Other robots from Synthiam community

DJ's Scarab Creepy Robot
Some people say this is creepy... Others think hes cute. You be the judge This was a remote control toy called the...

Cirkeith's Upgraded Wall-E
Hi Guys this is my personal design of mobile robot inspired by WALL-e as of now it is controlled By a wireless Xbox 360...

Winstn60's Omnibot Glyph Tracking
Heres my Omnibot tracking towards a glyph on the wall. As the camera is mounted in his head which flops about a bit and...
Looking good Patrick. Nice little video demo of what you’ve done.
Hi yes making good progres
Those are great! Thanks for sharing the app - i'm going to use some of them
thats an honor .dj
i just uploaded some more in the app.
i notest you cant send a color excample from left to right and ad, same time from the other direction start with 2 colors. the colors will bump and go back where they came from. as you will see in spaceinvaders.
That is amazing!
Great idea to combine the two of them to form the arrow...it never crossed my mind that you could also use them like this!
hi mickey
these ideas comes spontanious.or luck.
i made some new visions.jd can hypnotise you.stare it for a long time.