Upgrade to ARC Pro

Elevate your robot's capabilities to the next level with Synthiam ARC Pro, unlocking a world of possibilities in robot programming.


Hi @Nomad,

What exact device model are you using?

What's the distance between the engenius and your EZ-B?

Can you see other access points through the engenius adapter?

I have used an engenius USB network adapter in the past and it worked just fine.


If it's a router, does that mean you bought a new one?



I assumed he was talking about a network adapter for his PC, just found out Engenius also makes access points.


If you mean an access point, did you reset the EZ-B and reconnect it to the access point? Again, what's the model number? It might be a 5GHz AP.


Thanks @Niek.... @nomad are you sure you want to be messing with network stuff again?... :P


its an accses point engenius 300 repeater. its in close range whit ezb some 4 meters. on my android it says for bolt ezb-4 not visseble. the engenius is connected,so i figur some is wrong on the accses page, from engenius.but i cant find that page.

accses point

rr i cant use my android if i dont get it fixed,


If your ezb is in Client mode it won't show up in your wifi list.... The ezb has to be in WP mode for this...

United Kingdom

@Nomad, why did you change your set up? It took a long time and a lot of posts to get it sorted out the first time!

If it's not being found then it isn't broadcasting. However if you are looking for an EZ-B with a router then you're going to have problems over and over again.

  1. Reset everything.
  2. Follow all steps that you followed when you first set it all up (presumably you recorded what you needed to do in the case of a problem, right?..)
  3. Ask Mr Cochran politely to set it up for you again.
  4. Don't touch it once it's fixed!

its in wifi mode and i can see the ezb but its says not visseble.on android

United Kingdom

Perhaps you should do this first before touching your WiFi network...

FYI - WiFi mode? Both modes are WiFi! AP mode or Client mode? Does it say "I have successfully connected to your network"? How are you trying to find it on android? Through the wifi network list or via web browser? What IP?

Seriously, leave it alone, get back in touch with Mr Cochran and hope he is willing to help you out again.


i didn change for some reason the ezb's are not in range . i did leave message for d-cohran


So your ezb is flashing a blue LED (WP mode)? did you reboot the ezb and refresh your wifi list on your android?


@Rich... Ha, ha.... I clicked on your link and will probably end up reading a web page or two on this stuff myself....:)


rr its flaching green and i can connect on pc but not on android.


Well there is your problem... Green means it is in Client mode... It won't show up in your wifi list until it is in WP mode, which is blue...

@nomad, I am no network guru, but I know not to touch things that are over my head... I think you need to do what @Rich says and not touch anything and try and get d.cochran to help again....


rr wp mode is ap?


rr i saw this video.alll is ok on that page.



It's not the video, read what's below.... Tells you the difference between WP and Client modes...



Are your other wifi devices able to see each other?

I think I have the router set to restart nightly so a restart of the router shouldn't be needed. Your SSID is EnGenius. Do you remember your password? if not I will send it to you.

You will need to use a phone to connect to HTTP:// after connecting to the EZ-B via your wifi settings. At that point you will need to go to client mode and then put in EnGenius for the SSID and enter your password. You will then tell it to apply the setting and click okay on the box that pops up telling you that you are going to loose you connection to your network.

At that point, the EZ-B should reboot and tell you that you are on your network. We used mac filtering so if this is a new EZ-B, it wont be allowed to get onto the network. if it is one of your other two EZ-B's they will work.

At this point, you will have to scan for the EZ-B in ARC so that it knows which IP was assigned to the EZ-B by the router.

Please try this and let me know.

Thanks David


hi d cohran

i made this android app.thats when i spotted the error. i wanted to test it.

i know my password.its not a new ezb4 i let you know,thanks


Is the android app setup to connect to the network? I think we left it to be able to connect to the wifi.

It looks like you are able to connect from your computer to the EZ-B without an issue. Is this correct?


yes i can connect on pc on android it says engenius


What color is the light on the top of the ez-b and is it flashing or solid?


On your pc, which wifi connection does it say you are connected to?


yes am succsesfully connected


The Android apps will default to

After opening the your app in ARC Mobile, when you hit the Connect button, you need to update the IP address to the address of your EZ-B. The Android app does not have a search function so you need to know the address.

Also, ARC on your PC can not be connected when you try to connect with Android. It is one or the other, not both.



I am going to ask you a list of questions. Please answer each one of them.

Does the app work from the PC?

In your wireless connections on you PC, what does it show as the network that you are connected to?

What network does it show on your android?

What I am assuming is the following

The PC is connecting to the EZ-B in AP mode which bypasses the Engenius router. The PC is working with the app.

The Android is connecting to the engenius (in client mode) Because the EZ-B isnt in Client mode and not on the engenius, you wont see it from the Android.

Please answer all 3 of the questions above.

Thanks David


d,cohran yes the app works on pc engenius engenius

thanks alan

that was one off mine question to


This is all good news. So the issue isn't with the network. I haven't tried the android app much at all. Alan sounds like he has. Please follow his instructions for changing the IP address to access the EZ-B.

If you are connected to the EZ-B on the PC, write down the IP address that it is using to connect to the EZ-B and then disconnect. From there you will need to put this IP in on your android as Alan discussed above to connect to the EZ-B.



ok thank you very much. indeed ip is the one alan says.


If I get some time today, I will try to connect to the ez-b with my android and get more familiar with it. I need to do this soon anyway. I will let you know if I see anything that needs to be mentioned.

I have to prepare to teach today along with my normal job. I dont think I will have time until this evening.

Thanks David


d cohran thats ok.i saw on the webpage ap mode is the ezbv4 from android.


i found it all back thanks to alan&d.cohran&rr it was resetbutton and ip android is diff then ip pc.

thank you all

simpel app whit two servo and voice.


If you used the reset button on the ez-B, you are now back in AP mode, which allows devices to attach directly to the EZ-B without being on the network. To get your computer to access the EZ-B again, you will have to switch it back to client mode.

Just wanted to let you know incase you run into issues when you use your computer to try to connect to the ez-b.


d.cohran sofar all good.its diff proces avery time to use your android but am very happy whit achiefment.


@nomad... AP mode (as d'cochran said) is for any device connecting directly to the ezb, not just your android... Client mode is where your ezb becomes part of your wifi network and devices like your PC connect to it indirectly through your router...



yes i saw the video link you gave.