Upgrade to ARC Pro

ARC Pro will give you immediate updates and new features needed to unleash your robot's potential!

United Kingdom

Can you give more detail? Such as which feature you are using, what's connected to the EZ-B, what the debug window says when it disconnects etc.


any feather i wanna try it disconnects or ARC crach. and i wanted to use just two servo's like auto possition or callibration , or just simpel horizontal servo all crach or disconnects.

i foget to tell you,normal when you open ARC it opens the callibrationpage off you project.that does ARC no more.

sorry about the callibration again.


Have you tried uninstalling ARC then downloading a fresh copy and re-installing it?...

United Kingdom

What's connected to the EZ-B? What does the debug window say when it disconnects? Are the servos connected correctly and proven to be working fine?

ARC wont always ask for a servo profile when you open a project. Does the project ask for a fine tuning profile if you open it on a different PC?

United Kingdom


am on win7 this pc

Don't you need .NET 4.5 for ARC? Have you checked that?


@feganmeister He has .NET... He already had it working for a long time now, but for some reason today @nomad is having trouble with ARC...


hi all

yes i uninstal it and reinstaltit back

United Kingdom

What's connected to the EZ-B? What does the debug window say when it disconnects? Are the servos connected correctly and proven to be working fine?


two servo's new ones.

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this is after disconnecting.

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United Kingdom

Please could you click "Copy" on the debug console and paste the contents?


i forgot how to do that.

EZB 0: 11/12/2014 23:09 - TCP Server stopped

EZB 1: 11/12/2014 23:09 - TCP Server stopped

EZB 2: 11/12/2014 23:09 - TCP Server stopped

EZB 3: 11/12/2014 23:09 - TCP Server stopped

EZB 4: 11/12/2014 23:09 - TCP Server stopped

11/12/2014 23:09 - TCP Server stopped 11/12/2014 23:09 - TCP Server stopped 11/12/2014 23:09 - TCP Server stopped 11/12/2014 23:09 - TCP Server stopped 11/12/2014 23:09 - TCP Server stopped 11/12/2014 23:10 - Attempting connection on 11/12/2014 23:10 - Connection Failed: System.TimeoutException: Er is een time-out opgetreden voor de bewerking. bij EZ_B.EZB.Connect(String hostname, Int32 baudRate) 11/12/2014 23:10 - Disconnected 11/12/2014 23:10 - Attempting connection on 11/12/2014 23:10 - Connected to 11/12/2014 23:10 - EZ-B reports EZ-B v4 OS 11/12/2014 23:10 - Welcome to EZ-B v4 Beta! 11/12/2014 23:10 - EZ-B v4 ID: 53-54-0-0-47-255-59-60-60-38-38-38 11/12/2014 23:10 - Connected 11/12/2014 23:10 - Setting battery monitor voltage: 6.6 11/12/2014 23:10 - Setting battery protection: True 11/12/2014 23:10 - Setting i2c rate: 100000

United Kingdom

So obviously some timeout issue somewhere confused On the second screenshot, there appears to be something like this:

8bytesToExpect: 2
? ?
- Disconnected

Is that no longer appearing in the debug console when it disconnects?

EDIT: Those two question marks were tone bars, looks like they were stripped out when I posted... should've expected that :)


it just crach ARC.i also dont see by open ARC the follow building, i dont see the ? marks

United Kingdom

It might be nothing, I just noticed this from your second photo:

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Are you able to upload your EZB project file? I'm on v3 but happy to try loading it on my PC if that's any help?


hey nomad, I realised you have your ezb connected to you network in client mode.

do you have the same problem in AP mode when you directly connect to the ezb?

Try pushing the reset button on the ez-b and let us know what happens.


vgosine it says resseting and led turn blue.its normal goes thru android phone, but i cant get on the web server



yes i can upload my project


@nomad LOL.... how do you manage these things.... you broke ARC....:P


Hi Nomad,

Do you have an anti-virus program installed on your Win 7 PC, or do you have a wired ethernet connection going to it?

United Kingdom

In case others aren't aware of this, @nomad had huge issues with the wifi previously. His EZ-B is in client mode and it must remain in client mode, it will not work in AP mode due to some networking issue he has (nothing to do with the EZ-B itself).

@Nomad, the debug you copied and pasted is stating that it's timed out before it made connection. This is before any control, feature (or feather) or anything. The issue is not ARC but your network.

Based on previous (and long drawn out) topics I would suggest sticking to one PC which you know works. There is no real need to use another PC for testing. If you must use another PC for testing follow Jeremie's advice and check on virus protection and multiple networks.

Also, I believe feganmeister was requesting that you post the project rather than just asking if you could post it. You didn't upload it to your reply... (However I don't believe the issue to be the project)



wired whit the adaptor from ENgenius.but i need to connect thru android. thats the problem,i cant get on that webserver.

rr i spend all day making the kd and chest from parts i have let printed. it was really bad day.and now just for two servo's averything gets stress

am done whit new updates from gets worse avery time

United Kingdom

You'll find the ARC updates make it better every time not worse. It is not the software at fault here, if it was then there would be others complaining of the same problems.


sorry rich but thats not my exsperiance.

ps.ok i found the webserver back.

United Kingdom

Not updating ARC is not going to solve the problems, there is a problem there which needs solving. Masking it will not solve it. Asking for help and ignoring it will not solve it. Not taking the advice given will not solve it.


here a little video hope that helps a little

United Kingdom

Again, are the servos known to be OK? Are they connected correctly? Is the battery OK?


Just a thought, maybe nothing but... I have had my EZB disconnect because of drawing too much power through it... 6 Servos locked all at once and the ezb disconnected... Maybe the servos are tripping the EZB internal fuse(s)? @Nomad, as Rich suggested.... check the servos to make sure they are functioning correctly...



these are two brand new servo's what i think is the problem.normal when you open your project. first thing ARC ask to choose callibration page before open your project. this is not happening,it opens straight your project.


So why can't you open a new project then? What happens when you do?


rr it still stay desame.disconnecting and craching.


this is all i could get.poor printing,gess i have to do whit it. i do like the head


anthony what do you mean,?

well i try servo's new project-uninstall builder and reinstall. am done for today thanks for the respons

d.cohran if you can contact me please.

United Kingdom

@nomad, I said this before but you obviously chose not to read it. You don't always get asked for a servo profile on opening a project. This is not your problem.

Do the servos work? New or not they may be faulty! Are they connected correctly? Is the battery OK?

I am unable to offer any further advice until those three questions are answered!


@Nomad... you should answer Rich's question.... You said the servos are new... but....

  1. Have you actually tested them to make sure they work properly?
  2. What brand are they? Digital or analog?
  3. What are their power rating?
  4. Can you open a new ARC project without the servos? Brand new project with no controls added yet?

rr sofar i have is,yes i can open ARC whithout servo's servo's are digital i tested and calibrated the servo's first

what i found sofar is all digital ports act desame. i can only use one servo tested whit fully chaged batteries,but they drain rapid more then ussuall i also the new acses point ENGENIUS blinking i checked the fuse and is ok

i like your way off exsplaining thanks

ps anthony found her choes, bad i cant let them print.

United Kingdom
  1. How did you check the fuse? It's a self resetting fuse on the EZ-B!
  2. What did you test the servos using?
  3. How did you calibrate them? Calibrate them to what exactly? Your video shows no arms on the robot...
  4. Are the servos connected to the EZ-B correctly?

If the battery is draining it's being used. If it's draining rapidly it's being used more. Check for any shorts, any other devices which may be draining it. If in doubt put your multimeter inline between the battery Vcc and the EZ-B Vcc and check the current draw while everything is idle.



i open the ezb and see if sitting good the fuse. calli the horizontal and hip am making connect to ezb color on color good tip to test the batt



@Nomad... Rich is not talking about the 20amp main fuse in the ezb base... Mine did the same thing... had 6 servos lock up until the 14A (Resettable) Polyfuse (not the 20amp fuse in the ezb base) must have tripped. The ezb would not respond to any servo movement commands until I powered off the ezb for a while and let the poly fuse reset itself...

My guess is those new servos of yours are drawing too much power (either faulty or driving too big of a load) and causing the poly fuse to trip...



i use rechargebles batt eneloop AA today the ezb is not chowing up ,not even whit the radar surh. i got mail from my intenet provider they disconnect something, about a tunneling.dont know what that is. do you have any idea why the calli fine tune not show up first like normal?


The scan tool will only work if your ezb4 is in Client mode (green LED on the ezb). If it is in WP (Blue LED) you'll need to locate your ezb in your wifi list...

It's not ARC causing the problem, that's for sure....

United Kingdom

Nomad, how many more times do I need to tell you that the servo profile is not always requested when you open a project? Your project does not require a servo profile therefore it does not ask for one.

AA batteries are likely to be under powered for driving large servos. Use a LiPo battery.

If the EZ-B isn't showing up then it's not on the same network as your PC is on. Connect to the same network. If it's client mode you will need to reset the EZ-B, log in to the admin pages and set up client mode again. If it's in AP mode then you shouldn't need to scan for it.

Your ISP and anything they do will not affect your EZ-B or your LAN, they can only affect your WAN. Your WAN is not important when looking at the EZ-B and PC connection.


rr its in green mode

rich AA rechargeble was recomended here by someone. so you found the problem why its always disconnect.i have two lipo from, here just waiting for the male connector.

thank you all


So the problem ended up being a power problem...? More precisely, not enough of it because @nomad was using AA rechargeables? Hmmm, go figure....

United Kingdom

It's unclear if that was the problem or not.


it was because i was using rechargeble AA i order de male wire from the original batt.


Hey Nomad,

I'm not sure it it helps you or not but a lot of RC hobby shops sell the Male Deans connector either by itself or on the end of a wire or splitter (that you could salvage).

Do you have a local RC shop?


i have ordered from ebay,yes we have a local rc chop.

thank you jeremie

dean connector

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i kept one original and the other i solder thik wire on.



just wanted to let you know bolt.i do read and try. but its very diff for me at that speed your are working. it was the power source.



Ok @nomad so remember if the voltage drops below a certain point (I think drop out voltage is just under 5V) the ezb will disconnect and reboot... So when you are using power hungry devices (like servos) with your ezb you need to have a very good battery like a lipo to power it...



iff i not mistaken i did read not to drop the batt below 6.6 volts


No, that's the low voltage warning for the Lipo battery...If you drain a lipo battery below 6.6V it will be ruined... The ezb's board (logic part part of it) works on 5V like virtually all other logic devices. If the ezb's voltage drops below 5V it will reset...

I run my ezb from a 6V SLA battery with no issues at all... I set the low battery warning to 5.5v instead of 6.6 (which I would use if I was using a 7.4V Lipo)...



yes thats what i mean