Live Robot Hack Session
94 people have subscribed to this event
DJ Sures will be introducing Exosphere's community beta in a live Q&A session. Questions related to Exosphere are welcomed. He'll talk about why Synthiam has created Exosphere and how you can start using it. We hope you can make it!
I'll be there for sure.
Hey wow,exciting news there!:D
I will try to be there. Hay where else am I going?
I hope I can attend. I've been interested in this sense you started teasing is about it.
Dave I've been interested in this since you started teasing us about it. Is that what you meant. just teasing
LOL brother. Yep, that's what I meant. The English language sucks sometimes and auto correct doesn't help. Thanks for keeping me literate.
Or, david's robot is sensing good things coming
2 hours left, how do we join? where do we meet? lol
@EZAng this is a youtube live stream event that will start at the time Dj has specified in his post. Just come back around that time and refresh this page and the video should start playing
ok, I will be there, I am in USA central time - copy that
We delayed the q&a by 30 minutes.
I guess it is over
Thanks for joining, everyone. Let me know what resonated with you. What you found intriguing. And anything you’d like more clarification with. It’s a pretty impactful approach by being the good skynet of robotics - and we want to make sure the messaging is clear.
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Your concept is very intriguing.
"Anticipating the future robotically" (sounds like a good book, lol.), is quite a uncertain venture to achieve when you don't know the AI companies involved and what they require.
My wife is an mechanical engineer ,a scientist. We were discussing this concept. We understand robots have been in manufacturing for many years already in many capacities.
Can you be a little more specific in what type of robots we are talking about?
We may be up to the task at hand, thanks for having faith in us.
Be well, be safe.
Its pretty cool. completed the first two task. Tried the third task but seem to have a little lag issue. Love to try it again later.
I agree, I did the same, 3rd one - keep trying, need a different ball or control
I completed all three
what is next?
mine didn perform the task? what am i missing.? i am using adventurebot.
Hi Nomad, how are you?
Did you watch the video above?
hi EzAng
yes i saw the video and i am fine.thank you. the picture says cant find server.does it only works here on synthiam?
Nomad, are you using the latest exosphere plugin? Keep your plugins up to date for latest fixes and features
hi dj
i though there was only one plugin.i dont get message to update plugins.
Check the lastest plugin here:
There is only one - but there will be newer versions published often
.. Excited for you to start using it!
I just loaded it on your server and it worked!
I can do it again if you like?
Here goes...
You did it DJ, ran my robot and waved !!
Ha ha nice,the shout out for my Paranormal robot from a few years ago,I still have it and upgraded the Tank tracks from a Vex kit,I am adding the X-box kinect camera to get the stick figures in a room if they actually exist as a spirit that can be detected by kinect sensors.We were supposed to investigate an old museum this month but everything got cancelled from the shut downs.
it works thank you thank you thank you. i put the link in my fav.
The camera was working but the robot was not moving - what's up? Nomad
Nomad - i just tried your "drive the droid with the name robot". You'd have to make sure the robot can actually drive before using it
. All teh robot does is turn in a circle real fast
only the camera works the robot don't move
hi EzAng got the wrong plugin.
dj yes the robot circle fast,i set the speed much lower.
test my robot now
I have to go now, thanks - DJ ran my robot and waved
see you later
I am out of town, miss participating in Exosphere, it was fun
I can test for you nomad
hi EaZang
haven't figered out how to set the speed.i will test more tomorow.thanks
Nomad are you there tonight?
hi EzAng
i am always there,:D
I have a few minutes, ready to test your robot
i haven't do anything.cause i dont know what to you have some pic off your settings for me?
ok we can try tomorrow, I have company
ah okay have fun.thanks
nomad I am sort of back, lol'
what part off you is back.haha lol.
I can try to connect to you
what speed settings do you use for your adventurebot?
255 fro JD - try 180
Did you see the ROS info?
no i haven't.i dont have a clue what that is.
Go to
@EzAng.... You ok?.... Who are you talking to? If it is @nomad what does ROS have to do with his issues? ROS has been around a long time and has been discussed to death here throughout the years... What is your fascination with it anyway? Just asking....
I was talking to nomad
Nomad said he "never heard of it", that is why I posted 2 links
look above
hello EzAng& RR
i try the link and got a 404 error.

just one i need to adjust the settings on the exosphere settings or the adventurebot settings?thanks
If you are talking about your robot's seed, adjust that, I use 255 for my JD robot
You adjust it in the exosphere settings - max drive speed
Also I tested the 2 links I gave you, they work
@EzAng... I understand that @nomad has never heard of ROS. That in itself doesn't surprise me. What I am confused about is how does/will ROS help nomad with his current problem and all other future problems?....
Listen Dunning-Kruger,
First, I never said this is for the present problem.
Nomad and I were discussing this Ros separately.
Why are you jumping into Nomad and my conversations here?
We are having fun, enjoyment testing DJ's exosphere.
You can't control our conversations.
i see you tested it.ok here a picture.withs is not correct? 1 or 2
Your pic settings are for the speed, yes
Sorry Nomad, I tried it again, your camera just rotates to fast, lol
Might be me, I am at our farm, I will try later if you want at a different location.
I will let you know later.
I have to go now, see you again my friend :-)
ok by have fun.
Just was asking.... fyi don't worry I am not interested in your conversations.... cool
the setting number one does not work.1 or 255 speed is just doesn change the speed. left and right turn are not adjusteble.way too fast. what does these errors mean?is it the commen t in the box?
Nomad the error in the box is coming from ffmpeg process that encodes the video. You can ignore them for now they are not going to cause a problem. I will look into them soon.
great to hear.what about the speed setting i cant adjust?
thank you
Speed settings should work. The setting on the left is for when people use a joystick to move your robot and the setting on the right is when they use keyboard arrow keys to move the robot. For example when they press up arrow key on their keyboard, it moves the robot forward for close to a second using the keyboard speed set (marked by number 2 in your screenshot). In that window you can test the speed by clicking test forward or moving the joystick.
Thanks amin for your help
does the servo movement panel settings from the adventurebot have any contribution? in the exosphere.i ask cause mine turning very rapidly.
thank you
Nomad, want to test my robot, it should be charged in a few minutes?
okido .i put my gloves&helmet on.
ready do it now
go back to the website, community, click on walk and wave
go back to the community, under "robot tasks", click the last link, walk, turn around and wave
start my robot :-)
i dont see your robot moving.
try now it will move
is trying now.
you did it, great!!
Somebody had to... Nomad wasn't getting the job done so I stepped in....
walk a little more then just turn and wave
you did it again, he walked a few steps, turned around and waved, good job!
it worked fine.
yes, great job Nomad, you controlled my robot here in the USA - I have to go again, see you later,
I just did all three again, what is next?
Hi Nomad, are you there?
Ready to test?
I did the 3 Exosphere exercised again :-)