd at least would like a chance to win...Thanks for the vote....
Just posted 'Ziggy'
@cem Just voted for you
Thanks for the vote Marc. It's a shame you won't be able to enter, but like Richard said, it's probably good for the rest of us
guys can i post in this it is for only to ez robot confused confused confused
@dinesh, this is not an EZ-Robot contest. Anyone with a robot can post.
what are the rules simply post it or what to do confused confused
Simply fill out a short discription of your bot, your first name, email address and a photo of your robot. That's it.
it is for india because i didnot see the flag of india
It doesn't specify which contries are allowed to enter. If I were you, I would just submit your entry as it's easy to do and you have nothing to lose.
gys i am going to do this how many vote for me am i asking the votes anyway tell me please stress stress
can i post the christmas sant robot confused confused confused confused because my robot was damaged and not working
@dinesh, it's not an EZ-Robot contest, we do not know what's going to be refused, we only know what's on the link. But post whatever you have, they will email you if they disapprove an entry.
Better get to voting guys. A 3D printer (of all things) has 30 votes and this contest seems to be purely vote driven.
why so hard to uploading the picture...?
@Anthony- thankyou, finaly for few times edit the picture i can enter the challenge
Voted for all EZB platforms
I may need to log on from a different browser and a different email address and stack the deck a little
(just kidding...). I also gave all the EZ-Robot's a vote, as well as some of the more creative others.
Incognito mode could work well
Although it wouldn't hide the IP address that's likely to be sent with any vote.
Call me cynical but the latest robot to be added (which has been on 2 hours at the most!) has just taken the #3 spot... Hmm... Jarvis, you may need to have a small re-program
(No, I don't cheat at anything besides I just want that free t-shirt which the first 200 entries get)
Besides, it's not just about voting if you read the rules properly, there is more to it than just submitting a robot and getting votes.
That's right. Apparently, according to the rules, there will be challenges issued and three finalists will be chosen from each challenge with the most votes. The grand finalist will be chosen from these. I'm interested to know what the challenges will be as there's a wide spectrum of robot design entered so far.
And how has a lawn mower got 83 votes in a space of a couple of hours (I think that's the one your referring to Rich) confused confused confused
Just voted for each EZ-Robot builder in this forum, no bias here. :-)
I'm voting like a mad man! For all of you!
Thanks DJ, not just for me, but for everyone else too. Why don't you enter JD? After all, you did create and design him.
I don't have any physical bot, but will put something together just to promote EZ-B to the world of all those cute lil following robots
I'm in: My B9 entry
Yep, I voted for myself.
Dont know what all that & business is in the description. It should have been the word "and". Oh well.
You just got my vote Dave. Yeah I had that & in my discription too.
& is the HTML code for the & symbol, I presume you used it in the description and their code doesn't do a good job at sorting it out
Yeah I did. Trying to make the most of the 600 character discription limit.
Anthony is behind by only one vote... need more votes!
Voting is only part of it though, there will be challenges issued throughout. Which is good since voting is always a popularity contest, plus it can so easily be manipulated. Those who vote don't need to verify their email address, it'll be very simple to boost votes (as I suspect a few already have done).
I'm excited to see what the challenges are and the responses to them
Looking over the entries most of them have a single purpose. It'll be interesting to see the responses to the challenges.
I totally agree with you @Rich.... Hopefully this won't turn into a beauty contest... Ok yes, I am pretty much guaranteed not to win this, but I worked quite a bit on my inmoov's programming, electrical and mechanically assembly... I am not necessarily showing off my inMoov, I am showing what I can do with it once I finished it...
Further... every thing else aside we all want an EZB powered robot to win this
i will do this in this week
you got my vote.
Does this mean you won? or are going to win? That's great!
The first 200 entries get a T-shirt and back scratcher.;)
Yeah I missed the email which asked for my info for the goodies so missed out on the only reason I submitted an entry in the first place... oops.
Not sure what happened with the rest of the contest, there were supposed to be a number of challenges and questions or something which I certainly never saw, which basically turns the contest in to a popularity contest (which can easily be cheated on since email addresses are not verified).
Agreed. All anyone's got to do is get their friends and work colleagues to vote with their email addresses without even looking at the entries or vote themselves with multiple email accounts. I do believe how the whole thing works when at the end of the submition date, the three highest voted entries do some challenges of some sort to find the overall winner.
BTW, if I ever get my T-shirt, your more than welcome to have it. Large is the only size they go up to, and I'm a X X X dude myself.
Haven't received mine yet either, but assume there shipping from the States it will take longer? being based in the UK.
Royal Mail just paid me a visit...
When they sent the email about shirt size I replied and asked if they could send me the biggest one they had, as I'm a triple X and large would be too small. They sent me an XL. Still to small, but I guess it's the thought that counts, lol.
Yep, just found the parcel left by my front door, Royal Mail didn't ring the bell as I've been in all day!
Mine's a Large, and it might be a bit big!
Congrats! That's really awesome!
nice one congrats
Great work Anthony, you deserve it!
Pretty awesome! Congratulations, man!
Awe man that's so sweet! Congrats again Anthony!
congrats you worked hard for it.GO GO GO
Ya, it's amazing how you totally smoked the other contestants. 99% only got low single or double digit voting results. There were only 4 of you with super high vote counts. You and one other (some high school kid with a creepy looking, saw bladed killing robot) broke 1K. Wow. It seems that your loved and this is grand advertisement for your business venture. If these votes represent people willing to buy your robot you are going to make a lot of money. Nice work.
What I want to know is how does a plastic box with a bunch of parts thrown into it, wheels bolted on the side and called "Mind control" get one of the four highest vote counts of 654? There isn't even a description of what this thing does. eyeroll
EDIT: The Only way I can figure it is that this guy must have lots of friends, it's a school where the whole place is voting or very good advertisement. It's may be a super cool robot but how can you vote based on looking at a plastic box and a headphone?
Oh, well, I'm enjoying my back scratchier. LOL
Amazing Anthony! Goes to show what your hard work can accomplish
Congrats !
Anthony! Nice work dude. You're hard work has made some incredible robots. Nice to see some much deserved recognition for you.
What are those steam game card things?
you like gaming to ?
Nomad, some games. Usually older retro games. Lol, I'm guilty of playing a lot of Nintendo
Thumbs up for retro! Give me tank battle and asteroids any day. You can only kill so many people in a lifetime on call of duty
i just finiched farcry3
steam is very powerfull iff you play games anno 2014
HAHA - omg, I didn't even think of STEAM the game engine. Because it was Mouser, I assumed it was an educational package for STEAM (science technology engineering art math)
i have a steam account time i was playing a game. my cheap pc started to melt