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2013-11-21 - created first new question
2014-01-25 - joined your first forum discussion
2014-04-24 - answered a forum question
2014-06-05 - posted a robot project showcase
2014-07-27 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2014-07-28 - shared your first video in the forum
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2014-08-05 - connected ARC to the cloud
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2015-01-04 - posted your first tutorial
2020-05-30 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
2022-02-04 - started first conversation
2022-03-02 - created a public ARC App
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More Controllers Connections
Hello everyone, Since the new InMoov EZ-Robot arms require two additional IoTiny controllers, and I am already using four connections, I find myself one connection...question

How To Set 3 Servos
I have constructed a neck mechanism for the PIB robot and would like to control all three servos using a single Movement Panel in Synthiam ARC. Could you guide me on how to configure...question

New Voices In ARC
@athena first good news . i have a new pc win 11 i have two questions for you . firts question is . how do i ad new voices in ARC speech settings ? second quesion is . when i ad a new...question

Cant Find Ip Adres
Hi, I am having trouble locating the IP address of my new IoTiny. I believe it should be something like 192.168.0.???. It does not connect, whether Norton is enabled or disabled. Can...question

Using Pwms On Connection 3
im using connection number 3 whit 3 pwms for controling LeDs . im using a script to controle the LEDS . how do i ad a connection to my script ? how does my script know...question

Howmany Voltage Regulator Is Needed
do i need a voltage regulator per servo ? or one voltage regulator per complete robot set up ?question

Error With RGB
im getting an error when using a iotiny and RGB . what cause this ?question

Heavier Batterie On Ezbv4
can a 3 cell batterie 7.4 volts damage an ezbv4 ? i used this one whithout knowing it . i also used this one on the new servos .so i burned myself the servo .question

3D Print Jd Head
hi has anyone printed a jd head?my question is ,how do you print the head on the printbed? thank youquestion

Adding Two More Movementpannels
hi #athena is it possible to get these two movement pannels in ARC? i see the mobil is not there anymore . thanksquestion

Ad Second Ezbv4 To Project
hi all im using a second ezbv 4 on my project . how do i ad a second connection to my script of that second ezbv4 ? connection 1 is a iotiny and second connection 2 is...question

Screen Not Fully Open
hi anyone when i open arc i cant see connection number 0 ? ive looked in the settings , no luck .question

Ad Uncheck Box
hi is it possible to ad a check box here so i dont see this message ? i try them upgrade but dont work .no matter what i do . thank youquestion

Jd 3D Printed 5 Fingered Hand
jd 5 fingers hand hi has anybody printed this hand ?i cant open the stl in ARC.i cant see if theres a left hand too.question

3 Pin Connect Rgb
hi is it possible to use the rgb slot from iotiny for an led with 3 pins? i wanna try to control the meccanoid led ( eyes ) with the iotiny rgb .question

Tuttorial About Talk Servo For Leds
hi is there a window for talk servo with led?insteadt of inmoove mouth opens, while talking,but with a led then.question

Error In Speech Recognition Window
hi all am using the speech recognition window .all works except the deactivate line ? whatever vallue i use high or low .it does nothing .i also set...question

Error Playing Sound Files
hi i downloaded the latest version ARC and now i cant play sound files ? also notest the window ezbv4 info is not showing ? also notest the auto position doesn work ?...question

Calibration Button
hi i see no button in the connection window to get on the web page to calibrate the servos ?question

Error After Closing Arc
when am closing ARC iget this message ,what does this mean? thanks anyonequestion

No Checkbox Workin
does the lewan servos work with the iotiny? i notest that the checkbox below cant be checked.question

No Port V0 To Choose
hi i see no option to choose port v0 in servo settings?question

Error When Closing Arc
i see a error message when closing arc.something about not detect object?question

No Sayezb In Iotiny.?
i just noticed ,there is no text sayezb in iotiny?question

Cant Get Smooth Motions
i bin trying to make smooth motions,but i am not able to do. there are some setting missing or deleted ? its to slow or to fast.i also try the standard settings.question

Test Batt In Robot
how do you test a batt in the robot while charging.the reason i ask,see pic. bad week 3 batt death ez robot,2 batt death bioloid.question

Extend Batterie Cable
hi is it safe to extend the batterie wire,make it longer. long dean cablequestion

More Servo Degree Possible?
i am using servo from they are very cheap.i can turn the main gear , alot further then 180 degree by hand.but ez robot servos goes max to 180 degree....question

Port Id Rgb?
does these ports have ID,?i wanna use two rgbsquestion

No Grid Lines And Camera Freeze
i notest the augemented reality doesn work. i also dont see grid lines.when i clicl attach the camera dont move.? thank you anyonequestion

Hi Where Can I Find All The St
hi where can i find all the stl files from ez robots?i see 3d printing is gone.question

Strange Behavior Servo
i notest a strange behavior when using window horizontal servo. when i check the invert direction box.i can move the servo lower or higher, but when i let go my mouse button...question

New Servo Less Degree
i bouth a low profile servo.i want to use this for the turning waist. i can adjust the servo in servo profile,but no calibration on the webpage. the servo has a degree from 39 to...question

Stl First Hands
hi all does any have the stl files from jd first hands? thanksquestion

Low Profile Servos
hi i am looking for low profile servos ,strong ones and also afforteble. some 50 a 60 euro size 35 l x 15 w x 20 h.i am making the hip part, for jd turning i need a small...question

New Motion For Jd Robot
my question is when you make a new motion,can i post this as new question,? or something els ,or is it not recomended to post new motions.question

Calibrate Problem
first i choosed six in the list above cause the galapagosbot is not in the list. so here is my problem,aldo i made the galapagosbot before ,i cant seem to find the problem. witsh is he...question

Libary Doesn Show Stl Rgb
i cant see the stl in robot designer from the rgb case. i was looking the stl rgb front and back.question

Error In Mobile App
i just downloaded the new version ARC.and it has an error in the mobile app. the windows for get temp and get voltage are showing an error. do when i type in the command ,it works.question

Servo Wondering...
how can i loop the image?without connectingdisconnecting.when i press the connection image, it plays an mp3 file from a cat and connect.but the eyes dont stay on.maybe its not possible...question

I Have A Question.Maybe Its A
i have a question.maybe its a easy one but i thougt it was best to i made the mini meccanoid with the head of robot MAX. am using two iotinys and 1...question

RGB Animator
i have a problem whit the rgb.excample spin roll stops while spinning. also i hear a tikking sound.i disconnected the servorgb.tikking still there. i adjust the powerpins springs still tikking...question

Hiis There A Robot Program
hi is there a robot program or something thats explain how to use math in blockly? i would love to have a script where i can use all four sign like 7+7= ? OR 7X7=? OR...question

Cheat Sheet Question
i dont see a wait command in the cheetscheet for the camera.i wanted for jd to wait before he sees the color red, then do the respons.question

Is This Useble With Rgb ?
the head from a meccanoid M.A.X looks great for a robot building. would this face work with rgb ARC?question

Linky Linky
how do you name these places ( commands) ? is it place 1 ? or place 0.1 ? or just 1 ? a few more commands would be good like a wait command before the robot start the game.question

Is The Live Chat Gone?
i dont see the live chat in store .is it discontinue ?question

Ad Movement To Forwart()
i cant seems to ad a movement to script movement panel? Forward( 255,5000 ) sleep(1000) ControlCommand(Auto Position, AutoPositionAction, Armwalk) anyone thank youquestion

Error When Trying To Make Motions
when trying to make poses i get an error.i delete the old version and downloaded, the latest version.still same error.question

New Amazing Color
am waiting for parts,so that means painting for me. my fav brand of paint, is the motip.cause it paints very easy and rapidly dry 30 min. so i try a new color,an amazing dark blue...question

Warning Dean Connector
i thougt it would be good to post this warning.i had a bad connection in, one of mine swithes.i couldn find the problem until this morning, i saw it.some of the pins has a...question

Soldering A Wire
when you solder a wire and they dont touch eachother.can this being seen as, a bad connection?question

Dont Make Jd Mad
jd has learn a new move.i didn teach him that. eekquestion

Photo Backside Ping Sensor
hi has anybody a photo from the ping sensor backside version2. thank youquestion

Mecca Learns To Trow A Ball
i am redo my mecca going to ad some more movements. like turning waist and bending.he allreddy learns how to trow a ball.hehequestion

Is This Possible
is it possible to use 3 lotiny to 1 speaker ?question

Saylotiny ( Hello ) ?
how does it work to use the lotiny.sayezb dont work. anyone thank youquestion

Nice Hackable Robot (Cool Head)
this looks a cool robot to hack.the face is awesome. i ask the seller for a video. ebay robot COCOquestion

Rgb Error
i connected a second ezbv4 on connection 2.i connected 1 rgb and set , the settings to board 2.only the rgb says not connected to ezbv4. what am i missing?question

Batt Harnas Wire Here In Store
howmany current can this wire have? thanks batt harnasquestion

Error In Answers
i got the answer correct do it says incorrect. eekquestion

How Do I Connect These Colors .Different Color Wires
does any has a foto how to connect the wires from roli on ezbv4. i have a purple color green black blue white grey...question

Some Idea For The Jd Servo Wires
hi all i painted some ez robots and i got an idea to make ez robots look, way better with all the wires.i dont know if theres a reason why, the wires are so...question

Great Idea Or Not?
i was thinking of a bag with all white parts in like the brackets and end parts, head body that you can paint your own robot,in color that you want.question

I Have You Now
darth jader s waponized.question

Cheap 3D Printers On Sale
i found this link for cheap 3d printers. 3d printerquestion

Withs Command To Use
withs command do i need to use in mobile ARC to set the camera on or off i try motion and movement button,but camera dont start ?question

Constant Power Supply
hi withs power supply is bin used for this display ,for constant let the robot working. i want to use a ezbv4 wiht cam only for servelance hole day.that dj made for in the...question

Radar And Rgb Dont Work
i read the tutorial tree times,try all kinds of stuff.bolt rgb and ping sensor dont work.i use an original roli ARC.the ARC disconnect when trying to use one of the rgb,got 2...question

Servo Profile Doesn Chow Up
i saved in the cloud and on my pc,the servo profile.but it doesn show up, when open ARC.question

Sound Sensor
to use the sound sensor script here .i have sensors with 2 pins,will this work? i think its only a litlle mic or speaker from robosapien v2.question

12C Adres How Do I Know?
i know i asked this before.but i cant find the topic. my question is ,if i change a 12c port as in pic below. how do i now withs port i changed on ezbv ?sinds there are 3...question

Funny Talking LedsServo
amazing what you can do with 3 items.question

Somthing Else Then This ?
is there another window for thisone cause you cant choose the connection, 1 or 2 or 3 or 4question

Video Detection And Sending To Your Phone By Pir
is this possible with an ez robot.i like it very much.question

Change Foto
can i change this foto with one of mine ? when i take a new auto poss its stil same pic. i wanna use this picquestion

Woild This Work
hi i would like to make a base with a on/off switsh like in pic,would this work ?question

I Think Its A Great Idea
the jd robot is the only one who batterie is diff to check,diff i mean, screwing 4 screws out every time you want to check the batt. so i come up with this idea ,some...question

How To Use Two Ezbv4
hi in the pic you see two ezbv4 connected.con 0 has a program. how do i ad another program to conn 2 so they can work together.question

Am Confused Making Ed Mech-Jd
am making a new ez robot.the ed mech chooter but with an jd styl. as am looking the config how to build it,i see diff asigments from ports. one says d0 is left...question

Using Thinkercad
hi anyone using thinkercad?i want to lock a part off a part and chift a part.question

Dont Understans This.All Moves Are Slow
ez builder is getting more and more diff to understand for me. all move i make are slow,in every setting i try,they keep slow. i like the...question

Another Tutorial ?
are there any other tutorial that says where the HDD servos go in the, jd kit?this tutorial does not show how to calibrate. jd tutorialquestion

Missing A Ez Robot
hi i see a robot is missing in the downloads.the one with the feetswheels ?question

Modify Poses In Auto Position
i see the pose stand from sit is not in auto position. so it cant be adjust? anyone thank youquestion

This Is Not Correct
i am trying to use the only works on connection 0 and i need it to work on connection 2 then i saw this see pic.tutorial doesn seem correct .question

Using New Ping Sensor
am reading the tutorial for this ping sensor,it says you can use trigger and , echo in same you mean as in pic ? my project doesn recognize the second ezbv4.question

Connecting The Ln Motor Board
hi i read this tutorial,i wanna connect motor board with 1pwm. witsh port do i use to set the pwm ? and where does the power come from to power the motor board ?...question

Image From Radar Window
i use an ping sensor with the radar i cant see the red line, it makes ,just a chort this correct ? also can i use 4 ping sensors in one project ? thanks...question

Cute Little Mini Jd
cute little jd ,funny video.question

Rottion Servo
are the rotation servo to get with top and end cap,as in pic. like the HDD whithout lever. servoquestion

Ad Second Rgb
hi is it possible to use 3 rgb animator in one projeckt.? also i would like to know how can i find the adres for the rgb.? thank youquestion

Keep Script Running
hi am looking for to let a script keep running whithout stopping. cant find it anyone thank youquestion

Glue Gun
i just blew my glue gun up,it happen when i put a new diff color stick in. has anyone had this issue before?question

Whits Fingers In Englich
whats the name off these four fingers. i have thumb/FINGER?/ringfinger/pinky i use four fingers cause hand robosapien has only four.question

Is This Correct
am building a hand.will this scipt slow the fingers down at start up.question

ARC Stops Working
i did averthing like in the video.but i get an error,dont know what it is. need help.what does this mean?question

The Robot Program
how do i check the robot program as read or seen the videos.question

Error Line 6
hi i have a error in line 6 but write averything same as i printed before.question

Making An Overlay
i saw the first video of anthony for the mobile app bb-8. do you need a special program to make the overlay? i mean the one start page where the start button and figur lids up.question

Mac Adres
my question is not ez robot related,so i understand iff there no support possible. i need to find a mac adres from a robot.i try the app fing but it doesn find it. i ask the companie to look it up and...question

New Grippers Who Can Really Grip Something
i found these grippers,where you can actully grip something whithout, burning the servo when stalling.they work on 5 volt up to 12 volt....question

New Wheels Battlebot
i found these here in shop wheels for battlebot. but they dont have the encoder on.question

Learning Robot
could this be a good learning robot ? for in the shop. ezbv4x1 hexabodyx1 cubex3 pegx3 charger you can also use a gear from broken servo as in the pic.question

Ezbv Not Connecting
my appolegies to ask this again.i need an answer how to figur out, if the ezbv is damaged.i bouth a new one,and set it on Engenius. withs is just recently all set up by a pc...question

Speed Battlebot
here an idea for battlebot.question

Feather Request
is it possible to ad a resset button in this window. specially for the legs,when making poses sometimes i hear, loud a button like this would come in handy to set the servo back to...question

Time Out
i cant get the new ezbv4 connect.i gess there a time out,averyting goes well, untill the voice on ezbv4 starts speaking,then the led goes red.question

Stl Needed
hi all is there anyone that can make me an stl file,the cost here in belgium to make an stl,is very high+cost material and chipping.also you dont get the stl file, companies says its there...question

Better Pic
has anyone a better pic ? is it possible to use two ezbv4 in one project ? am thinking to build roli+jd body thanksquestion

Meet Sofia
talking ai sofiaquestion

Are You Moving?
whats happening?question

Volume Sound To Low
hi how do i set the volume higher in a script.for the ezbv4.question

Adventure Bot Improvement
so the adventure bot is for playing,i notest the batt wire is dragging on, the floor withs is not simpel solution.put the wire on top. and like cars have a...question

Chinese Newyear Stunning
here an idea for djteamquestion

is it possible to for excample click say and choose from the cheet, in roboscratsh.question

well some times you think what is cheap. just got a quote for battcharger for the nao robot. and gess what ,it cost 445 euro for bat+charger eek eek eek eek eek eek eek eekquestion

Internet Connetion Lan
is there someone who can help me with changing a lan wire to another, router port?question

Password And Login Retrieve
few weeks ago my hard drive went they had to instal a new one , and reinstall win there a program for retrieve a login name and password, from a web...question

Some Great Idea Maybe
would this be something for the ez robots.question

talking about selling.1000 units in less then minut.question

Checking Volt Device
hi ,does anyone know off excisting devise you can plug on the 3pin wire, to see howmany volt still is in the batt.question

Mp3 Files
is it possible to get the mp3 files haunt me and i believe i can fly for some reason when i play the files ,the ezb disconnect,question

Ezb-Info In Tab
i get an error when i connect with the window ezb info.ez builder crachesquestion

Cosmetic Change
i wanna have that legs of six desame is as the right side. what is the degree then?and need i to change anything els. its pure cosmeticquestion

Clockwise Set Up
could there be a reason to set up the leg from six all clockwise. i see a pic it was diff earlyer.question

Batterie Safety
wel i had a bad week with i wanted to tell my experiants. the batts we use here has a sort seal ( stamp ) that warns you , for excample is bad or worn out.on one side is a sort off...question

New Idea For Roli
i changed the wires from the arms,looks much better. also 2 slots more would be better in the front. you can use normal arm then whithout the problem choulderservo heating up.question

Checkbox Who Talks First
would it be a good idea to ad checkbox in speechrecogwindow.for who speaks it sounds more like a conversation.excample blue may first.question

Jd Thirth Place
top five robots and jd is thirth.question

Ezb Not Chowing On Iphone Wifi
i have a new ezb and david help me connected. problem is now i cant see the ezb on my iphone so i cant connect, ez builder mobile.any ideas anyone thank youquestion

Is There A Tutorial How To Update Firmwire Ezb
is there any tutorial how to do this.question

Is This Warenty
so i got the hex legs this morning.wgen i calibrate them al seems to , be fine.but when i connect D7 smoke came out.there is some knick in the wire. and a red from the motor is burn black....question

Talking About Chipping
last pakkage was two dome and some small items.customs belgium 53 euro eek so now 5 pakkage are chipped.i need a coffin. blushquestion

Lonsome George Last Galapagos Standing (Male)
i look it up what galapagos mean.well here it is. lonsome georgequestion

Blue Charger
hi is the original blue charger in store here suiteble for very long charging. am thinking to use one off these for the ez mip.cause i think he uses, more batt due he allreddy balancing while...question

What Is Missing
i saw one off the earlier respons from jd.when you wave to him he waves back. so whats missing here.question

Pics Inside Jd Body
does anyone has pic from inside jd body,with servos in and batt to on/off switch.question

Extended Batt Outside Robot
i had so much fun thismorning playing whit jd. untill the batt was my question is,there are bigger batt, with higher MAH 2200, could there made a connection...question

This Looks Familiar
i think i saw same here. hexquestion

What Happening Here
dj armyquestion

Making Init Script
how do i make a script that galapos takes the position when conneting to, ez builder. the pic is the original pose .i made the pose and called init. d0-105 d3-70 d9-105 d12-70 d1-3...question

Cant Get Led Off In Script
i try several times but i cant get the led off when the pose is done. the led goes on and off while doing his the end off the pose, it keeps going on and off.question

Volt Regulator
are these to get for 3 volt also ?question

Where Is The Download Galapagos ?
cant find the galapagos download.? is it availeble yet?question

Backside Servo
is it possible to set this servo also whit the front forwarts. i see all servo are clockwise placed.question

Legs Six Almost Reddy
djteam got my servos and endparts rotation servos today. all working and callibrated allreddy. thank you for with ez robot will it be,hehequestion

Cant Get Multicolor To Work
the multi color doesn work for me.the voice is hardly to hear. tested diff collors,always full on win7 i use two colors red and blue,only in color setting red...question

Nuance Speech Recog
can i use speech recognition from nuance for ARC.will that work? on win7.i dont want to use my pc whit my voice just will ARC recognize, the speech engine. thanks anyonequestion

i see in the camera two kinds off querres purple one and a black one. is this correct?question

will these come availble in store ecample bags off 10?question

Help Whit Script
how can i play soundfile and motionfile at desame time in script.question

Another Charger Dont Charge
yesterday i got a bad problem i think,i got a spare one. but this one doesn do anything.voltage i get is 0.00 the adaptor gifs 12.29 voltquestion

Charger Not Working
i got 3 chargers and one off them has stopped working, the red and green is on while no batt is connected. is this warenty?question

What Is Matrix?
i get an error trying to use the ping sensor.something about matrix is not good. and the text is in nederlands written bigger picquestion

Wow Look All Those Kids
whats happening here?ST patricks day?question

Wrong Pics In The Learn And ARC Win7
i found a bad pic in the learn section.if you follow this jd trows his arms backwarts. in win7 the assemble course is also the wrong pic. win8 is...question

Whits Size Is Correct?
i made this topic allreddy ,but cant find it back. are there diff sizes in six? thanks anyonequestion

New Part For Six
hi guys what you think off a new dome for six. sinds there is alot off room in the dome for a servo. iff you wanna use the jd ontop the six.(turning waist)question

Really Big Mini Servos
are these mesurements correct?looks huge miniservo.question

New Ezbv Dont Connect
i got my new ezbv but it dont stay connect only a few sec, then goes lid redquestion

Myo Not Found
its connected to pc port com49 but in ARC it doesn show up.question

Driver Ez Chronos
is this driver availeble somewhere for win7? i got one but it doesn install the driver.question

You Completed 48 From The 47 Lesson ?
not bad from me 48 off 47 lessons made.question

Found Driver But ARC Dont See Port?
i found the driver ,but cant see the port in ARC.question

Color Tracking
how can i delete bad fotos and why doesn move my servos while tracking. i try photo from learn section and one whit fill in the ports none seems to work. thanksquestion

Ez Is Chipping Now At Lightning Speed
just recieve mail my order goes from step 3 to 4. i though great,till i checked the tracking, then i tought woohoe awesome. i wonder whits space...question

Male Side Off The Batt
will the male part wire also come availeble in the shop?(red one)question

Dont Know How Its Calt?
is there anyone who knows the name off this.its a protection sorta foam, to paste on inside connectors from servos.question

Center Point Sonar
am looking for the center point from a trying to use the sonar. is it left 0 degree top 90 degree and right 180 degree. thanks anyonequestion

Female Robot Kd
will the the female version off jd (kd) availeble in molded version.?question

Price Dropping Robots
has anyone notest the prize drop from ez robots? very humble from djteamquestion

Useble Pic
i made a pic .question

Error Weather Broadcast
is that cause i dont have voice recog?question

Different Scripts
i saw different scripts in a video here on forum and mine. so i was wondering whits one is correct. thanks anyone video here on forum excample djquestion

Are Servo From Jd Under Warrenty?
i got a broken mini servo ,and two heavy duty ones. is that also warrenty?question

Offset Jd
does anyone has done the offset from jd? and second howmany degrees is jd neck ?question

Accses Point Arrived
jd s batt is charging.few houres to go and we are reddy to do the callibration.question

What Means This Error
i got this error when closing ARC.question

Volt Regulator
are these on sale here?question

Cant Upload Pictures Anymore
i cant upload pictures when making a post. i can choose but not upload.question

Too Hot Or Too Colt
hi hope anyone knows this problem.i got some 3d parts ,but they look useble but, are not what it supose to be.i think its a problem whit heating or so. if i can get a solution i can...question

Is This Correct?
i making my mp3 reddy for later use.but seeing the video i got my doubts. is switshing off the black wire correct? or is it black on black white on whitequestion

Bug? Report
when i follow the tutorial assemble ,some off the button dont work.question

Ez-B Spacers
i notest the spacers on the ez-b two long and two the holes for these, are all four even my ez-b i got to wiggle whit to make contact. i solved like in the pic.the body is...question

Have Anyone The Mp3 File Off Ymca?
does anyone have the mp3 song ymca and is willing to chare. thank youquestion

Anyone Familiar Whit Motion From Robotis?
when i wanna use inverse kinematics and press enter the value goes to zero back again.when normal it chould take the pose you set.question

Real Ez Cocca Cola To Get In Belgium
any cocca cola whit all kinds off names to get. cocca colaquestion

5 Boxes
wow 5 boxes .question

Wii Remote
i bouth a wii remote and looks the wrong one.question

Pinball Machien Haha
bzzss goes wel ,i see a pinball machien. who is winning?.question

File Into Where?
does this file needs to be in directory or so?question

Download My Copie
can i download this to my android?question

Robi Has A Design Fault
its not mine robi but i saw similar,found the problem in the legs. theres a small edge inside the servo house and when putting, the servo in it,the wire twist when screwing...question

Power Went Down In The Street
1 hour ago the power went down in ower street i cant see the side bar, and only half off the button ubove.i try to correct it but no luck. if i make a...question

Can This Be Real?
i asked some prizes about 3d printing here in belgium. one block and two brackets.look at the prize, is this really so exspencive ?question

3 Servo Mount
would it be possible to make a bracket to connect tree servos together. i found that if you mount tree together ,you get more space between the hiel. to make a config similar as bioloid....question

How Cool Is That
this shows how awesome the ez for a non programmer like me ,to be able, do whit few questions to make this. and rich for your list .its a sony xperia 23i 4.4 android model. little...question

What About This Idea?
put the rgbradar on the front rolli.question

Ez Mobile
i downloaded the ez mobile and it chows up. do i dont have camera sound recording. is this because i dont have a robot yet?question

Check Box
will there be a check box availeble for mirror? i mean ,its a check box that allows you to move for excample bolt arms same time.question

Ad Soundfile
is it possible allreddy or will it be possible in the futere to ad a soundfile. in the pose editor.question

Stl File Whithout Size?
i dont know iff its normal that stl files are whithout the sizes. i just send the stl files to the chop for printing jd chest but i need sizes. am confuse now.question

Pic Jd Backside
does any have a pic off jd backside whit ez-b4 in?question

How To Let Jd Turn Left Or Right
i notest that jd cant i start thinking whits i mostly do. what do you think off this 3d can mount something in front and back,(rgb-sonar.)...question

Hidden Secret Off Jd Spotted
this catshed my attention.,logo underneed jds feet. is this a secret jd off dj himself.hahaquestion

Size Off The Male Part
again i need size off a part.does any have this size in the pic. thank youquestion

Uniek Head Servo
hi all. as you know am making the robi robot from deagostini.and now start comming in the uniek headservo. whits i want to use on the JD robot too,iff iff more people want this...question

Useble Pic?
i made a pic from the original ports off the servos jd. i though it will come in handy when making poses. i printed on paper and laying in front off me. the ones in red is just an idea.question

Ad Id To Port
is it possible to chow the id number to in this port?question

New Task For Your Robot
this is maybe a good thing.let your robot turn on/off your tv. i saw some settings in the board,so i though its a good idea, to post it.question

Dont Know The Name Iff This,
i need some off these in white color.i dont know how its calt,so i cant find it. anyone has a link? thank youquestion

Last Questions
i start a new topic cause i dont want to ruing the great topic off the b9. few questions.i have these resistors here,but there are no labels i cant i post a pic. also i have a link off...question

Internet Icon In Taskbar
hi i am not able to get an icon in taskbar.i have win7. i cant find it.for the internet.question

Is This Robot From Made Here
i saw his name robbie.question

Christmas Has Allreddy Started For Me
i got my jd ordered,haleluya.question

New Bit
i see many parts that chould connect whit each other but i see many females, and not much male.i also think not to many people will have a 3d printer. and sinds its like lego (only better) it chould have...question

Nieks Part In Design
aldo its sunday.maybe someone is still online. so question is,is nieks part to get in the design aplication?question

Whits Phone Are Good To Use For Mobil App
whits phones are good for the mobil app.i wanna try to find a secondhanded. the app looks awesome,question

Wifi Connection
i have a wifi connection whit a d-link. when i connect my nao whit wifi,the next day its gone. i ask this cause i will need a good wifi for using ez-b4 any ideas thank youquestion

Something To Relax
dj is this yours tooquestion

Where To Get 3D Print STL Files?
hi dj,is it possible to get a link off the stl files backplate rgb led array and backplate sonar (radar)question

3D Printing Prices
goodmorning do any one have a list what prizes are for 3d printing. seems that prizes are high.question

Mini Servo
does any one have the size off the mini servos ez uses? would the mini servo be strong enough to carry the body jd?question

Transparent Servos
does the servos from ez are also availeble in transparent versions? blushquestion

This Is A Job For The Ez-B4
bigger is betterquestion

Save Stl Files Design Parts
can it hurt to save a file,where not all notes are filled in.question

Last ARC
does the last opdate ARC works whit the new camera only?question

Still No 3D
sorry to bring this back up. no luck seeing the 3d figure.i remove all and download ez back.question

Looks Some Went Wrong?
i downloaded the files from cloud to libary.still get error.question

Ad Male Or Female To Design
how do i ad a male or female connector to my design. and second ,how can i see or ad size to it.question

Downloads Not Chowing
in the download for parts stl.some off them are not chowing. and second when i make a design,can i save it whithout having a printer.question

Ez Dont Open Stl Files
hi got an error,the ARC dont open the stl files. anyone thank youquestion

New Part
hi all. averyone knows the great part nieks have design for to get jd body on to the rolli. now i was thinking similar part but double to use it for jd to connect the pigtail, on its back.maybe its a...question

Auto Possition
hi is it possible to choose different autopossition like in the pic for servos. the red line is normal possition and the blue is possible?question

Meet Pepper
its from aldebaran cost 1400 euro.question

hi i found a motorboard for few dollar.but its little diff then what dj is using. my question would be,can i use the H bridge here to.. the H bridge is for controlling the speed off the motors...question

3D Printing For Averyone Even?
3d printers also for anymals to by.hahaquestion

Volts For Signal
the signal ports on the ez-b4 ,does that give volt?.when i see the tutorial from the leds, i see they are connected to gnd and to signal ports. blushquestion

Useble Robot
hi we know we can use the robosapien v1.bud i wonder iff its possible to use this one. his head is higher then normal v1.question

Error In Update
i did an update and get error.anyone plzze.question

Voice Recognition
i have win7 home.if i by a voice recognition ,will it work whit ARC? blushquestion

Sizes Jd Head
hi does any one has the size from jd head .1 ear to ear 2 ear to nose 3 eye socket.question

Neck Servo
hi all.would this be a great neck servo for can move left /right up and down and, also sideways . sorry cant help it.question

Will This Work Whit Ez-B4
is there room in the chest off jd for this.and will it work whit ez-b4 blush kittquestion

Jd Soccer Mode
did anyone try this .jd soccer mode.question

Remote With Liqiud In?
hi all.recieved my wireless remote today.and i see some liquid that normal. in link it looks like it. wireless remotequestion

Rolli+Jd Configuration
this one catsh my eye .i have a few questions. will there be other colors availeble in the future. is it possible to ad a lcd in chest whit image/video what he sees. does the...general

New Inmoov Robot
Hi everyone, I recently came across the new InMoov robot on the EZ-Robot website, and it looks impressive, especially the design of the elbows. You can check it out here: EZ-InMoov...general

Never Seen Ez Robot
Hello everyone, I recently found this picture and Im curious if anyone recognizes this robot. Does anyone have any information about it?general

3D Stl Programs
Hi, Is there anyone here who is skilled in modifying STL files?general

3D Prints Are Weak
@Athena My 3D prints are coming out weak and brittle, and there is also a lot of stringing. What could be causing this?general

Ez Robot.Com On Holiday ?
HI is ez robot on holiday . i dont get respons from them . i need an aproval to post the new base for the inmoove head . also i want to have a shout to will huf for his...general

Ad A Script In Mobile App
hi is it possible to ad a script for this slider button ? i would love the control the servo speed .general

Script For The Radar And Ezbv4 Sound
hi i wrote a script for using the radar ( ping sensor ) . my problem is i think i need a loop , in the script but then its keeps saying over and...general

Mobile Name Setting Dont Changes
hi i notest that the names in mobile interface cannot be changed in the settings . and a little cute video of mini jd ....general

Thingiverse Out Not Loading .
does anyone have also a problem open ?general

New Project . The Emilio Robot
hi i found this one for a good prize and bouth it . a iotiny and ezb in there . it going to be fun building . lots off light and maybe moving hands .general

Orders Arrived And Am Very Happy
hey all got my orders .woohoo . i can say this is good quality . even the mousmat is heavy quality .general

Funny Show With DeanEngelbert
hi all found this very funny old video off dean martin and engelbert humperdink . it is hilarious and genius idea for that time .general

Live Hacks Building Robots
hi dj/jeremie is there a possebility that live hacks and building stuff comes back ?No robot skills. Click here to view the Robot Skill Store.

Nomads Remix Inmoove Head
hi all Ive created a modified version of the EZ Robot head, featuring both side-to-side and up-and-down (yes) movements. This new design includes an improved base for...robot

Nomads Mini Version Boxbot P2-V1
P2 stands for printed second version boxbot.cause dj made the first boxbot. the V1 stands for version 1.version V2 will get some wheels. this robot is a...robot

Nomads Bond Bug .Jds Vehicle
an idea i have for a long time is to make a car for jd. then i saw this picture,the bond bug. this is part 1 ,i had an old vacuum cleaner.and it has 3 wheels. just...robot

Nomads Ez Robot Jd Ultra Sonic
jd has learn how to injoy life.xD he can laugh so hard.robot

Nomads Robo Cat Angelica
this is robo cat part 2.i am making this mini version to see where all hidden, flaws are.later i wil scale them up so you can use the micro HDD. sofar che has a body and...robot

Nomads Barry The Robot
this is the original jd.but with some cool rgb is a new one.i called rolling triangle.robot
Nomads Adventurebot Cherry
pinkcherry adventurebot hi complete original adventurebot,changed only the is cherry collor,dome is light pink. i also paint the wheels en back cover...robot

Nomads Tripple Battlebot
here a new ez robot,the tripple battlebot.i added some frontlights and a thirth servo in the back. it has a camera whit the neck ,for up and down movements.he can use his...robot

hi averyone.i build a new ez are some pics and videos.he needs some tinkering and more moves to in the future. if anyone is interested to use the droid as it is now.i can...robot

Nomads Mecanoid Gets Overhauld By Ez
i found a mecanoid new in box.the xl 2.0 version. the app is not very good,so i give him a ARC overhaul. i did the left arm complete.i have to order...robot

Nomads Meccanoid Max Gets Overhauld By Ez Robot
i found a cheap max robot from meccanoid.and i am going to give him , an ez robot costume hehe,lol.the drive base looks very...robot

Nomads New Rgb Visions
here some new rgb visions i made. rgb approbot

Nomads Updated Turlebot
hi i updated the turtlebot with some cool sounds and movements. hope you like it.robot

Nomads Ez Guard Robot
here a new ez robot the guard robot.robot

Nomads Ez Robot Mix Jd/Six/Roli
hi everyone here an excample off robot mixing. six/jd/roli .i made a u-frame and mounted, all on that.robot

Nomads First Test Roli+Jd
here some first test with roli and jd ontop.robot

Nomads Jd New Mod
here is a new mod for the jd neck servo.robot

Nomads Using Robosapien V2
hi all i finally got the v2 up and idea was to use this one whit the ez-b4 iff possible.i also want to have the new camera on the left schoulder and if...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
No user tutorials. Click here to view all user tutorials.
No firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
Hands & Grippers

Left Spring Hand
3d left spring handHands & Grippers

Righ Spring Hand
3d print hand rightHands & Grippers

Right Fist
3 d print right fistHands & Grippers

Left Fist
3d print left fistHands & Grippers

Bioloid Hand Complete
bioloid hand completeBodies - EZB v4

Waist HDD Box
waist hdd box with emblem model onlyBodies - EZB v4