The Real Wall-E

DJ Sures


It's been a very crazy past few weeks. I took a day off today. Yes! I admit it. I took a day off... And I built a robot:) Felt great to be back in the hacking saddle!

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This Wall-E hack from DJ Sures turned out great! DJ used the EZ-B Robot Kit to build an amazing real life Wall-E! He added the camera from the kit to Wall-E's head for visual tracking. He then added a horizontal neck servo and vertical head servo. Now this Wall-E can visually track motion, color and faces in two dimensions... Up, down, left and right!

For extra character, DJ added Wall-E sounds to actions and some voice commands. He whistles when asked to follow your face. He sighs and moans when his favorite red ball is taken away from him. Do not worry, he quickly perks up when asked to dance to the movie's familiar music score.

Be sure to watch the video and see this Wall-E in action!

Click to read more!

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By — Last update


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Saw the little guy on the 1st page on Digg... awesome!

The REAL Wall-E huh? Challenge accepted! Stinson Out!!


HAHA Sweeeeeet! About time!:D Let's get ur butt in gear!


I've been dying to! So little time lately with toddler birthday parties and work projects. I may need to follow your lead and take a day or two off work/life...


Yes! Come back to robot land. We miss you:)


What is the category on ebay you can find Wall-e on?


Oh! oh! will This wall-e (approx 5 inches) fit the EZ-B and a couple of micro servos? since i got lenses i am bad at estimating lengths:(


I doubt it. The Interactive Wall-E will fit the EZ-B. I have modified one of those also.It fits well but you need a smaller battery pack.


Hi I swear I saw the code for Wall-E's dance somewhere on the site. Can you direct me to it so I can get a look at it? I would like to see a finished code for servo programming.




You can download the sdk, there is a lot of info in it. Vb and c#

I've build a control specific for the wall-e interactive. He can move his arms and head drive around and take pictures. All done with the help of the sdk

But The ARC is much better than my vb code:)

If you want the full control of your bot i suggest the ARC:)


controlCommand("Personality Generator", pauseon)

# play song
controlcommand("soundboard", track_5)

# forward
servo(d8, 6)
servo(d9, 30)
servo(d7, 29)

servo(d6, 25)
servo(d8, 6)
servo(d9, 19)
servo(d6, 15)
servo(d8, 19)
servo(d9, 30)
servo(d6, 25)
servo(d8, 6)
servo(d9, 19)
servo(d6, 20)
servo(d8, 6)
servo(d9, 30)

# reverse
servo(d8, 6)
servo(d9, 30)
servo(d7, 15)

servo(d6, 25)
servo(d8, 6)
servo(d9, 19)
servo(d6, 15)
servo(d8, 19)
servo(d9, 30)
servo(d6, 25)
servo(d8, 6)
servo(d9, 19)
servo(d6, 20)
servo(d8, 6)
servo(d9, 30)

# forward
servo(d8, 6)
servo(d9, 30)
servo(d7, 29)

servo(d6, 25)
servo(d8, 6)
servo(d9, 19)
servo(d6, 15)
servo(d8, 19)
servo(d9, 30)
servo(d6, 25)
servo(d8, 6)
servo(d9, 19)
servo(d6, 20)
servo(d8, 6)
servo(d9, 30)

# reverse
servo(d8, 6)
servo(d9, 30)
servo(d7, 15)

servo(d7, 23)


# hands in air and tada
servo(d8, 27)
servo(d9, 11)
controlcommand("soundboard", track_3)
servo(d8, 6)
servo(d9, 30)

controlCommand("Personality Generator", pauseoff)


Thanks I have been looking for ages.


Oh! I added a ping distance sensor to Wall-E today. After doing so, I have some new enhancements to the ping radar control and some fun new collision options.

Looks like ARC will be released in a few days!


DJ is this wall-e based on ultimate wall-e?Do you mind take a pic of his hand and arm? Just curious how they design to make it move? Thanks


Hey DJ

Just wondering were did you get all the sounds such as his sad one when he looses ball, or when you first get his attention etc for the wall-e? I've searched for while on net and cant find them. Or were you able to make use of the sounds that are orignally part of the toy?


I made those sounds:)

Download the latest EZB file from the Wall-E robot page:) .. I just updated it to work with the latest version of ARC


Hi DJ,

As per your post above regarding the ping distance sensor, how are you getting WALL-E to avoid obstacles if the sensor is not mounted on a servo (scanning)?

Would I need to add more ping distance sensors or add a IR sensor?

I'm waiting on my EZ-B & just want to make sure I have all the components ready for WALL-E.


Just leave the servo port set to NA:)

I'm going to be modifying the wall-e and attaching a servo at that point. Just a little micro servo. Because it really doesn't avoid that well without it moving. If you set the min distance to 20 inches, it's acceptable. But it will eventually catch it's tracks on something.


hey can u post a link to download the wall e sounds

im building 1 but i need the sound to upload it to the sound trigger


I'd like to download the latest EZB file for WALL-E, but it's not on the page. Anyone know where it is?


It's in ARC, under File->Examples


Thanks DJ,

Got my EZ-B, simply amazing! :) Started building my WALL-E.


Awesome!! I'm making a user showcase section right now. Can't wait to see yours up there:D


What Wall-e was used to make this robot? I really want to give this a try, I know I read that it was the ultimate wall e, but this unit looks smaller. I have an ultimate and it's 17 inches tall and comes with a white remote that enables you to program a sequence of moves. It also has a back pack to hold and plug in an mp3 player.


Thank you! I can't believe I missed that.



Excitement of having your own Wall-e can get in the way!:D

#28   — Edited

These videos are what introduced me to EZ-Robot and got me to where I am today!:D


Kann mir jemand sagen, welche Antriebsmotoren in der WALL-E verwendet werden?


I'm having issues with the treads of WALL-E. I have a toy quite similar to this. The difference is that mine came with less space inside and the motor shell is green instead of white. I have the top half done with all the servos I need. I'm just confused about how to remove the main tread wheels from the base of WALL-E.


While my IO-Tiny speakers wires snapped off, I was able to use the speaker that came with the toy and two alligator clips to use the speaker that came with WALL-E as a speaker for the IO-Tiny.


Smart idea to use the built-in speaker! Bet it sounds better too


@DJ Sures, since my WALL-E is the same as the WALL-E featured in this video, how did you get the big tread wheel off from the gear base? I know this video is over a decade old, but I still need help.