DJ's Omnibot 2000

DJ Sures


I just finished a short video with clips of building my Omnibot 2000, you can watch it here. This robot contains all of the great new features of ARC - Wii Remote Control - Glyph Vision Recognition - Tablet PC Touch Controlled - And more...

You may also view his personal robot page HERE for a list of materials and more videos.

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Upgrade to ARC Pro

ARC Pro is more than a tool; it's a creative playground for robot enthusiasts, where you can turn your wildest ideas into reality.


Great work man, I noticed your updated YouTube videos earlier this week with my pending Omnibot project which i'll post shortly. Plan to use your EZ-B kit when it's back in store. Omnibot 2000 is something I would also like to build instead but might be wise to start with at least 1 version that i've got already:)


Soo Cool,

Dj what kind of display did you use ?

I like that idea for my omnibot:)


Thanks everyone! He's coming along great. I have some real neat new features in store for ARC while playing with him.

@Pabi!o the display i found on eBay. It is a automotive Headrest LCD. I have it connected to an iPod that streams the video. I know people want to embed computers in their robots - I still am not convinced it is a worthwhile investment. I love using the touch tablet instead:)


DJ a few questions:

  1. Any reason for the robot parts in the dishwasher?
  2. In the video you had something boiling in a pot what was that?
  3. When will we have the kit available again?

Awesome robot by the way!!


I don't speak for DJ, but maybe I can answer some of the questions for him.

  1. To clean them. Seriously. 80's robots from eBay tend to arrive rather disgusting. The dishwasher gets them nice and clean. No dirt and grime and ready to paint if you wish.

  2. I think the stuff in the pot is something like Polymorph from SparkFun Electronics. Not sure what DJ used it for in his Omnibot 2000 build.

  3. Hopefully soon! DJ has a "Hello World!" thread started that explains more.

Hope this helped!:D


JT thanks for the reply.


@dj hey how did you may new lenses for the eyes because there's some ugly Amber going on in mine. I was thinking of etching and back spraying plexi but wanted input first, also what size is that chest screen? And how did you do lighting, I was thinking of led light instead because if significantly lower current draw. Thanks have a awesome day!


@jstarne1 I only changed the LED's:) . I don't know if there are different color lenses for model variants? Check and see. That website is great!


@dj nope doesn't have anything for different eyes. Is the amber color from bulbs or a amber lenses. Were yours amber? Thanks


Sorry The Underline IS NOT A Link


what components did you use in the robot . Material list


Check the first post in this thread for a link to the materials list.


An EZ Robot omnibot ezbit mod kit would be amazing. Oh, wait... I'm day dreaming out loud.


I've seen an Omnibot 2000 available now for sale LOP.

If i didn't live in Australia i would have got it..shipping is too crazy for something that size sadly,.


This is beyond amazing. I am a big fan of EZ-Robot and the community.

I was fortunate enough to get a Omnibot 2000 and plan on installing the EZB 4/2 into it. I have questions pertaining to the arms of the Omnibot and the servo setup.

I am curious what servos were used for the shoulders, elbows, wrists and claws? Is there a guide on upgrading the arms with servos?

Lastly, what H Bridge is recommended for the drive motors? Should I change the motors to something more beefier?

Thank you all for all the contributions. This site and the EZ-Robot product line is inc readable resource.



Hi Sean,

Here's a link to page with a lot of building tips including a material list. Most of the parts can be bought right here in the EZ Robot store. Best thing is things like the HD servos are now upgraded to the new EZ Robot servos that are super amazing and powerful.

Omnibot 2000 building tip page

EZ Robot Store - DIY Page

Have fun!:D


Thanks for the kind words. I used the ezrobot hbridge from the store in this website. And you can still use the same motors. Took a bit of probing to find what wire was for what motor without taking the gearbox apart.