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Mecca Learns To Trow A Ball

i am redo my mecca going to ad some more movements. like turning waist and bending.he allreddy learns how to trow a ball.hehe


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Patrick, That's great, he's better making baskets then me. My grandkids would love having a robot do that. They tried bowling with a WowWee Robosapien, but not very accurate. Steve S


hi steve S

i had a robosapien v2 great robot.the bowling depents alot on how, much the batts are full.the fuller they are the better the trow. its amazing to see how strong the ez parts are.this is a long arm, with original parts.


Wow! What's the distance on that throw! Are you making a team? You have enough robots! :)


hi chelsea

i like the consept ez robots alot.there is so much to learn.and yes i have a , few robots.the mecca gets a few movements more,like bending&turning waist. here's a video for bending waist.its allreddy improved with metal on the , horn.more to come soon.

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Nicely done.

Is the robot's hand gripping the ball and releasing it, or is it just balancing?

I have been trying to get my Roli to throw a ball for my cat, and have not been able to get the timing in the auto-position correct. It either drops the ball too soon, or lets go too late. Seeing your video I am thinking of re-working the arm so it can do an underhand throw where it doesn't need to grip the ball once it gets into position instead of an overhand throw. I hadn't thought of the idea since it is so low to the ground, but I think with the right combination of servos and EZ-Bit extensions I could make it work.



hi alan

he can grip the ball.for excample when the hand is gripping to long it will , release the it will not burn out.for the movement, i make all movements separt. 1-choulder up a little 2-underarm up hand open 3-close hand 4-underarm go's down (stand position ) 5-underarm go's up ( speed 5 fastes ) and open hand i used the original jd.hope these pics helps.

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Thanks Patrick. I'll try to see if I have better luck with an underhand throw.


thanks digiEddy .

am uploading a video now from high trow.


here a video for trowing high ball.its not always the speed that trows the ball, far.i notest at speed 15 he can trow far also.

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i am waiting for parts ,so i kil my time do some experiments with ez robot, parts.also i have my first lotiny today.i can see now how much they come, in smal.very the speaker is very quit.


okay i have now ad the arret for the turning that it doesn overturn, the body back waiting for parts.

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a little update.mecca gets his speakers x2

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here is an update for the mecca turning waist.i need some heavy springs . i used 2 meat boards with a grove in and some ball bearings 10 MM here is a little video and some bolt and wacher and locker 12 MM i painted two layers on,used and some grease.i also reinforced the back side. i notest the wheels are not straight .i used a alu plate 2mm

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here a little update. for now i have some turning waist ,not total as i though, it would be.but for such big robot ,it is save not to go to the max of bending, and turning with plastik from a meccanoid.due they are very thin. also he will get a second HDD in the front for the bending,these two servo, are going to connect on the same port wiht a wire for two servo's. that means bolt will do desame movement at same time.this is needed , if you use bending&turning at same time.


hi justin

it works very well.


Very interesting way to use those boards! I have never considered that type of application with bearing- smart!


hi chelsea

these ideas just come sudenly.i have a big surprise for the head .it will, be funny.and no its not a DJ Sures head.aldo it would be the best head.haha



the poping of the speakers is almost gone.i went from 8 OHM to 4 OHM


You must have a small army of robots by now. I'm impressed. Nie work. ;)


Hi dave.

Yes i have a few robots :D



i notest when turning and bending at same time,the HDD gets hot. so i solved that wiht a second HDD and chorten the body.he wil get , a schotich shirt to hide these servo' thing to do ,is to make the wheels, and legs adding another wheel in the you can, see the wheel base is bending in the middle from all the waight. anyone who is going to use the mecca,make sure to start with, making the wheelbase stronger.the plastik is very now , waiting for parts.

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i bouth a second mini version of meccanoid,do i needed extra parts for the big, an roboteer you will know there is something we all have. you cant use a broken robot,you wil try to fix him.and so i did. i made a G15 into a G15KSM .M stands for mini.there is one thing i dont understand,maybe some meccanoid builders wil now this,and that is the , controls written in the book.i see all kinds of colors ,but what does they mean.? how do i go from excample command mode into another? here are some pics.

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one thing for sure is the motion sucks.its not even close to ARC.

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The colors are the colors of the eyes if you built the robot by the instructions. It is your feed back to let you know what mode the robot is in or what action the robot is going to take or what the robot might be waiting on you to do depending on what you just had the robot do.


hi justin

ah if meccanoid did understand my command,i can see it by the color of the eyes, that i am in the correct menu. so there are 3 menu's. command/settings/motions

thanks for the link


ok some more testing whit i have a speaker 8 OHm 86 DB i use a jack plug 3.5 MM the sound is amazing,no cracks or any ugly sounds. so am thinking to solder a female extention wire on the lotiny and see, how that a pic and chort video in german language.

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