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ARC Stops Working

i did averthing like in the video.but i get an error,dont know what it is. need help.what does this mean?

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The only suggestion that I have is to try it again and but reduce the camera resolution to see if it works for you. Someone at EZ-Robot may have to look to see what the error was if it was logged.


i have a look

thanks david


nope same thing.also the download is only for 1 month


Yea, but microsoft announced that they have increased the number of uses per month that are free for a lot of their cloud type services. It will keep working after the month is over, it is just that if you use it more than x times a day you will start to be charged. I dont remember off the top of my head how many uses that is. The same goes for the speech recognition cloud services and others. I will login and see if I can figure out how many times a day it can be used free.


I think it is free for up to 200 requests a day, but I may be wrong. I will see if I can dig into the pricing more and let you know.


the download from microsoft chould it be installed on my c:? or just on my laptop is ok.


I am confused by the question but, the cognitive recognition stuff is installed on the cloud, not on your machine. The plugin communicates to the Microsoft cloud services to get the information and returns it to the plugin. The only thing that you would need is the API key from the cloud services to be entered into the plugin. It has been a while since I looked at this plugin but from my memory, there are a couple of variables and your API key for the configuration.

I know DJ just posted a video on it last night but I haven't watched it yet.


yea i used the video ,and i got the key too.


Pricing is confusing on these services. Some say that they will stop after 30 days. It gives you a chance to see if it is something that you would be willing to continue paying for or not. If not, uninstall the plugin from your project. If so then add billing information to your Microsoft account.

This is what I ran into with EZ-AI but the products that we used for some of these things were free for development. It looks like microsoft is taking a similar model to what IBM did with Watson, only cheaper.

Anyway, if you want to keep it you will end up paying for it. If not, you can choose not to continue and then not pay.



yes i did ecakly like in the video.



sometimes the runtime is not correct just to be sure:

open a windows command prompt:

run the following command:

wmic product where "Caption like '%C++ 2015 x86%'" get name, version

it takes a few seconds to display the information.

A pic from mine:

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Let me know your results.



Run ARC, when you get the error, close the application (error message) and check your event viewer last events on Applications, Security, System categories.

If you find anything related, post here the details.



i have win8-1 i forgot how to open the command prompt


seems i missing some.

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It seems you have an older version, can you please download from the above link post #12 and try again.


the link is for win7,i set it too win7 but also dont work.


it doesn install anymore.i did delete browser history but no.

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where do i put the download?



I've changed the link (correct version) post #12 and i tested on a windows 8.1.

Can you try again ?


nope the link is for 64 bit while the video says 32 bit.


Please Check again


The library link is in the plugin description, with instructions in video. If this discussion is regarding Cognitive Vision, all relevant installation details, including library links and step-by-step instructions can be found here:

  1. Uninstall your previous libraries if they're giving you an issue

  2. I doubt this works with Windows 7, as it's been discontinued by Microsoft



am on win8 .ok i uninstall all.


nope doesn work.i uninstall all and redowload. typical for belgium nothing works here. thanks guys,


I'm getting the same application error and close message as Nomad with the latest plugin for Cogitative Vision. I have Windows 10, latest versions of everything and the x86 redistributable.


And I have the same values as Nomad when running the cmd command to get the version, mine come back as 14.0.24212 and also like Nomad I don't have that 3rd option for the "debug" version. I did download from the link in the instructions and installed without known errors. I did follow the direction.

The Cognitive Emotion work fine. And right before the application error the Cognitive Vision window will load the image from the camera and say "working..." then the error pops up.

Any idea what else I can check?



I debugged the exception and the exception is:

{ "statusCode": 401, "message": "Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription." }

we can't see the exception because is inside multiple (nested) async calls, and is not captured, and the result is an application error.

i found the cause.

your plugin code calls the following constructor:

public VisionServiceClient(string subscriptionKey)

to pass the vision api key, but there is a second constructor:

public VisionServiceClient(string subscriptionKey, string apiRoot)

to pass the endpoint. The default apiRoot (endpoint) is: "";


Microsoft API keys are geolocated based on user input, and a specific Azure datacenter is assigned.

if the client key is registered for the endpoint it will work as expected.


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my key only works for:

To summarize: The plugin needs to ask for the endpoint url.


mine works for a bit then crashes i checked and I have set it up using the video instructions that were just posted the other day. windows 10 creators update with all patches and mine shows the correct version of the Microsoft Visual C++.


I ran the c++ install from the website instead of downloading then running and now the command line returns version 14.0.24215 like ptp, but it sounds like that may not have mattered. The same error occurs. From ptp's explanation that sounds like it would be expected.



Can you post a snip screen of your endpoint and keys (erase the numbers)

I dont't understand why 2 keys.


I believe the 2 keys is to allow simultaneous queries from 2 devices, which should be enough for a hobbyist or developer.



Is working for me.

@Nomad: does it work for you too ?

@DJ: Thanks


Vision Cognition works great now! Thank you DJ!

However, now the Cognitive Emotion plugin (which I did Update and read the directions and copied in the key and end point correctly) now shows a red X across the picture window where it would normally show the image it reviewed. It still works otherwise, it reads my emotion just fine.


hi it works but he says only i see?


ok he sees the pic now but dont say what it is.


Did you create the script to utilize what the robot sees like the video and directions for the plugin show?


yes i did just as in the video