Live Robot Hack Session
DJ Sures

DJ's First Live Robot Hack

43 people have subscribed to this event

In this archived video, he gives a tour of the facility and discovers Build-a-bear costumes fit the EZ-Robot JD Humanoid perfectly! The hack he performs is on a Playskool Digger toy that he stumbled across at the Thrift store earlier that day. There's a nostalgia with the toy because it was also the toy he hacked for Make Magazine Volume 27, where the robot was lost in shipping for the photoshoot - never to be seen again. That was the only robot that DJ had built which was lost, so tonight he was able to rebuild the same robot by pure chance that a similar toy was spotted at the thrift store.


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Synthiam ARC Pro is a new tool that will help unleash your creativity with programming robots in just seconds!


Sounds interesting,  I don't have an idea to put forward but I'll be there.  What time zone?


Maybe a list of what DJ has available, and we can choose what we would like to see.  How long do these sessioms last and what can be completed in that time frame.  is it actual building robots or using features available like gates or VR etc


I added some items for the topics you can decide on. I’m gonna do these once a week or so, since I’m building robots anyway, might as well share it! Plus, YouTube will record the event so it can be referenced again in the future.


Impressive and great idea on doing live youtube events,this will prove to be fascinating!


You can schedule events as well:D It's open for everyone. If you're gonna be home one night building a robot, might as well set up a camera and share the night with us


As the day approaches - any ideas of what you'd like to see for the live hack? There is a chat ability so we can chat at the same time. I'm not promoting this outside of the community because it's a first trial to see how it goes.

Expect lots of bugs:D:D


Seeing as you'd have a really good idea of what the Ez-b can do, find something that no one may have thought of to hack. Perhaps give us a list of some sort?

Some ideas:

  1. A computer that can follow you around, whether it be a cart with a computer on it or a laptop with wheels for desk navigation.
  2. A "Mother robot" that can monitor and help smaller robots which are having issues(inmoov might be a good contender)
  3. Upgrade one of the Ez-b V2 or V3 robots that you haven't upgraded yet(wall-e, omnibot, etc), add new upgraded features and flex the EZ-b 4's new features
  4. I really want to see some sort of unconventional robot, like a jumping robot, or ball robot that clumsily navigates. I think they'd be both interesting and funny.
  5. Transformer: A robot that seems like something normal, but on command turns into a full-fledged robot. (I'm thinking "JD" as a flower pot, or something along those lines)
  6. Simple tour robot for giving self-guided tours of the EZ-robot office, which is able to recognize features and people
  7. A weird idea, but an automated parrot or shoulder-positioned robot which acts as a guide or companion robot

Maybe these will spark some creativity?


While those would be neat, I'm not very mechanical for stuff like that. Instead, I can demonstrate software things. Like, how to do something in software. If i do a hack, none of those are something that can be done in 2 hours:D. I was thinking if to build a robot, it would be like a Wall-e or a new robot that i can find at the salvation army or something.

I think that's what i will do... find a robot at the donation center and hack it haha


Wow ,Hey Cardboard Hacker, Just 5 minutes ago on Fox news they showed on Tucker Carlson show the suit case for $800.00 that can just follow you around the airport or follow outside on the side walk,it has sensors on it and  is some sort of hybrid suit case/robot, They just called it a new Lazy for people to buy, LOL! I think I will buy one!

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I am actually interested in learning what the new HD servos can do,how strong and how fast they can move, I like my Robots to not be slow like an old Zombie but have arm,neck head movements that are impressive. Not to the breaking point ,materials that can be used to add strength for these newer servos ,like I am looking at building life like arms that can be flexible,fast and last a long time.Cables VS servos , I guess I am interested in the mechanics just as much as the software,be a jack of all trades in robotics. Just like I have never needed a car mechanic,I have always learned to do all my own maintenance and repairs on every car I ever owned,saved possibly thousands in cash. Sometimes it is good to understand a little about everything.I did watch the video with Jeremy and you DJ introduce the new HDD servos on the JD bot,very impressed but then I also saw this video where you demonstrate the auto movement software for your Inmoov and it seems like you had to speed up the video when Inmoov is moving? Is it that slow in arm movements?


I'm not sure what servos the inmoov uses. You'd be best to ask one of the inmoov projects in the robots tab of this website


Yes, Thanks I am constantly looking around at all the info I can find  on the web site, just saw the video you did with the cheaper Chinese knock off heavy duty servo plugin,great stuff it shows that you are on top of our concerns in price vs performance with using EZ controller!


Will these hacks be recorded and uploaded to watch later? I will be in transit from CES and will miss the broadcast, but would like to watch later.

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Will, in the previous comments on this thread I mentioned that YouTube keeps the hacks as videos to be referenced later.

Good luck at ces!!! We are root’n for ya


Thanks DJ for info. And thanks for the rooting it worked! So many amazing things to share!! Good luck on tonight’s hack!


I have not done this before. Is it interactive such that we can live type questions or be seen in a little box via our webcam if we had questions, etc) Will we be able to communicate with you?  I can see it now. "The boards are lit up tonight, taking caller #1"


Hey guys!

We're just working through a bug or two, should be live pretty soon!


To view the stream and chat, looks like you have to do that on YouTube. Here's what you have to click on...

User-inserted image


[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Huh?  Weird all of a sudden youtube wants my phone number to sign in to participate in the live message stream and now won't even let me log in the regular way to my 10 year old youtube account. Sorry guys will need to sort this out for next live event as Last time I gave google a phone number I started getting tele marketers like crazy and had to change my number,LOL! Watching anyway.


Enjoyed tour and pretend hack of JD with oh my goodness where do the wires go and will build a bear suit fit.

When you said would do some robotics was hoping more for bleeding edge robot versus hack a kids toy but ...

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loved watching the ending with doggy chasing the red ball. easy to do with EZ cam as I did the same thing last week with my Rad bot chasing a red balloon around the floor. it is actually more fun than it sounds,LOL!


Thanks - that was fun! We do that every friday anyway, so recording made sense. Also, sometimes it's hacking with software or writing new programs. Other times it is hacking a robot toy

@nink, lave the bleeding edge robot hacking to you:). I was definitely in a nostalgic mode when we came across Digger the Playskool robot today at the thrift store. If you heard me tell the story earlier - it was a big deal to me.

I think next time we'll do some software hacking

#23   — Edited

I did not realize Jeremy had his own stream going too or I would have had 2 windows going! Also I caught the stream Later and noticed that you guys had something that resemble a Rad robot sitting on the right of DJ's table ,but I have never seen that version on Ebay before,was that a hacked custom one or just a later model it had a name on it Bobby or something? Ya so I just watched the start of the Live video again and that Batman hack is awesome just need the mask!


I really enjoyed driving the telepresence robot. Especially after I found the speed control!


Got to watch this today.  It was great. You'll have to keep a repository of these on the site to refer back to for those that can't make it.  Very fun.  Thanks a bunch


It was fun watching you guys work and build this fun little dog. Very fascinating to watch the process in less then 4 hours. My robot build took 5 years and is still underway and growing. Thanks for hosting this. I wish I could have had the time to watch the would thing till completion. So glad you posted the whole party to watch later. Nice work.


dj&team you chould start wiht making thousands baby' ez robot will never dissepear.this is the most stunning workspace.


a mini servo 360 HDD would be handy for making these toy robots.


Really enjoyed watching the video after the event. Where is the best place to buy the servo accessories that you had in your box that allo you to attach a variety of wheels?


@Kazpet - most servos will come with a variety of attachments. Usually 3 or 4 different kinds. That is what i collect in the box. Every time i order a servo, i get more attachments and they end up in the box. I've never come across anyone selling them, but it might be possible to find if you google a bit.


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kazpet are you looking for these?i have a bunch i dont can have.


Yes I would like them.  The only issue is I am in Australia.


oops big issue,but maybe i can send them by letter.if you have an adres and phone number for me.i will check post office here. you  can find my mail adres on my icon.


Hey Mr. Sures, I love your videos and what you are doing for educational purposes as well. I see that you have a bioloid premium robot in the back are you using the EZB4 on it? Keep up the Great work sir.


@Robo Rad That robot on the bench is Buster the robot:)

@Jerseylance Yep, there's an EZ-B wiring harness hacked into the back of the Bioloid so it's EZ-Bv4 ready;)


Good morning buddy, are you going to demonstrate on that bot how you did the communication work?


What communication work are you referring to? And what robot?


The bioloid premium robot with the ezb4. You guys do great work, I just got so much things on my hand, but when I see your videos I really get inspired. You guys are the Robot Gods bro.


I've always wondered what green meant on the boards. If I'm correct, the green EZ-Bv3s are prototypes as well?


Also, the fact that you had an EZ-B that was a mini-computer made with Intel is impressive.