— Edited

am using new mobile app on ios.what i notest is that the camera movement, only goes all the way down or up or left and doesn stop where you wanted.
am using new mobile app on ios.what i notest is that the camera movement, only goes all the way down or up or left and doesn stop where you wanted.
If I understand you right then this might help you and is something I use. Try scripting the mobile controls buttons a bit different to how you have them now...
What this will do is move the servo a small amount, so if you press it repeatedly the servo will move further.
The "D0>10" moves a servo on port zero to a position greater than 10 (setting can be anywhere between 1 and 180), and 10 being the limit minimum servo position and won't go under 10.
The "Servodown(D0,7)" section will move the servo 7 increments. The bigger the number, the further the servo will move (again, can be set between 1 and 180).
One button perss = small servo movement. Many button presses = longer servo movement.
This way you will have more control over the servo that moves the camera. As the mobile interface control doesn't have a "When button is released" option due to different device limitations (unlike a joystick control) we have to script around it.
Hope this helps.
Here's an example for using pan and tilt servos (the same will apply for your Roli with a camera attached to the servos)...
(assuming servos are connected to ports D0 and D1) Camera looks "up" mobile button...
Camera looks "down" mobile button...
Camera looks "left" mobile button... (Depending on your point of view)
Camera looks "right" mobile button... (Depending on your point of view)
You can change the minimum and maximum servo limits and size of the servo increments to suit your needs.
many thanks
No problem Nomad.
steve G can you contact me you know my google adres.
What can I help with Nomad. Maybe if you post here instead of going through Google, others may benefit as well or someone else may have a better answer than myself.
But if you need to have a private chat, you can email me...
i try your mail adres but get error not valid adres
The address is correct as this is my main account. Try it again with out the dot (period) and the end of the address (edited and been removed now), and if it still fails, you can use this one...
Email received.
@SteveG this is exactly what I was looking for but I copied and paste #Servo move up If(getservo(D9>140) Servoup(D9,10) Endif Sleep(100) and all the other directions to my project and get this
Start 2: If(getservo(D9>140) > Error on line 2: Missing ) in Expression Done (00:00:00.0170161) what am I missing coz I can't get my old head around coding
@bborastero if it is this line below, there was a missing brace.... If(getservo(D9>140) should be
Yep, looks like Richard got it. That should get you fixed up.
Do not modify the code for the camera.
Simply press the button direction that you would like to move the head. Press it again to stop moving.