So, you've built your ez-robot and now you would like to make your own mobile app. Did you know EZ-Robot has a robot appstore? And that you can easily create your own robot apps to share with the world!
By DJ Sures
Other robots from Synthiam community

Steve70x7's Robot Albert E
Hi Everyone, Here is some info about Robot Albert E, my 2nd robotics project. Robot Albert E is a life-sized head in a...

DJ's Multiple Robots With One Joystick
Demonstration how I controlled 6 robots with one joystick in my Pecha Kucha presentation. In this video, I use an...

Sudo's Synthiam Humanoid Project
As I said before, Ive been working on a 24 DOF humanoid robot (what i believe to be the most DOF in a EZ-Robot humanoid)...