More Information:
Build and Program your own autonomous robot in Calgary Alberta!
In only 4 hours, learn how to build, program and start playing with your very own robot! No experience or tools are required just a windows laptop. We will teach you everything you need to know so you can build awesome robots on your own, plus you get to keep what you build!
This event is for anyone over the age of 16. If you have a child over the age of 14 who would like to join you at the event, that’s great too!
After mastering the basics, you will teach your robot to become autonomous and complete activities on its own. Command your robot with your voice, and get it to recognize your favorite colour.
There are a ton of great things we will show you how to teach your robot. Plus we will play games and show off other amazing capabilities as a group.
Join us on Sunday March 29, 2015 from 10am to 2pm. Simply bring your Windows laptop with Windows 7/8 and we will teach you everything you need to know!
Plus you get to keep the robot you build ($169.00 value) if you purchase a Robot Builder ticket. How cool is that? We will even provide some snacks to keep you fueled up!
Join the ezrobot Revolution!
If you have any questions about the event, please Contact Us!
Hmmm... so there is where all the Adventure bots went...
Sounds awesome.... I wish I could help out....
I would love to show people what ARC and the ezb4 can do....
would love to come but it's just a little bit to far from here
@Richard just come! Get in your car and start driving
We have some neat stuff announcing next week - it's gonna be huge
@DJ.... I would absolutely love to trust me... I would even work for you for free after the workshop! I just talked with Sue and maybe it might be possible for a road trip to Alberta this summer for a visit... If Sue won't come with me, I'll bring my inmoov for company and for driving in the car pool lane...
how about a Skype event or something for us that unfortunately live out side of Canada you are a global company with fans all over the world
I just wanted to ask, how did the Robot Workshop go yesterday? I'm also excited and curious about what you said about the "neat stuff" announcement. Is that this week?
I hear it went really well! Jason or Aislinn can expand on it as I wasn't there - but word around the office was positive.
About the new stuff? Well, soon! I know I keep saying soon - but we seem to work faster than our manufacturing ppl can keep up. We have some new awesome products that you will absolutely love... Sadly we're waiting on a few manufacturing details which I hoped would only take a few weeks but now appears a little longer.
Cool. No worries. I'm sure the new stuff will be worth the wait. I'm really pleased to hear the workshop went well. That's something I would have loved to attended myself (if only to get my hands in an Adventure bot, lol). Seriously though, I think the workshop was a great idea and I bet the people who attended loved it.
we're throwing around the idea of doing pod cast workshops as well - to hand off neat tips and tricks in the software
That's a pretty cool idea and defiantly something I would be interested in taking part in.
@Steve The workshop went really well- thanks for asking! It was amazing to see such a varied group of people end up with the same results. Robots were everywhere! Part of me wishes we had had enough room in our office so that everyone on the forum could have watched!
We had two separate robot battles, the first were one-on-one battles, and the second battle was team against team. @Jason did a great job teaching our attendees how to build their robots step by step. We actually had a few people that loved using the robots so much that they purchased a few more robots at the end.
All in all it was great to see, and we sold out several days before the event and actually now have a waitlist for the next event which is exciting!
I took a few pictures of the event- so if you are interested you can check them out on our Facebook page.
I'm really pleased to hear it went so well. I had a look at the photos on Facebook, looks like everyone enjoyed themselves. Looking at the pics, it looked like you guys had quite a few people attend the workshop. It was a great idea to put the whe thing together, I only wish I could have attended as it looked like fun. Keep up the great work guys.