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2 Amp In Current

is 2 amp in current low or much for the ezbv4? i found the guy whit the lazers my idea was to use 4 big servo's from here.for moving the head up&down. mount the camera on the left choulder (predator) and ontop of the camera, 3 lazers,they are 6 volt one red two blue.i will use the blue just, for tracking red baloons,ones the robot spotted blue goes out and red goed on. thats 2 amps for one lazer x3 is 6 amps just gessing


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You have 20 amp max at one time. If each device uses 2 amps then you could use 100 of them as long as you only use 9 at one time. 10 would be pushing it.


The larger concern would be how long the battery would last.


Are you sure if the amperage on those? 2 amps is very high for a red laser. Maybe right for a blue, but still seems high. I just bought 5v red lasers (10 for $6) that were 20mA not 2A.



@Nomad... Make sure you are powering those lasers from the power pin (red) on the ezb not the data pin (white)... Also don't use one pin for all 3 lasers, the board tracers per pin are rated at 5amps...

I would go the route @Alan suggested as well. I have the same 20mA 5v lasers that he has....


hi thanks for all responses.

thisone is desame thats bin use on the attacknids.



Those are powerful lasers. They are strong enough to light fires, burn skin, and instantly cause permanent blindness. I would recommend using the diodes for laser pointers, not dlp projectors unless your intent is to burn stuff. (they are much cheaper too).



@Nomad... LOL... Do you really think the manufacture used those high powered lasers in the Attacknid?.... You want to blind kids, do you?


hi alan

yes its powerfull,you need to by glases whit it.

does the lazer pointers choot balloons too?


@Nomad.... Ok, you and a dangerous high powered laser?.... Hmmm, why does that combination scare me?:P


No, laser pointers won't pop a balloon. It wasn't clear that is what you wanted to do. The ones you linked to will, but please be very careful with them, particularly the blue one. It can easily start fires and hurt you badly.




am making a small script like predator but in ARC. free commurcial for ez.


you dont have to be scared,i haven't it yet hehe

ps myo is charging now


@nomad.... Have you thought about this? When you're popping the balloons, what happens to the laser when the balloon pops? Won't it hit the next object in it's way, like a wall or? You're going to have to find a way to shut down the laser immediately once a balloon is popped....



yes indeed,the guy in the video uses a on/off switsh would it be possible to command the robot to deactivate lazer?


You'll have to be fast with the switch... light travels at 186,000 miles/second... To script for it, you will need something like a relay in order to turn the laser on and off with the ezb....


You can use a tip120 circuit to control the laser. You will also need a 6v voltage regulator to provide it steady 6v power. You can undervolt them without damage, just get a less powerful beam, but if you overvolt them you will experience the magic blue smoke.



@Alan... Ha, Ha.... Just had a magic blue smoke incident yesterday (although not my fault).... The wrist servo in my inMoov's left wrist burned up quite impressively... I mean, no flames but lots of aromatic blue smoke pouring out of his forearm... Ah, good times... Just wish I could have caught that on camera....:D


alan magi smoke for the lazer or ezbv4? whats a tip120 circuit?


oh boy in the video it looked all simpel



Blue smoke from Lasers, not EZ-B. They will burn up if given too much voltage.

A TIP120 (or 122) is a circuit that uses a transistor to switch the ground on and off on a higher voltage circuit using the low voltage signal wire on the EZ-B. They are so cheap and easy to make, you can't buy a commercially made one. An Arduino Relay board would also work if you don't want to make a circuit.

Here is a link to how to make a TIP120 circuit. Just a transistor, a resistor, and some wire. (the tutorial also has header pins and strip board, but I have made them "inline" without the header and strip board. Just laid it out on a breadboard first to make sure I had everything right.



Not just the tracing but the incoming power diode is rated at 5 amps , so beyond that magic smoke appears.