Darth Vader Humanoid Robot

DJ Sures


I made this Darth Jader for an upcoming The Robot Program episode. Wanted to share the robot exclusively with the ez-robot forum before the real episode goes live. So, here's a short video of me playing with Darth Jader... Enjoy!

PS, this robot is using the old servos (not the new HDD servos)... yuck:D

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I need to get a 3D printer....


"D"arth "J"ader... @DJ Hmmm, I see what you did there:) ... Did you design the helmet? Really good job... Now all you have to do is turn one of your JD's into Luke Skywalker and have them do a fight skit with light sabers and dialogue...:)


His hands are perfect for the Jedi Pinch! :D


Awesome, love it! The best part though, is DJ humming "The Imperial March" at the end, that cracked me up in the best possible way! :D


Lol, this is really cool. This head is great. Great work.

How you have change the colour from your robot? Sprayed or painted?

Its really funny.


LOL ! I love your sense of humor !


That is so cool cool DJ! I am still trying to buy the Giant sized Starwars AT AT Empire strikes back Walker from a local shop here so I can copy what you did with it, now I will need to buy the JD bot gone Darth Vader Evil to go with it!:D


now make a molded one ,black version.