A PIR you can use - but it's an outdated and boring technology. I'd recommend using the camera instead. The camera has motion detection. So simply add a script for the tracking script to send a notification when it sees movement with the camera.
Yeah - pir is what's used in old alarm systems that have been around since the 80's. Ub Tech doesn't use much new technology - their robots are pretty terrible and filled with cheap components. But, they have quite the marketing budget!
i bouth one robot from them the alpha2,worked a few months then they disconneted my robot from there server.there forum dissepeared, no contact.
many on indiego didn get a refund or a robot.they lie about averything.
a big shame,but we have ez robot.
@Nomad... all a PIR sensor is, (you can google it to find out exactly what it does)... is a $5 switch that's all it is. It measures infrared (IR) light radiating from objects... When it reads a change in IR light like from a human or animal that walks by it activates. When plugged into an EZB4 it will cause a digital port to "go high"... You read the digital port and write a script of what you want to do when it activates... It doesn't send emails or pictures or anything else... it's just a switch...
As @DJ mentioned use the camera so you can use more advanced features...
I use one in my inMoov to detect if people are around... If no people are around I programmed inMoov to go to sleep. When people come in the room the PIR detector is activated and I have inMoov wake up...
@ Nomad Like DJ suggested, using the camera to this is very easy. I have the camera on my Inmoov set to detect motion and when it does, it takes a snap shot and then sends that snap shot to me in an email. I haven't tried a video of what it sees but it should be easy enough to do as well.
Using the camera to this is more efficent as it takes the PIR out of the setup. If you want use the PIR, that would be easy to do as well. Once the PIR is triggered then the camera takes a video, then sends that video to you in an email.
Let me know if you need a hand setting it up.
@ Nomad, Sorry to take so to post this, I've been away. Put you email address and name in where I've indicated.
ControlCommand("Camera", CameraMotionTrackingEnable)
#center camera on object
if($Cameraistracking = 1)
ControlCommand("Camera", CameraSnapshot)
ControlCommand("SMTP Client", SendImage, "Camera", "your email address here", "your name here", "Motion detected", "Hey Bob, this is InMoov. I have detected motion in the shop. Here's a picture of what I saw.")# you can change this to say what ever you want
ControlCommand("Camera", CameraMotionTrackingDisable)
Let us know when you get it send a video (I haven't tried that yet)
I wouldn't think that would matter, an email address is an email address. Check it and make sure it's entered right.
Send me an email ( it's in my profile) and I'll try sending you from my robot.
Patrick, I use an email account on Yahoo with mine so my SMTP address is smtp.mail.yahoo.com and I had to find my settings from Yahoo for the port and if use SSL was needed or not.
Did smtp.telnet.be as the address come from your internet provider or was it your best guess? If it was your best guess try smtp.mail.telnet.be and if that fails then try again checking Use SSL.
smtp.telenet.be is clearly your smtp server name per them. So change the server name back to that and keep it that. Keep the port 587.
Try keeping the SSL checked as well. My concern is TLS which is close to SSL but not 100% the same. This might prevent it from authenticating correctly, it might not be possible with your email service.
Patrick, I assume you have your email password entered and it is just cleared out for the screen shot to share publically, correct? And I assume you are not loosing internet connection when trying this (just covering all the bases)?
If it keeps failing my best guess would be the TLS native cryptographic protocols from telenet.be is not compatible and I would recommend setting up a free email with a service like Yahoo! that has a known functional smtp interface.
Patrick, put your thinking hat on. How does anything else stop in ARC?
If you are running this code:
ControlCommand("Camera", CameraMotionTrackingEnable)
#center camera on object
if($Cameraistracking = 1)
ControlCommand("Camera", CameraSnapshot)
ControlCommand("SMTP Client", SendImage, "Camera", "your email address here", "your name here", "Motion detected", "Hey Bob, this is InMoov. I have detected motion in the shop. Here's a picture of what I saw.")# you can change this to say what ever you want
ControlCommand("Camera", CameraMotionTrackingDisable)
Your answer is to stop the script. Come on, with your thinking hat on I know you had to have known that.
Patrick, it's a script, just press STOP like very other scrip in ARC, I've seen you do that in your videos I know you know how to press stop to stop it from running like any other script and it will stop sending email pictures to you.
Or are you trying to ask how to modify the script in order to change it's behavior so it does something else for you?
Yes, you should always keeps your scripts separate from your controls unless you have a very good and specific reason to put them in the control settings of your control objects.
That was a good example of why you should NOT put a script like that there.
I recommend using Script Manager(s) to organize your scripts, then you can manually start and stop them. You can also create voice commands to start and stop your scripts. And if you get fancy you can use personality generators or versions of AI to let your robot choose when to run it's own scripts.
yes indeed.the finding of the smtp on telenet alone was super,
i finaly found something.ofcourse with some needed help here,
ok i changed to a separt script,and still works.
i will see what the script manager does.
Patrick, if you put a loop in the "camera tracking start", it will loop forever until a "camera tracking stop" script is executed. You can stop it by putting this in the "camera tracking stop" script:
Putting something (anything) in the camera tracking stop script will stop any other camera scripts. Each control can run one script at a time, so this example shows how that
ControlCommand("Camera", CameraRecordStart)
#center camera on object
if($Cameraistracking = 1)
ControlCommand("Camera", CameraSnapshot)
ControlCommand("SMTP Client", SendImage, "Camera", "patrick.dierckx7@telenet.be", "patrick dierckx", "Motion detected", "Hey patrick, this is jd. I have detected motion in your house. Here's a picture of what I saw.")# you can change this to say what ever you want
ControlCommand("Camera", CameraRecordStop)
goto (start)
A PIR you can use - but it's an outdated and boring technology. I'd recommend using the camera instead. The camera has motion detection. So simply add a script for the tracking script to send a notification when it sees movement with the camera.
ub selling old stuff then.ok something to learn.thanks
Yeah - pir is what's used in old alarm systems that have been around since the 80's. Ub Tech doesn't use much new technology - their robots are pretty terrible and filled with cheap components. But, they have quite the marketing budget!
i bouth one robot from them the alpha2,worked a few months then they disconneted my robot from there server.there forum dissepeared, no contact. many on indiego didn get a refund or a robot.they lie about averything. a big shame,but we have ez robot.
I'm sorry to hear that, nomad. It is indeed a good thing we have ezrobot
@Nomad... all a PIR sensor is, (you can google it to find out exactly what it does)... is a $5 switch that's all it is. It measures infrared (IR) light radiating from objects... When it reads a change in IR light like from a human or animal that walks by it activates. When plugged into an EZB4 it will cause a digital port to "go high"... You read the digital port and write a script of what you want to do when it activates... It doesn't send emails or pictures or anything else... it's just a switch... As @DJ mentioned use the camera so you can use more advanced features...
I use one in my inMoov to detect if people are around... If no people are around I programmed inMoov to go to sleep. When people come in the room the PIR detector is activated and I have inMoov wake up...
hi RR
you have a great inmoove.thats sounds like a cool script you have.
is this a good pir sensor ?
another with movement detectection
@ Nomad Like DJ suggested, using the camera to this is very easy. I have the camera on my Inmoov set to detect motion and when it does, it takes a snap shot and then sends that snap shot to me in an email. I haven't tried a video of what it sees but it should be easy enough to do as well. Using the camera to this is more efficent as it takes the PIR out of the setup. If you want use the PIR, that would be easy to do as well. Once the PIR is triggered then the camera takes a video, then sends that video to you in an email. Let me know if you need a hand setting it up.
thanks for the help.i dont have a pir ,so i wil use the camera. if you have some pics or script for me what to do will be very helpfull.
@ Nomad, Sorry to take so to post this, I've been away. Put you email address and name in where I've indicated.
Let us know when you get it send a video (I haven't tried that yet)
this is awesome thank you.
i just notis ,what comes here ?
Use the slider on the bottom of the code box to move it over.
omg i didn see that.
jd takes pics and send it to a folder on my pc ,not to my mail adres. posseble cause my adres is BE ?
I wouldn't think that would matter, an email address is an email address. Check it and make sure it's entered right. Send me an email ( it's in my profile) and I'll try sending you from my robot.
i checked found one letter wrong ,but not working.
i put the script here.
I just have mine in the Script Manager. I my 'Init' Script I start the camera and this will run the script when motion is detected.
snapchot and video works.all is same except mail adres,jd dont send.
do i need to change here maybe ?
Send me an email. I’ll check a couple of others things in a bit.
Do you have the SMTP Client control activated and configured? It is in the Misc folder in the Controls. You need this.
Ah that will be the problem’
Is tat the iphone streaming ? In misc
ok smtp is a plugin,i have it downloaded.
mine says smtp.telenet.be port 587 but not ssl but tsl ?
i try all i read in the tutorial,not working.
Patrick, I use an email account on Yahoo with mine so my SMTP address is smtp.mail.yahoo.com and I had to find my settings from Yahoo for the port and if use SSL was needed or not.
Did smtp.telnet.be as the address come from your internet provider or was it your best guess? If it was your best guess try smtp.mail.telnet.be and if that fails then try again checking Use SSL.
hi justin
i look it up its like i wrote it.smtp.telenet.be thanks i try.
@Nomad, Mine is - smtp-mail.outlook.com. Try it like Justin suggested.
i did try that no luck sofar.i get error line 9 cant send it. below i read time out.
here a pic from telenet serversmtp.
smtp.telenet.be is clearly your smtp server name per them. So change the server name back to that and keep it that. Keep the port 587.
Try keeping the SSL checked as well. My concern is TLS which is close to SSL but not 100% the same. This might prevent it from authenticating correctly, it might not be possible with your email service.
Patrick, I assume you have your email password entered and it is just cleared out for the screen shot to share publically, correct? And I assume you are not loosing internet connection when trying this (just covering all the bases)?
If it keeps failing my best guess would be the TLS native cryptographic protocols from telenet.be is not compatible and I would recommend setting up a free email with a service like Yahoo! that has a known functional smtp interface.
yes i cover up my password.i do have another mail adres with a .com
from gmail.my internet stays good.
joepie its working.needs some audio do,would cool.
wow jd is disconnected but he still sends pic to my mail?
Glad to hear you got it working!
so how does it stop taking only one pic ?
Patrick, put your thinking hat on. How does anything else stop in ARC?
If you are running this code:
Your answer is to stop the script. Come on, with your thinking hat on I know you had to have known that.
remove start and goto?
Patrick, it's a script, just press STOP like very other scrip in ARC, I've seen you do that in your videos I know you know how to press stop to stop it from running like any other script and it will stop sending email pictures to you.
Or are you trying to ask how to modify the script in order to change it's behavior so it does something else for you?
ah i placed the script in the camera script,not separt. so i make a script outside camera settings.?
got it use the pause button.
Yes, you should always keeps your scripts separate from your controls unless you have a very good and specific reason to put them in the control settings of your control objects.
That was a good example of why you should NOT put a script like that there.
I recommend using Script Manager(s) to organize your scripts, then you can manually start and stop them. You can also create voice commands to start and stop your scripts. And if you get fancy you can use personality generators or versions of AI to let your robot choose when to run it's own scripts.
I think you learned a lot today Patrick!
yes indeed.the finding of the smtp on telenet alone was super, i finaly found something.ofcourse with some needed help here,
ok i changed to a separt script,and still works.
i will see what the script manager does.
thank you very much.
now its working on my phone to,inclu the pic too .awesome
its works really fast,the sec jd notest movement its comming allreddy ,
in my phone.
This has been an interesting post. I learned something. Glad you got it working Nomad
hi holy1
glad you like it also.next point will be video or sound in the mail.
Patrick, if you put a loop in the "camera tracking start", it will loop forever until a "camera tracking stop" script is executed. You can stop it by putting this in the "camera tracking stop" script:
Putting something (anything) in the camera tracking stop script will stop any other camera scripts. Each control can run one script at a time, so this example shows how that
hi dj
thats a new one for me.thanks for the tip.but wil i be able to stil use video record ?
Then just do this... Voila, done!
Put this in the Camera Tracking Start script...
Put this in the Camera Tracking Stop script...
great dj thanks.
is this correct for video?
ControlCommand("Camera", CameraRecordStart) #center camera on object if($Cameraistracking = 1) sleep(500) ControlCommand("Camera", CameraSnapshot)
ControlCommand("SMTP Client", SendImage, "Camera", "patrick.dierckx7@telenet.be", "patrick dierckx", "Motion detected", "Hey patrick, this is jd. I have detected motion in your house. Here's a picture of what I saw.")# you can change this to say what ever you want Sleep(2000) ControlCommand("Camera", CameraRecordStop) endif sleep(10000) goto (start)