P2 stands for printed second version boxbot.cause dj made the first boxbot. the V1 stands for version 1.version V2 will get some wheels. this robot is a desk robot to train excample camera /position movements and more. it has 4 micro servo's camera still to come ,two flat eye LED blue. the red covers lowerlegs are changeble i, other colors. still need to do .head to print/camera /choulder covers (servo's )
By Nomad 6R
— Last update
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Nomad, looking good,
all your plans above look good, will wait to see them, send more pics when finished.
I have not had a chance to figure out and use my 3d printer :-(
I am at the farm again - no robot stuff out here, only hard physical work :-(
Hope to be back in city life soon.
be well
hi ezang
i hope you get your printer going soon.
Nomad, thats looking great. Well done with the 3D printed body. Im just starting to get back into printing with my new printer. Cant wait to see whats next
thanks guys.next will be some wheels.:D
here are some pics how to ad the horn on the arm. also i made a hole in front neck servo to let the wire into chest.
the eye disc go's half in the holes of the head.the LED has a flat head 3.3 volt (for pwm ).
head is reddy for printing.it has room for camera/two eye LED and mouth LED /speaker.
the micro servo in head needs to be mounted side ways. backpack plate for iotiny can be screwed on the chest. i used spacers for now.you can use screws or glue the iotiny in place. make sure to use tiny screws,cause off the wirering inside the chest.
Nomad, are you using ABS, or what?
hey ezang
i am still using PLA.
ok thanks
Did you ever use PETG?
no only PLA.no other filaments.
some adjustment are made on the head. there is room for the camera and a little speaker.
I am here, a little slow out here :-)
looks great, my robot friend -
any videos?
i have to upload a video.
i am uploading the video now.
here's a little video.
Nice eye lights, good movements - Almost a JD robot
He he walk yet?
he wil get wheel base.
I used the servo City Prowler Robot Kit
Check these: https://www.servocity.com/kits/robot-kits
Also the Actobotics Attachment Ideas are great to look at:
wow these are awesome wheels.thanks for the links. haha funny there is one with my name,NOMAD . nomad wheels
lol yes that is funny nice wheels
Hi Nomand, That head came out great. Cant wait to see the wheel base you choose
hey robohappy
sorry for late respons.i was also thinking off using the two balance board, and some ez wheel servo's.
shoulder covers and neck cover are reddy.
My god!!!! So cute!!!!!
here's the wheel plate.using the ez robot wheel servo's.
you can see the two tiny screws to keep the feets inside the plate. inside front plate are the two squerre and spindel.
waiting for parts DUH.
Your robot is looking good Nomad, Does he have a name?
I just got back from my other life , the country / farm life - back to the city.
when will a video be coming of your robot? Keep me posted
thanks again EzAng
hi ezang
the name is boxbot p2-v1 comes from p2 means printed and two means second boxbot. dj made the first one in cardboard.v1 stands for version 1 to make a video i need this sensor,
here you can see how the wheel servo's are connected to the wheel plate.
Nice job on the wheel base. Makes for a nice finish to the build. Will be cool to see it roaming around.
nice job Nomad, waiting for your video.
thanks guys.just one part to go.xD