I wanted to find a bobble head with a large head so all of the electronics could fit inside. I took the same parts inside JD's neck to make the pan tilt, plus managed to squeeze a camera in there to! It works really well (despite my poor hot glue skills haha)
Cool! I think I like the walker on the left more though. ;P
I think I am going to wind up buying a hexepod body. It provides so much design flexibility.
I love the one on the right. Very cute... in an evil sort of way. eek
The turtlebot looks like it's in pain
it looks like something from star wars.
It is
I wanted to find a bobble head with a large head so all of the electronics could fit inside. I took the same parts inside JD's neck to make the pan tilt, plus managed to squeeze a camera in there to! It works really well (despite my poor hot glue skills haha)