Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Ad Second Ezbv4 To Project

hi all

i'm using a second ezbv 4 on my project . how do i ad a second connection to my script of that second ezbv4 ? connection 1 is a iotiny and second connection 2 is an ezbv4 .

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Related Hardware EZ-B v4
Related Control EZB Connection


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In ARC, you can manage multiple EZ-B connections using the EZ-B Connection skill. Here's how you can add a second connection for your EZ-B v4:

  1. Open your project in ARC.
  2. Click on the "Project" tab in the top menu, then select "Add Skill".
  3. In the "Skill Store" window, select "Communication" from the categories on the left.
  4. Find and select the "EZ-B Connection" skill and click "Add Skill".
  5. In the newly added EZ-B Connection skill, you will see multiple connection slots. Connection 0 is likely already in use for your IoTiny.
  6. In Connection 1, enter the IP address or COM port of your second EZ-B v4.
  7. Click the "Connect" button next to Connection 1 to establish the connection.

Now, your second EZ-B v4 is connected and ready to use in your project. When you want to control or read from this EZ-B in your scripts, you will need to specify the connection index. For example, if you want to move a servo on the second EZ-B, you would use the command Servo(1.D0, 90), where 1 is the connection index for the second EZ-B.

Remember, most skills default to using connection 0, so you will need to specify the connection index for any skills you want to use with the second EZ-B.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.


when i ad that skill connection .it starts at number 5 not number 1 ? how do i AD that to my script ?


Ignore adding that skill. Athena must have thought you meant adding 5 ezbs for some reason. Just use the reference to the ezb as she mentioned.

servo(2.d0 or servo(1.d0



hi dj

i'm using pwm's 3 colors . so i ad in the script connection(1) ?


Add your second ezb to the index 1 of the connection control

then the ports are 1.d0 for the second ezb. 0.d0 for first ezb

so pwm(1.d0, 50) for second ezb


hi dj

yes that works . pwm(1.100)

thank you