— Edited
does any has a foto how to connect the wires from roli on ezbv4. i have a purple color green black blue white grey and power red/black cant find a tutorial with these colors.
does any has a foto how to connect the wires from roli on ezbv4. i have a purple color green black blue white grey and power red/black cant find a tutorial with these colors.
ah thanks alan.didn find this one.
@thetechguru, Is there a list or index of all the tutorials?
Thanks, Frank for EZ-B created courses for user created tutorials (although in many cases, EZ-Robots is the user)
I am not sure why people have so much trouble using and finding info in the Learn section here... I usually find what I want or need to know within a minute or two... The learn section and tutorial section are an easy to use, easy to find wealth of information... My dad used to say... "you just need to look past your nose".... Just my 2 cents... "Search" is your friend and the links Alan gave are also accessible right up there in the website's main page tool bar....
i checked all tutorials and i didn see the one alan has. maybe i chould check longer.
i just check it again.dont see the one from alan.i made a pic ,usefull for everyone.
Nomad, it is in the ROLI course - 4th chapter. It is also in the assembly instructions in the ROLI sample project.
It could not have been in a more obvious location when looking for anything to do with ROLI.
There is also an entire Robot Program devoted to assembling and using ROLI that has more video if you need that:
Frank, look At the menu on this website. See where it says learn? And also notice that everytine someone types learn, it highlights blue? That means it's clickable. Also the word activities highlights and a few other words. You click on those and it brings you to the learn section incase you miss the learn menu option.
To visit the community section (the place you are now), the learn menu option is right beside it.
indeed there it there are the tutorials from all the robots. and there is the tutorial the learn section.
is there a reason why all the robots use connection 0 ? and why not excample ,
connection 0 = six connection 1 = jd connection 2 = roli connection 3 = adventure bot connection 4 = combine excample six+jd
Because using a connection other than connection 0 adds complexity to scripts and objects that anyone who isn't using multiple EZ-Bs in the same project does not need.
so you need always two pc 's or two ARCs to open to use two ez robots. so thats why some windows has no option to choose connection 0-1-2-3-4
i have a mecanoid using two ARC to use the robot,cause i cant use , connection 1-2-3-4 i use two ezbv4 one arms and head and one for Hbridge.
Hi all, Thanks for information on the Learn section and the tutorials. I'm really familiar with these sections and I agree that they provide a wealth of information. In fact, I even wrote a tutorial myself
I think I should have phrased my question not as a "how do I?" but more as a "feature request"
I "wish" there was a way to browse a "titles list" of all the tutorials without having to scroll through this list which is not searchable
The closest thing I can find is in the community Forum Search, but even if I select "Tutorials" I get lots of non-tutorial results.
Maybe add a way to select only tutorials?
Thanks, Frank
You will ONLY get tutorial results by selecting tutorial during search. That's the way search works and why the option is there. Enjoy!
Also, to see a list of activities for your robot, visit the learn section. You can access the learn section by pressing learn at the top menu of this website.
The question marks on any control will bring you to help about that control - and include a list of relevant activities.
Lastly, when ARC loads, it prompts for you to select a robot. This brings you to the relevant tutorials and activities. Although you may have disabled this feature by typing NO LEARN in the disable option.
In the learn section, select your robot and a list of activities are on the left.
Everything is linked together. Every activity. Every control. Every robot. All linked. This makes it impossible to avoid finding help. It takes effort to not use the help and activities. You actually have to try to ignore it
. I'm personally incredibly proud of the amount of help and activities that ezrobot provides - and specially proud of how it all links together. It's amazing the effort ezrobot has put into product education compared to anything else out there. With the robot program videos and a beautifully organized learn section. Automatic links in forum messages (they are in blue) that highlight when terms are typed like activities or ControlCommand() or Movement Panel etc etc.
There's so much integration between the software and website.
With a focus on so much product education, it's the reason so very few people visit the forum for support relative to the number of users. It's great! People are creating rather than struggling - unlike our competitors
Have fun!
so only me some others are constant on the forum.haha cant help it .i dont see it .
@DJ, You are absolutely right... Tutorial restriction works just as advertised.... I can't believe that I failed to click the search button AGAIN after selecting my search restriction..
my bad
Thanks for all the great documentation and training materials
@Nomad, I understand your frustration in searching when you get loads of search results.
I suggest you try this approach first when looking for specific information... Use the search function with Tutorials checked which will direct you to specific EZ-Robot answers instead of forum postings.
For example search for Roli or even wiring with the Tutorial option checked and you will get results like this instead of 10's or 100's of results
Of course, the lessons are also packed with useful information on Revolution robots
Regards, Frank
thanks for the tip.
sorry to bring this up again.stil have problems with the H-bridge . mine left go's right and visa versa.only forwart and backwart is good. is this pic correct ?
Hello @Nomad,
Yes, both pictures are correct.
hi jeremie
i connected it same as in pic.same colors.
so is this pic correct?
thank you
Yes, those are the correct ports for Roli.
Use this picture as reference to see if the motors are connected to the correct side of the H-Bridge:
Left motor goes to the left side of the H-Bridge and right motor goes to the right side of the H-bridge.
yes thats the pic am looking for.but problem still using a meccanoid, robot .i put the wheels on the outside of the robot. it gifs more stability.i think thats change the direction of left and right.
Ah yes, that's the reason!
If you flip the orientation of the motor the robot will move in the opposite direction.
okay thanks jeremie.
@Nomad you should just be able to reverse the wiring on each side of the H-bridge (ex: A wire to B terminal and B wire to A terminal) and the robot should go back to the correct functionality.
*Edit Just reverse the motor wires, don't reverse the power wires
like this ?
great i am redo my first part is reddy now.
okay i figured out thanks with jeremie.if you turn your meccanoid wheels , outside then use these have to switchs the wires from left to right, and visa versa.
keep the colors left side red on top black below. right side is black on top red below
Great @Nomad! Glad you figured it out!