Hey community, how would you feel about an ezrobot dance-off contest?
Here is the STL file for the microphone: https://synthiam.com//uploads/JD-Mic-635514751288593750.stl
By DJ Sures
— Last update
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dj sounds great,can i use any robot?
This isn't official.. It's a discussion we are having to put together a contest. I think it'll be a good idea.
Nomad, you can use any ezrobot. Long as it's ezrobot - of course.
dj i can use a 3d mic.i like the idea.
dancing queen... lol
I'm In .. haha cant wait for the official notice.
Well my entry is ready to go... Let's do this!
Looks like Aislinn is arranging something for December - this should be good
Get your dances ready folks! Robots got talent is coming...