Other robots from Synthiam community

Doombot's Dirgebot V1
Hello all Its been a while since I posted, been busy catching up on back orders for IKON so that took up most of my...

Danbachmann's Dandroid 20Xx
Ive been impressed with some of the amazing robots (the original EZ-Robot kits and home builts) on this site and while...

M's Haw To Make Ez-Bv4 Controller Communicating Via Usb...
dear friends we are working on (non profitable) agricultural robot to combat desertification in Africa pleas see...
Very creative.
It's neat because I use the Auto Position Control for moving his Continuous Rotation Servos
iff you can make this you can do the moonwalk to hehe
Sorry DJ, I don't think there's anything "norm" about that fantastic creation! It's more of an "oddbit". A good example of what can be created with Revolution robot bits and pieces. Maybe a future competition?! Amazing how the single servo with two white dots for eyes makes simple but effective head.
HO, ho! Now that's very cool!
Looks like something from Sid's bedroom. You know, the kid next door in the Disney movie Toy Story.
@DJ... could you put 360 servos on all 4 legs?... Norn could roll or walk depending on the type of obstacles in front of him...
I just love it. Just goes to show what you can do with a few servos, a couple of wheels, and a bit of lateral thinking. I had to watch the video a few times to watch the way Norm moves. Pretty cool DJ.
Richard that's a good idea! He'll be a roller skating robot of sort.
... well I was due, ya' know...I wonder how it would work with Omni wheels. Would roll great, but may not be able to do the walking action.