It seems that programming an EZ-Robot to chase a red ball is a popular exercise of mine. I've done it with" target='_blank' rel="nofollow">this hexapod and an" target='_blank' rel="nofollow">AdventureBot to!
Well, third time's a charm... because here's Roli Rover! Similar story as AdventureBot. I was working late and playing around in ARC. Probably lonely, I decided that tonight I needed a friend. I quickly programmed Roli Rover to chase this red ball around the office. Kept me entertained for hours... well, at least until his batteries ran out
By DJ Sures
Other robots from Synthiam community

Fredebec's Another Wall-E. But French ;)
I am happy to present you my finished EZ-Robot Wall-E. It is based on on DJs real Wall-E, plus ideas from this great...

Wolfie's Well Its A . Start
Hello all I got my kit the other day and just started to play with it today and yes when it came in i did hook a servo...

Boon's Boon's Robot
The base is made from a discarded toy car. One of those for a toddler to sit and drive in, with its own motor and...