This is a test robot DJ Sures created to trial a new module that he has been working on. It tracks and follows objects by their color. This robot was sadly never given a name. Do you have name suggestions? <a href="/FAQ/#contact">Let Us Know!</a>
This robot uses the EZ-B Vision Color Tracking module. I wanted a robot that would fit a camera in it's head, so this is what I came up with.
Originally, the shell was a toy remote control robot. I emptied the guts, removed the motor mechanism and attached my own servos. The shell had to be modified quite a bit to fit the servos. I used a lot of my hot glue gun to hold the servos in place.
This is a test robot I created to trial a new module that I have been working on. It tracks and follows objects by their color.
The module has the ability to look up and down also, but this hardware platform that I created doesn't have a vertical head servo.
My next robot will look up, down, left and right. But I'm waiting on some parts that I ordered before I can build it.
1 x Customized Robot Toy
1 x EZ-Robot Complete Kit
Dremel or Equivalent Tool
Hot Glue Gun
By DJ Sures
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