Scarab Creepy Robot

DJ Sures


Some people say this is creepy... Others think he's cute. You be the judge:) <br /> This was a remote control toy called the Scarab. DJ has modified it to host an EZ-B with an HC-SR04 distance sensor for autonomous exploring.

  This was originally a remote control toy called The Scarab. DJ fitted an EZ-B into the shell. Using the ARC software, it is now remote control, autonomous and has voice recognition.
  The original HBridge was kept for the EZ-B to hijack. This allows the EZ-B to control the existing motors and gearset (including the pinchers!).
  A mini servo was added with an HC-SR04 distance sensor for autonomous exploring.
  Currently, the programming is a collection of functions:
  - Voice recognition
  - Remote control
  - Sweeping Sensor for Autonomous Exploring
Peripherals: 1 x Scarab Robot 1 x EZ-Robot Complete Kit <a href="/Shop" style="color: #FF9900;">[Buy]</a> 1 x mini servos for the sensor</a> Tools: Dremel Screw Driver Small Side Cutters Hot Glue Gun Zip Ties



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