How Do I Shovel My Snow?

DJ Sures


With a robot, of course! What did you expect?:)

This is a robot shell that I built with some students in the summer for a robot challenge. The robot chassis is from an electric seat scooter. I attached part of a shovel to it and stayed warm inside, while the robot did all the outside work:)

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this is awesome! i wish it snowed where i live...

did you use the motor controller sold in the store for this project?


You could but i wouldn't trust that. I would stick with the 50a dual motor driver that i posted in the link because it will also allow for PWM which enables speed control.


true the PWM makes sense. you definitely do not want a run away wheelchair at full speed running throughout the house.

college is killing my robot and professional rc racing! I can't wait for winter break in a few weeks. my robotics club at school doesn't like me much with the ezb at competitions. they tell me it isnt fair that it uses the computer via bluetooth... I just tell them "work smarter not harder" haha


You should think about adding an affordable controller that will work with the EZ-B. I would buy one. I sure could use this at my home in the winter. Is it possible to make it autonomous as well?


Bumping because it is that time of the year again.


Ugh don’t remind me:) we got snow today! Not much, but enough.

Guess I better get the snow robot out


With the recent snowfalls in our area this is a timeless idea. Makes me want to go find an old scooter to hack.

#10   — Edited

That is such a great idea as out here in Barrie we are in the snow belt area and not looking forward to the rest of the winter. They do sell these type of ready made   snow robots (I think,will need to double check that) similar to lawn mower bots but cost a small fortune,best to make your own with an EZB anyway! Also DJ thanks for that Ebay Link on the motor controller it gave me more insight on what to look for in my new projects! I have learned more in the last week than what any damned technical college ever could in a year,All hail EZB and Synthiam!